Adonica Shaw - Shatter Your Own Glass Ceiling: Break the Wellness Habits that Are Holding You (And Your Career) Back

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Shattering Your Own Glass Ceiling: A Woman's Guide to Success

"Successful women are not those who have never faced adversity. Instead, they are those who have met obstacles head-on, developed the grit to traverse them, and then used these experiences as stepping stones to reach greater heights." - Donica Shaw

What Does Breaking a Glass Ceiling Mean?

Typically, the term ‘glass ceiling’ is often associated with women’s journey into leadership roles. It represents the unseen barriers preventing them from achieving the higher rungs of the ladder in their careers. With a growing number of women stepping into the ‘C Suite,’ starting their own ventures, and playing pivotal roles in technology, health, fintech, etc., it is critical to shift the focus to self-analysis and self-management for achieving long-term career success.

The Beliefs That Shape Our Lives

Our beliefs play a significant role in forming our perceptions about possibilities in life. Irrespective of whether we acknowledge it or not, the notion of what a woman can or cannot achieve begins forming at a very young age. For many, these beliefs are developed based on their interactions with influential female figures in their lives, which could be a mother, mentor, or even a colleague.

The Concept of Success: A New Perspective

As women break into formidable roles, holding 29% of executive positions globally, the definition of success needs a little refining. The idea is to shift our perception of success from being something that is ‘achieved’ to being something that is ‘sustained.’ It should be envisioned as a journey rather than a destination.

The Key to Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Given that it’s not enough to just break the glass ceiling, the pressing question is how we can retain our positions once we climb through it. This retention and further growth are only possible by understanding and managing ourselves better, a concept I like to term as ‘holistic women’.

Navigating the Self-Care Personalities

  • Nutritional Self Care: Nourishment plays a crucial role in sustaining our energy levels needed for persistent hard work.
  • Social Self Care: Leveraging support from friends and family can help balance professional and personal life effectively without burning out.
  • Professional Self Care: Nurturing networking skills and building a positive reputation is a vital part of professional development.
  • Domain Self Care: Keeping the environment organized, whether at home or the workplace, helps maintain focus and effectiveness.
  • Financial Self Care: Managing finances wisely can reduce anxiety and stress levels, thereby contributing to your overall productivity and success.
  • Spiritual Self Care: Establishing a spiritual routine or practice can provide the inner strength and peace required to handle challenging situations.

Steps to Breaking Your Own Glass Ceiling

  1. Examine Your Beliefs: Start with understanding your perceptions and identifying the barriers you face in your growth.
  2. Identify Self-Care Areas: Uncover which self-care personality type you align with and work towards improving that.
  3. Create a Plan: Formulate practical strategies to tackle the identified obstacles and improve your self-care.
  4. Manage Long-term: Ensure that your plan is sustainable for persistent growth and success.

Always remember, your success is not determined by external factors or achievements, but by how well you manage your holistic self in your journey.

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