Women in Tech Global Conference Voices 2022: Speaker Trina L. Martin
    Women in Tech Global Conference Voices 2022 Speaker Trina L. Martin

    Trina L. Martin is an advocate for women of color in tech. She is a retired US Naval Officer and former computer programmer with over two decades of computer programming, digital forensics, and intelligence experience.

    Watch Trina's WTGC 2022 talk "Women of Color in Tech: Qualified but Overlooked", and other inspiring sessions on our YouTube channel.

    Especially for the WomenTech Network, Trina agreed to give an interview, and share her story and experience.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified about updates and new videos published for our community every week.

    ⚡️ Save the date: Women in Tech Global Conference 2023 will take place on May 9-12!

    Tell us about your experience as a Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 speaker.

    ​My experience was incredible. I was impressed by the number of experienced women in one place sharing their expertise as well as the attendees from various industries.

    What is your favorite thing about working in tech?

    ​My favorite thing about working in tech is how rapidly it changes. There is no room for complacency. Continuous learning is a must. I love learning new things.

    What advice (and tips) would you give to women who want to start a tech career?

    ​I always tell women who want to pursue tech to do it and don't give up. Being a woman in tech can be challenging.

    To recognise the achievements of our community and beyond we are hosting the annual Women in Tech Global Awards 2022. Nominate yourself or someone else: