Basant Shenouda Online Personal Branding: Establishing Yourself as a Thought Leader

Automatic Summary

Mastering Online Personal Branding: Undiscovered Path to Thought Leadership

Welcome to this enlightening session on online personal branding and the doors it can open for you in your journey to becoming a thought leader. My name is Noda, a career coach, and an incoming sales associate at LinkedIn. I'm here to guide you on cultivating a meaningful personal brand in the digital space, leveraging my experience in amassing over 5 million online imprints over two years.

The Power of Online Personal Branding

With everything shifting online in today's digital society, building a personal brand has never been so impactful. Some may wonder, "Why should I develop an online personal brand?" The simple answer is influence and opportunity. A strong online personal brand brings with it a global reach and awareness that surpasses local boundaries.

From increased visibility to spontaneous networking, an online personal brand is a conduit for opportunities to flow your way with minimal effort. With global awareness, your personal brand becomes the first thing that pops into most people's minds when they think about your niche. This not only attracts inbound leads for your business but also brings about a legions of loyal followers who resonate with the ideals your brand stands for.

Personal Brand Journey: Inspirations

  1. Tim: A product manager who grew a large following on LinkedIn through thought leadership on management. His personal brand opened up job opportunities and widened his influence.
  2. Yeah Band: A fiercely proud personality who managed to revive her music career through deliberate personal branding and is now a key influencer at Microsoft.
  3. Mark: A mental health advocate who shared his journey to mental wellness, accruing followers who resonated with his story, leading to a successful podcast and a booked based on his personal brand experience.

What is a Personal Brand and Why You Need One

Wondering "What is a personal brand?". In essence, your personal brand is a unique blend of your purpose, story, and talent that creates an individual experience unreplicable by anyone else. This is why it's crucial to brilliantly showcase your brand to the world, especially during challenging times where remote opportunities are all the rage. Sharing your brand image connects you with the audience, community, and opportunities that align with your goals.

Goal-oriented Content is Key

Creating content isn't all about showcasing your brand – it's about working towards your goals through that content. Remember to deliver value consistently to your audience, keeping them engaged and in sync with your personal brand. Also, it's essential to maintain authenticity by sharing your raw experiences, being relatable, and personable.

Exploring Online Channels for Personal Branding

One key decision you'll need to make in your personal branding journey is deciding the right platform to use. Both paid and organic channels exist, but organic channels are advantageous as they are free and have vast potential for spread. Some platforms to consider include LinkedIn, Medium, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook groups.

Creating High-Value Content

Key to a successful personal brand is creating valuable and consistent content. This involves posting regularly and ensuring your content is educational, entertaining, or supportive. Keep in mind, the rule of thumb for content creation is: create content that can't be Googled. Unique insights go a long way in establishing authority in your domain.

Value-adding Opportunities

Everyone has something valuable to add. Do not underestimate your potential to contribute impactful content. There's a myriad of ways in which your personal brand can provide value, from creating communities of belonging, sharing industry expertise to offering support and mentorship.

Benefits of Personal Branding

What goes around, comes around. The more value you put in your content, the more value you will receive. Whether it's building relationships, creating opportunities, support, or community, personal branding will always yield vast returns.

In conclusion, I hope this session arms you with the needed insight to start building your online personal brand. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn if you have any questions or need any further elaboration. Happy personal branding!

Video Transcription

Who pain here everyone. Thank you so much for session today. I'm super excited and it's gonna be a lot of fun. We're going to be speaking about online personal branding and how you can become later personal brand and through becoming a thought leader.You so much opportunity of your career, really dive into this and value through your journey. Today. I am my name is Noda. I am an incoming bop associate work in sales at linkedin next year and I am also a career coach where I help people become more endless fear, opportunity, branding, all that fun stuff. Since creating an online personal brand about two years ago, I like 5 million online. I've gained my current job. Um I've gained speaking engagements the work. So it's so to create a self and really get a game almost in your career. So really excited to dive here and a question that I is, why should I develop an online personal branding is huge now to business and just um in speech in general, actually helpful. So is you a lot of you gain a huge global reach that isn't attainable from just having a brand locally? And things like that.

I will know who you are um later in a much longer and you'll gain a lot more opportunity through that rather than just having reached locally, right? And you'll also get large brand awareness. So more and more people will be aware of you and what you do, what you stand. It's also OK to gain opportunity because people are aware and almost like a mass networking tool. So when you have a first brand, um you're constantly ne for you having to put in the effort, people individually, it's like a mass kind of tool to opportunities, opportunities presented to you need to put in as much effort before. Just because um again, people are aware of you got that the global awareness, when some thinks about a topic, their mind will very aware of what you do, right? And a lot of inbound leads to your business for specific start up or your own self even. Um and inbound leads are based. So people will reach out to you as opposed to you always proactively needing to reach out to people. Also, I'll be very and will be handed to you. Lot of you'll get loyal and just a lot from that you've created your online personal brand. So again, as you can see relation support uh beneficial to you, right?

