Women in Tech Global Conference Voices 2022 Speaker Raluca Voicu at Luxoft

    Raluca Voicu is a professional with over 20 years of experience who is proud of the things she has realized so far from both a technical standpoint (as co-inventor for two patents and driver of many projects which have been delivered on spec and on time) and from a leadership standpoint (as a leader who has built and guided teams during challenging times).

    Raluca started at Luxoft in 2006 and her career developed mainly there, moving up from Senior C++ Developer and Release Lead up to her current role, Head Of Automotive Domain Chapters.

    Especially for the WomenTech Network, Raluca agreed to give an interview, share her story and experience.

    Watch Raluca's talk "The Domain Chapters transformation inside Luxoft and its cultural impact", and other inspiring sessions on our YouTube channel.

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    ⚡️ Save the date: Women in Tech Global Conference 2023 will take place on May 9-12!

    Tell us about your experience as a Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 speaker.

    It was my first experience in joining a conference like this and I would say it was a nice one. It was interesting and challenging in terms of preparing, delivering, and adapting the content related to an important organizational transformation to the outside world, being able to talk about it but still keep it high level. I experienced a bunch of emotions while performing in front of a new, large audience, still without being able to see it. Most of all, I was surprised by the social media response to my post

    What is your favorite thing about working in tech?

    I like that tech is a domain that develops fast, full of innovations, very dynamic, with many smart people able to contribute. Every day comes with a new challenge and new learning at the same time, so we need to be open-minded and accept that our entire life will be learning.

    What advice (and tips) would you give to women who want to start a tech career?

    People need to like what they do. If you like what you do, everything comes naturally. You need to understand if the tech industry fits you: 

    • you need to be able to cope with a lot of complex content, understand it and be able to add value
    • you really need to enjoy finding solutions and continue improving your work every day

    On the whole, I would consider the tech industry as an area that requires innovative individuals regardless of their gender, race, etc

    Who would you recommend to join the WomenTech Network?

    I would recommend that women at all levels of the organization become active participants in the network and join as speakers to share their expertise. I have many talented women on my team who can bring a lot of value. Even though many of us might lack the courage to perform in front of a new audience, we need to practice to be able to share our experience and knowledge and gain from the experience and knowledge of others. This network has showcased how many valuable people there are across the globe. I was impressed with how many women were presenting during the recent conference, as it provided great visibility as well as opportunities to connect with new people and learn.

    To recognise the achievements of our community and beyond we are hosting the annual Women in Tech Global Awards 2022. Nominate yourself or someone else: