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Michelle King

Advocate for fixing workplaces, not women, Director of Inclusion at Netflix

Fix workplaces, not women.

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Alexandria Butler

Senior Program Manager, Speaker and Freedom Fighter at Twitter

Build An Authentic Career Brand

In order to build a long lasting career, you need a career brand. Your brand should reflect your values and your passions. To strategically define your career brand you need to define who you are as a person and make parallels between your authenticity and the work that you do.

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Tara King

Full Stack Engineer, Developer Outreach Manager at Pantheon

Inclusive Leadership for Managers, Tech Leads, and Open-Source Maintainers

Always wanted to make your team a place that’s welcoming and supportive to *everyone*? Always wanted to know why the underrepresented engineers you hire keep leaving...or maybe never apply in the first place? Wondering what you’re missing when it comes to supporting your marginalized colleagues?

This session is ideal for anyone in leadership (whether as CEO, tech lead, open-source maintainer or somewhere in between), but anyone with coworkers should find it helpful. We’ll learn *why* it’s hard to be underrepresented at work and what *you* can do to be a better ally. Expect a… read more

Megan Byrd-Sanicki

Manager, Research & Operations, Open Source Program Office at Google

Open Source Programs Offices (OSPOs)

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Rachel Sheppard

Co-creator Female Founder Initiative & Director Global Marketing at Founder Institute

Female Founder Pitch Bootcamp: Get Feedback on your Startup Ideas

I have reviewed hundreds of pitches in many formats and from many industries. On this live and interactive event, I will listen to pitches and provide practical feedback for early-stage female founders looking for next steps and advice on their ideas, and I'll share best practices from Founder Institute, the world's largest pre-seed accelerator.

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Mariah Lichtenstern

Aspen Tech Policy Fellow / Founding Partner, DiverseCity Ventures

Entrepreneurship - Advocating for Tech Funding Equity

Current technology startup capitalization policies put socioeconomically disadvantaged founders, particularly women and underrepresented people of color, at a disadvantage. The U.S. forgoes an estimated 9 million jobs and $300 billion in collective national income due to discriminatory funding practices. At the same time, regulations prevents more than 90 percent of prospective investors from qualifying as “accredited investors” and limits how much they can support these founders. It's long overdue for the Securities and Exchange Commission dismantle discriminatory investor criteria, so… read more

Yun Freund

Senior Vice President at Equinix

How Cloud Technologies enables Work From Home movement

Digital Transformation and Hybrid Cloud is the future of the enterprise growth. Especially after the COVID-19 and working from home and video conference demands more network bandwidth and more virtual connections for the work force. I will show cloud technologies that can help scale that remote work force.

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Chinwe Esimai

Managing Director, Chief Anti-Bribery Officer at Citigroup, Inc.

Pillars of Life & Career Architecture

Topic: Pillars of Life & Career Architecture
Abstract: this talk will discuss how to own your past, present, and future; and how to create your formula for life and career fulfillment.

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Alana Karen

Director, Search Platforms at Google

Well-Being Ups & Downs: 18+ Years Growing Up in Tech

Leveraging personal narrative regarding the challenges of taking care of ourselves while meeting the demands of technical roles, I detail the 5 levers we have to help control our stress and guide attendees about how to simply incorporate them into their lives. The key takeaway is that attendees are the CEO of their lives and do not have to have it all/do it all, but do need to take care of themselves to do their best work and sustain high performance. No prep or knowledge required.

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Liesl Yearsley

CEO at a·kin

Frontier Tech

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Lori Nishiura Mackenzie

Co-founder, Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab; Lead Strategist, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Stanford Graduate School of Business

The Power of our Collective: Reimagining Inclusion

The current state of events-- the pandemic, racial violence, unemployment--is impossible to ignore, nor should we. Many in our field of diversity and inclusion express real concerns that the gains of the past decade are being eroded. In this session, we will ask ourselves this question: What if we could take three bold actions to help employees now AND create space for stronger, better and more inclusive organizations? What are those actions for you?