And these are some incredible people I know of who have developed personal brands and were able to get ahead individually, their businesses. The first thing I have here is Tim, who a really big on linkedin. He's a product man and he's really developed a large following through salt leadership on management and management and through following personal birth, um uh become an wide and also create job opportunities for himself and personal brand. Oh, now he got his and has developed a large following for his, for the Yeah, band specifically is about delivering the bold showcasing her, what she's about her skills. She was able to find a like was able to revive and now she works at Microsoft getting through her personal brand and she's now a keynote speaker because she was so intentional and um her personal brand created huge awareness for her and her and mark and um his personal mental health and being a big mental health advocate.

And since up, Ken, I finding uh sharing his purpose through sharing herself through thought leadership on mental health. He's his podcast and write a book um and be very successful. No brandy. And these are just some ideas able to develop a brand and gain opportunity for their own start ups, their business. And um he even getting jobs that goes to the question. We started at the beginning of this chat, which was what is a personal brand and really your brand is your purpose, your story and your talent to create this kind of unique experience that's never seen before. And I know it's super cliche, but no one's gonna have your very same brand just because it's very unique, right? Um So when it comes to your purpose, I want you to think about who am I here to help? What am I here to change? We all have, we're working trying to improve what is that for you? Um For me personally, it was because I was struggling so much with jobs, purpose became helping people with the same circumstances in me. And that became my purpose in terms of my specific personal brand and also your story. So we all have certain adversities. We all have certain um things that we've gone through and a lot of the time that already links to our purpose.

But what are some things that you struggled with? What are some things that you experienced? What is your story overall? Now, I say if um you were to write a book and that kind of points you almost in the right direction, right? Um Furthermore, what is your talent and how can that be used almost online? So I'm very introverted and a lot of people tell me that um that I'm a really good listener and I was able to really incorporate that with my community. I was able to be a good listener to them, very um empathetic there for them. I write content for them. Um So that's basically my brand and the important thing is it's not about just having a brand, it's about sharing it with the world, right? And I think especially right now with everything going on, it's so important to have a remote way to gain business, to gain opportunities, all these different things and go through doing these online, right? And I can't stress this enough. It's so important for you to really spread out and um share yourself with the world through your online personal brand. It's super important. Um And through these tough times, you'll really gain community support opportunities, whatever you'd like, right? And through your personal brand, that's when you need to create content that will showcase yourself. But one thing I really encourage everyone to think about is it's not just about creating content or having a personal brand and just creating the content around that, right?

It's about having a goal and working towards that goal through your content. So it's very important to have an audience in mind, think about what that audience wants, what you want from that audience and to create a community and a brand around that. So it's also very important to be consistent if you write about a specific topic, try and not weave around away from that topic too much. It's really about um showcasing that brand, but per your goal. So make sure is this piece of content I'm writing or is the brand I've created for myself? What will get me ahead and what will get me to my goals? Not other goals. If yes, then you're on the right track, but it's just very important that everything you write, everything you think about everything is very intentional. Um Furthermore, I really encourage everyone here to be very open. I know it's very hard, especially because this is online and you're branding online and all this thing, all these things. But um it's very important to be relatable and very vulnerable because that's how people will relate to your story, right? And it's so important because, um, that's, it's everyone, especially online, put like a highlight reel, what's going on with them? Positively and you're only gonna get ahead of the game if you stand out somehow.

So think about how can you be open, showcase a side of yourself that isn't really available. And, um, how are you trying to help people through that kind of story? I know it's difficult but, um, it, it really works and I think when I was struggling with job hunting, struggling with visa sponsorship, all these kind of like failures and rejections, people related to that so much because it wasn't found anywhere else. And what I really encourage you to think about this is my personal brand. What content can I create that can't be Googled, right? Where can that can be found anywhere else? And, but it's a process and it's um, really worthwhile for you and your community, man. A lot of people ask me, um, what channels can I explore um for my, for my online personal brand and it really depends. So um a lot of people invest a lot of time in creating an Instagram, a Facebook page, all these things. And what I really encourage you to think about is there's pay channels and there's organic channels, pay channels are really difficult to grow without paying uh for your content to be promoted. Um And that's paid advertising and that's something Instagram and Facebook really try to push forward to get you to pay. Um So I really want you to think about what organic channels can I think about that don't require me to pay.

So it's free marketing essentially and it has very high reach, very um like very likely to spread around. Um And that's linkedin medium, youtube, um the infamous tiktok that's going around now, Facebook groups, all kinds of channels like this. And I really encourage you to think creatively because Facebook groups are actually a great way to start building a community, start creating content, start um developing yourselves. There's Facebook groups out now with like hundreds of thousands of uh community members, but also medium gives you like an outlet to write like long form content in um a really creative way. So think about what you're good at. Maybe if you're more energetic and you like to speak to people and meet people, then youtube is a better alternative for you. Think of your talents again and what will work best with you and your audience really think about your audience where where would they be all these things. Another example is linkedin, which I primarily use and basically, if you are targeting more of a business niche or trying to find a job linkedin might be the best for you.

