Delphine Fleury From fog to clarity: how unveiling your 10 year vision can light up your mornings

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Realizing Your 10-Year Vision

Hello, and welcome to our discussion. I am Delphine, and today, we'll dive into the process of visualizing and realizing your 10-year vision. As a content strategist, I have assisted brands in finding their unique identities. Now, it's time to use those skills, support you in gaining clarity about your purpose, and help you design your ideal life.

Importance of Envisioning Your Future

Over the years, I have discovered that a vision of one's future can dramatically improve life's fulfillment, focus, and direction. Identifying the version of yourself that you aspire to be ten years from now will not only provide you with a clear destination but will also equip you with tools to make better, easier decisions.

In this session, I invite you to envision an ideal average day in your life, ten years from now. This is a dream-big exercise, yet one grounded in practicality as it's about crafting an achievable, ideal day, not an exceptional one.

Dream Big, But Don’t Limit Yourself

Sky is the limit. Don't limit yourself in any way when envisioning your future self – forget obligations, age, money, and location constraints. It's essential to dream big. At the same time, refrain from passing judgment on yourself or comparing yourself with others. Now, let's dive into the visualization exercise

Embarking On The Visualization Journey

We'll start by imagining we’re drifting into a peaceful sleep, snug in a comfy cloud, observing the world from up high. As the cloud begins to return to Earth, it’s important to remember that we’re stepping into a life ten years in the future.

Once you have journeyed to your future self in 10 years from now, start probing:
- Where are you?
- What does your home look like?
- Who are you with?
- How do you spend your evening?

Record in detail all that you see and feel. It's vital to detail everything, from colors to furniture types, and especially your feelings, as they are the key to this exercise. Remember, if your future seems uncomfortable or unachievable, it means you're stepping outside your comfort zone – and that's a good thing!

Turning Your Vision Into Reality

The next step is to turn this envisioned future into your everyday reality. Begin by connecting often to your vision, maybe through daily meditation. Incorporate aspects of your vision into your present life. You might want to change your morning routine to reflect that of your future self, or make other changes to make you feel as if you're already living that 10-year vision today.

Remember, your vision isn’t a static entity, it will evolve over time. So, allow it to be flexible and remain open to changes as they occur. Finally, take this journey seriously, but enjoy it. The vision of your life ten years from now should not only provide a direction, but it should also inspire and uplift you.

Useful Resources

You can download the guided meditation, the mind map of all the questions, and the slide deck from our session from the following URL [insert URL here]. These resources will aid you in your journey to visualize and manifest your 10-year vision.


Your 10-year vision has the power to guide your decisions and illuminate your path. Begin today, envision your future, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or through my website for further assistance. Thank you, and here's to realizing your goals!

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