Session: Maximizing Trust and Efficiency: Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity
Verifiable credentials (VCs) use blockchain-based distributed ledger technology to create digital credentials that can verify information. Instead of centralizing identity in the hands of institutions and centralized third-parties, decentralized identity empowers individuals to take control of their digital identity and online data. Rather than sacrificing trust for efficiency or vice versa, VCs optimize both trust and efficiency. This talk will introduce decentralized identity, the technology used to create systems to exchange verifiable credentials, and explore their use cases.
Char is a software engineer at Indicio, the market leader in developing Trusted Data Ecosystems, providing companies with the software and infrastructure needed to authenticate and exchange high-value information and develop trusted, secure relationships. She has contributed to multiple customer products and systems including the Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python ecosystem, and developing plugins and other purpose-built agents and protocols. She holds a degree in physics from Willamette University.