The Yin and the Yang of managing complex technical projects

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Nadia Clifford
Sr Director, Engineering Program Management
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Managing Complexity Mindfully: A Lesson from Yin and Yang Philosophy

Hello everyone, I'm Nadia Clifford, the Singing Director of Engineering Program Management at Outfront Media. Today, I will share my insights on managing complexity in tech careers using the Yin and Yang philosophy.

Stress in Tech Careers

Working with complex systems and cutting-edge technology can be stressful. Years ago, I experienced a severe burnout, which led me on a journey to mindfulness. In this process, I discovered that applying the ancient Yin and Yang philosophies to my work made it more manageable, efficient and less stressful. Over time, I realized this practice was not only beneficial to me, but also to everyone involved in the project.

The Ever-Increasing Complexity of Technology

Over the last two decades, the complexity of technology has increased exponentially. Comparing my career's starting point in 1997, where I computerized a manual process, to my current job managing a network of thousands of cloud-enabled smart IOT devices, the scale and complexity have differed immensely.

Management Methods Evolution

Just as technology has evolved, the methods of managing it have also steadily transformed, from waterfall in the seventies to Agile Manifesto in 2001. With increased complexity after 20 years since Agile was introduced, it may be time to expand our mindset and rethink our management methods.

The Challenges of Managing Complexity

Complexity theory provides a deep understanding of why modern tech can be challenging to manage. According to the theory, a system can be considered complex if it consists of entities that are diverse, connected, interdependent and adaptable. Interestingly, our complex technology initiative perfectly fits into this definition of a complex system since the individual entities involved include multiple software components, infrastructure components, and above all, people.

The Intricacies of Complex Systems

  • The properties of a system cannot be inferred from its components. Meaning, even if we know the individual components, we cannot fathom how the system will behave as a whole.
  • The responses of systems to changes can be unpredictable.
  • The system entities can modify the system itself- it takes a life of its own.

Therefore, rigorously controlling a complex system is nearly impossible.

Turning to Mindfulness

As the complexity of our lives mirrors that of technology, stress levels rise. Consequently, society has been turning to the millennia-old practice of mindfulness to cope. Interestingly, mindfulness has become mainstream at the same time that our lives' complexity has increased. One prominent concept from ancient philosophies is the concept of Yin and Yang, which has direct applications to our modern lives.

Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang is a 5000-year-old principle originating from Taoism. It describes opposites that are complementary to each other and form a dynamic whole. Balancing Yin and Yang energies is the ultimate goal, with an imbalance leading to stress and hardship.

Applying Yin and Yang to Complex Technology

When we apply the concept of balance to complex technology projects, it helps in managing complexity and, consequently, stress. For example, applying structure (an ordered state) may limit the flow. Therefore, there may be times when we need to let go of structure to let ideas flow and emerge. The idea is to strike a balance between structure and flow, low-level detail and visioning, scope and time, action and reflection, and change and acceptance.

Dynamic Balance

However, dynamic balance doesn't mean a 50-50 divide all the time. It signifies a fluctuating balance, moving from 80-20 to 70-30 to 50-50, and so on. The natural, healthy state is for the balance to move.

In Conclusion...

Being aware of the opposing yet complementary energies allows us to purposefully shift the balance in our work environments for better results. As Nadia Clifford said in her presentation, "When we become much wiser at purposefully shifting this balance in our work environments." If you wish to learn more or chat further about this enlightening topic, please reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this lesson from Yin and Yang philosophy helps you manage your work's complexity more mindfully.

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