So think about where your audience is and how you can um reach out to them through that, right? And creating content is actually super difficult. It's not as easy as a lot of people make it seem. And um when it comes to my clients, I get so many questions on this. Um how can I create good content? And the key to this is value and consistency. So really if you're posting, let's say every month or every other month or so, you're not establishing consistency that will work one, your audience doesn't know if you are active or not. The second thing is essentially um algorithms on the internet or that push your content consistency, right?

They want people to be on the platform a lot, whatever the platform is. So make sure that you're investing all you have into developing your personal brand through content, right? It's really important that you have consistency. Some platforms don't require as much consistency as others.

But for example, medium requires you to post almost daily. I think when it comes to consistency, which is difficult linkedin twice a week, youtube also twice a week. So think about what investment in terms of your goals and what investment of your time in terms of what channel you use will be the best for you, right? So that's just something to keep in mind. I want people to when they start developing a personal brand espe especially to make the process less frustrating is to develop consistency and to create a lot of quality in quantity. Also in terms of content that's super important. Furthermore, um value, it's really important that you give value to people. Whatever that is. If you're, if your content is more entertaining, if it's more inform, informative, I go through the informative route to be honest because that's what my audience likes and that, that's what in general linkedin is kind of about. But you know, if you explore youtube or medium, you can explore a wide range of value and a wide range of things to do and we'll talk a bit about what value can provide.

But I want you to think of, I'm not using this to boast my accomplishments or boost who I am or all these different things, it's about helping people because when you start helping people, when you start developing that personal brand, all of that will come back to you, all the value you, the world will come back to you in the form of support community or opportunities, all these different things.

Um So make sure everything you put out valuable can't be found anywhere else because of your unique story, kind of share that and spread that around, right? And what value can I have to offer? And this is a really big concern when I uh work with people on their personal brands, it's people think sorry, I don't have much to say, but the truth is you have so much to say so much value to give to the world, you just need to tap into it and kind of practice spreading it around, right?

Um So, for example, um what can you do from a community standpoint, creating belonging? Um I know it sounds a bit not straightforward, but you can become an industry thought leader through just creating community um relatability and making people feel less alone. So I remember a year ago almost um one content creator, unfortunately, miscarriage and um she was just spreading so much of that, really creating a community around that because it's such an unfortunate situation and no one really speaks about it, right? So think about like um what you offer people in terms of a different story, a different perspective, what is unavailable right now in terms of community to people and how can people feel less alone? And it might not seem to you like it is thought leadership, but creating community, creating a sense of belonging to people is thought leadership in my opinion. Um So really think about that, think of you could create, I create a community around not being able to find a job because it's so taboo rejection. No one speaks about it. So think about like what belonging you can create. Furthermore, think about what industry knowledge you have.

So what's your experience? What thought leadership do you have in your industry that you can spread around? Um So if you're a product manager, um what's something in the space that people aren't speaking about or what's something that in general isn't really discussed? Or do you have a different perspective that isn't um aware, like people aren't aware of in general when it comes to product management. And um if it's something, if it's so incredibly niche and value can't be found elsewhere, I think it'll be a huge hit because um you're giving feedback and perspective that can't be found anywhere else, right? And that's super important. So, think about your industry, think about what your perspective, what your story on this can offer and go ahead and write content about it, whether it be on medium linkedin youtube, all that shipping, right? And um in general, so you can also just give support to people. So if you're good at teaching, if you're good at mentoring, if you're good at eating other people, um it'll be great if you can kind of create content around that and kind of support others. Um So as I've progressed in kind of creating my personal brand, um I've been able to take more of a kind of mentorship when it comes to my community building, when it comes to my content, and I've been really able to kind of aid others in um their own journeys.

So also think about that, if you're um really collective, if you're good with working with people, all these things, think about how you can create content where you just support, you kind of act like a guiding light almost with people and um you offer them support in that way.

Um So awesome. So think about what belonging can you create? What industry knowledge can you spread around? What support can you give other people? And there's so many things that you can do. It's all about getting creative and the best thing about your personal brand and content creation, it was around comes around. If you give out thought leadership, if you give out a value to people and help your needs, you support them hanging in um how journeys all of that will you, which is amazing leadership and just personal branding because on building and just thriving, which I think is amazing that all that you put out into the world is gonna come back to you in like karma, which I think is incredible and I really, really recommend you start doing this, start thinking about what channels you want to explore what your goals are.

Um Again, so like we discussed at the beginning, um Do you wanna build relationships? You wanna create opportunities for yourself. Do you want to gain support from other people and work towards that? And it's a process so definitely feel free to reach out to me on linkedin if you wanna discuss this because there's such an incredible um of like experience, right? Awesome. So that's the end of the session. I had an incredible time um sharing some things and getting to know all of you. Um I see a lot of you are speaking in the comments. That's amazing. So feel free to reach out, love to get to know you and get to see your personal brands and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I had a great time. Um And I hope you really enjoy the rest of the conference, right? Thank you so much. Love you all. Bye. Thanks.