How to be a Holistic Leader (And Why We Need More Holistic Leaders in Tech)

Melanie Margolin
Chief Legal Officer
Automatic Summary

A Truly Holistic Leadership in Tech: Expanding Boundaries and Breaking Status Quo

Lead by Melanie Margolin, the Chief Legal Officer at Thumbtack, this conversation revolves around embracing a holistic leadership approach. Melanie shares her threefold secret including connecting outside boundaries, intentional guidance, and advocating and representing others with pride.

Melanie Margolin: A Holistic Leader

"Every single one of us is a leader,” Melanie says. We all have distinct attributes that make us leaders. From being a mentor to being an executive, a team player or an ardent advocate - serving a holistic role becomes the success cocoon. Melanie calls upon everyone to explore their capabilities and venture into holistic leadership in the tech world.

The Tech Industry’s Leadership Dilemma

The tech industry does not lack leaders, but authentic leaders who can inspire us, improve us, and care about our career goals are in short supply. Melanie suggests, we need leaders who are more interested in service than power - guides not dictators. Good leadership is a human calling that requires passion, dedication and resilience.

Introduction to Holistic Leadership

Imagine your role not as a box but the hub of a wheel, connecting ideas and people, Melanie suggests. A holistic leader does not stick to their lane but serves where they are needed. Melanie encourages eliminating corners and stepping up, even when it's outside your job description.

Three Pillars of Holistic Leadership

Melanie summarizes the approach into three principles:

1. Connect Across Boundaries

"We need to build a network that reflects our belief that we have something to offer everyone,” she says. Melanie encourages everyone to break out from their silos and connect on a broader scale. The diverse connections we build can help in choosing the right people for our team and result in a thriving, diverse work culture.

2. Guide with Intention

A holistic leader leverages formal mentorships for continuous growth. Melanie views mentorship as a chance to guide and be guided. With her ongoing career development plans, Melanie has managed to connect her team more to the company and its objectives.

3. Represent Others with Pride

The trust of people, Melanie says, is quintessential in leadership. She insists on being a champion for others by giving visibility to people like their contributions and achievements.

In Conclusion...

Holistic leadership is about looking at the bigger picture - raising diversity and inclusivity issues, being inclusive, and uplifting others. By adopting this leadership style, we can foster a more inclusive and successful tech industry. As the conversation ends, Melanie encourages everyone to tear down silos, think beyond their job descriptions, and acknowledge and appreciate their teammates' contributions.

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