Breaking into IoT, Perspectives from a Gen Z Analyst

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Zoe Roth
Internet of Things Research Associate
Automatic Summary

Blog Title: Pioneering Your Way into the Technology Industry: Advice and Insights from a Gen Z IoT Professional

Categorize based on IAB Content Taxonomy: Technology & Computing > Technology Consulting

List any person names mentioned: None.

List any locations or cities mentioned: Chapel Hill

List any companies or organizations mentioned: UN C Chapel Hill, A DC-based geopolitical consulting firm, A financial services company

Identify significant words and phrases and extract the most pertinent concepts or highlights:
- Transition from non-tech background to tech sector
- Gen Z perspective
- Four critical pieces of advice: confidence, community, capabilities, chasing big goals
- Internet of things
- Digital transformation and smart cities
- The importance of authenticity and avoiding minimizing language
- Setting fit and reach goals

Provide blog tags:
#GenZTech, #TechTransition, #InternetOfThings, #CareerInTech, #SmartCities, #DigitalTransformation, #WomenInTech


In an era where technology rules, the path to breaking into the tech industry can be uniquely challenging. More so, when transitioning from a non-tech background into the Internet of Things (IoT) space. In this blog, we delve into the perspective of a Gen Z IoT analyst making this unique transition and share the four critical pieces of advice that have been instrumental in her journey.

Firstly, let's trace her footsteps. After graduating from UNC Chapel Hill with a major in International Relations and a minor in Chinese, she ventured into the consulting world. She worked for a DC-based geopolitical consulting firm which gave her an in-depth exposure to emerging technologies like IoT, biotechnology, and data centers. Hired for her communication skills, primarily her love for writing, she later joined a financial services company as a tech analyst. She explores smart cities with IoT deployments and facilitates digital transformations.

Her experiences shaped a four-fold roadmap to thriving in the tech industry:

1. Confidence: Knowing your strengths and effectively communicating them will give you an edge. It doesn't always have to be about tech background. Skills like effective communication can be equally valuable. Confidence, although a common advice, becomes truly empowering when you understand and highlight your unique added value.

2. Find Your Community: Navigating the tech waters can be tricky. Finding a group of like-minded individuals, a community, makes the journey easier. Foster a space where you can share experiences, voice frustrations, and grow together.

3. Understand Your Capabilities: You need to shake off any self-minimizing language. Recognizing you're just as qualified as your peers will do wonders for your self-esteem, and it’ll reflect in how others perceive you. It’s also important to be yourself – avoid jargon that doesn’t resonate with you and opt for an authentic voice instead.

4. Chase Big Goals: Keep the journey interesting by setting 'fit' and 'reach' goals. Fit goals are short term and easily achievable, while reach goals are ambitious targets that fuel your growth and open doors for exciting opportunities.

Remember that paving your way in the technology arena doesn't necessarily require a tech-centric background. Skills like research, writing, and effective communication can hold equal weight. The tech industry, filled with digital transformation endeavours, smart cities, and IoT, is an open field. Build your confidence, find your community, recognize your unique capabilities, and chase those big dreams. Technology is for everyone and can be conquered by everyone. So, gear up to make your mark!

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