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Tanya Vlahovic

Head of Developer Ecosystem at eBay

The Wonderful World of APIs

In the commerce world, disruptive forces are powerful these days. Augmented and virtual reality and artificial intelligence, with speech and image recognition, and all sorts of self-learning systems, are everywhere. These innovations have the power to dramatically reshape the buying and selling experience and transform the way people interact with the digital world. At eBay, we are exposing such capabilities through APIs. APIs are everywhere nowadays, allowing organizations to connect with the world digitally. This talk is on API design and governance process. It is meant for technical people… read more
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Sher Downing

CEO & EdTech Strategist at Downing EdTech Consulting

The EdTech Paradigm, How a Virus created opportunities

In March of 2020 the world began to shutter it’s doors in an attempt to limit the growth opportunities for COVID-19. Through a manner best described as a mixed-bag of tricks, hundreds of thousands of students and employees became online participants, many for the first time in their lives. Fast forward 3-months and once frightened participants have now become savvy users, who can identify how to navigate both systems and processes while adopting newer technologies. From businesses creating new remote opportunities, services delivered in new ways, and live sessions to replace meetings, the… read more

Prashanti Pathak

Student/Incoming Product Solutions Intern at Ericsson at University of Washington

Attuning to the Change

Adapting job search strategy to the current COVID-19 situation. Using online networking and virtual career fairs to create an impression and find the work you love.

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Tonima Khan

Senior Account Executive, Large Enterprise at Slack

Selling with Authenticity & Expanding Your Network

This talk is focused on how to hone sales skills and your authentic style to influence, build and foster strong (internal and external) relationships that stick to win more deals while being a woman.

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Stephanie A. Higa

Senior Software Engineer at Box

Why CSS Still Matters

CSS is the language that makes the web beautiful. Without it, most of the websites you visit would be unrecognizable — and maybe even unusable!

Understanding how CSS works is critical for anyone who wants to build intuitive interfaces. This session will demystify this important but often-overlooked language. I’ll provide a brief overview of fundamentals before delving into the powerful, fascinating applications of the language, including pure CSS animations and drawings.

**No prior CSS knowledge is necessary**

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Zarin Pulam

RF Systems Engineer at Amazon Lab 126

Seamless opportunities in RF industry

The main purpose of the talk is to point out the common misconceptions about hardware industry and providing helpful information to attract more women in to Wireless/RF world. Topics that will be covered are:
1. Software vs Hardware: common misconceptions
2. What are the different fields to explore within Hardware engineering
3. Is coding necessary to become a hardware engineer?
4. Introduction to Wireless/RF technology
5. What are the basic qualifications to get into RF world; related course work, certification, interview process etc.
6. Challenge… read more

Michelle Del Rosario

Principal Software Engineer (Technical Director) at Zynga

Power and Influence: Developing Leadership Presence within You and Your Team

Do you wish to command attention in a room full of executives with confidence and respect? Are you looking for ways to improve your team members’ autonomy and leadership skills? Have you wondered what ability makes a leader effective?

Join us in this talk, where we will identify the facets of Leadership Presence, explore how these facets improve your power and influence, and share actionable strategies to cultivate Leadership Presence across every stage in the career spectrum. By the end of the talk, you will have learned how to recognize and utilize Leadership Presence… read more
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Rachel Potvin

VP of Engineering at GitHub

The Interconnected Developer Community and the Evolution of Software Productivity

GitHub’s VP of Engineering Rachel Potvin will discuss trends in software development over the last few years, and provide an overview of how the next decade will continue to shape an interconnected community predicated on increasing trust, safety and resiliency for the world’s digital infrastructure.

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Tina Hang Ridley

Associate Software Engineer & Graduate Student

Testing your Software with OWASP ZAP

A large part of designing software, big or small -- enterprise level or a simple create-react-app, is user and data security. Without secure software, even using the latest or newest technologies may not keep or attract users. I will be demonstrating how to use OWASP ZAP against a simple Ruby on Rails application.

What you'll need:
- Website (Need to get permission beforehand)
- Or OWASP Juice Shop
- Or a throwaway application (Ruby on Rails app)
- OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) (

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