The secret power of being a Mom and Senior Executive in Tech by Roshni Bhagalia

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Discovering the Secret Superpowers of Being a Mom and a Tech Exec

Hi, there! Welcome to a journey on the incredible capabilities that being a tech mother brings. I'm Rosie Balia, a mom, and VP of Product Management for Edison AI and Platform at GE Healthcare. As a mother and a high-powered executive in technology, I discovered some secret or latent abilities that help me in both areas. These ‘superpowers’ are what we are exploring today.

Patience: The Primary Superpower

The first superpower, which is arguably among the most important lessons you learn from your kids, is patience. Raising a child or managing a technology project requires the patience to plant a seed, create an environment for growth, step back, and allow for growth. This nurturing environment is often iterative. Just like teaching your child to start writing, nurturing your team for growth takes time.

Breaking down tasks into small steps and allowing for exploration helps both children and teams to grow. Encouraging them to make mistakes, learn, and improve is an integral part of this growth process. As a mother, this potent mix of patience and understanding translates into my workplace too, helping me handle complex tasks and systems more effectively.

Comfortable with Chaos: Thriving in Volatility

The second superpower you develop is the be comfortable with chaos. This ability to thrive amidst confusion and unpredictability is an asset, given the ever-dynamic nature of technology and parenting. My personal experience with my "chaos monkey" toddler has allowed me to build resilience, create fallback options and make impactful decisions despite the surrounding chaos.

Being able to adapt and thrive even in the face of unforeseen challenges such as supply chain issues, a pandemic, or even wars, is crucial in today's high-tech world. Embracing chaotic situations, staying clear-headed, and finding a path forward for your team goes a long way in helping deal with unexpected hurdles at home and work.

Communication: Key to Simplifying Complex Ideas

The third superpower, communication, is often overlooked but is pivotal in explaining complex or straightforward ideas. We face numerous precarious scenarios due to misunderstandings or miscommunications. Thus, it is vital to express ideas clearly, unambiguously, and empathetically, considering the perspective of your audience.

At the workplace, this skill is essential when dealing with cross-functional teams and complex systems. Identifying a common ground that resonates with your team can turn naysayers into cheerleaders.

Time Management: Mastering the Finite Resource

The fourth superpower comes in the form of excellent time management. Balancing your time between work and children drives you to be more efficient, motivated, and focused. Prioritizing tasks according to their importance helps streamline your life and encourages delegation, which leads us to our final superpower.

Lean on Your Team: Building a Support Network

The last superpower, and perhaps the most impactful one is knowing when to lean on your team. Recognizing when you need help and being vulnerable enough to ask for it reflects strength and wisdom. Whether it's a colleague at work or a spouse, sibling or friend at home, having a robust support system is crucial.

Building, nurturing, and being a part of a symbiotic support network that backs you up when raising a child or starting a new project, is invaluable.

These are the superpowers I discovered in my journey of being a mother and a tech executive. Connect with me on LinkedIn or join the chat here to discuss these superpowers further. Thanks for being a part of this narrative!

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