How to land your next corporate board

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Naomi Kent
Managing Director
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How To Land Your Next Corporate Board Role: Insights From Felix Managing Director, Naomi Kent

Hello and welcome. I am Naomi Kent, Managing Director at Felix, a human capital business and partners in talent and organizational excellence. Today, I'll be shedding light on a topic that I'm passionate about—how to earn a seat at the corporate board table. I’ll dive into my personal experiences, dismantle standard myths, and offer valuable steps to help you on your journey.

The Corporate Board Narrative: A Personal Story

Looking back at my early career days in BX, a company that created biographical profiles for board members, I remember feeling nervous. Understandably so, because at the time, my knowledge about boards and what board directors did was fairly limited. Fortunately, BX turned this weakness into a strength by teaching me everything I needed to know about board dynamics.

Through my experiences, I recognized that many people lacked a clear understanding of boards and their role. This led me to my mission of guiding prospective boardroom leaders, particularly those who need a little push in the right direction.

Myth Debunking: Busting Common Misconceptions About Corporate Boards

Your perception of what a board of directors is might be distorted, dated, or even daunting, so let's clear some misconceptions:

  1. Stern Boardroom Images: The general assumption is that boards are stuffy and laden with discomfort, but modern boards are growing more dynamic and diverse each day, as evident in companies like McDonald's and REI.
  2. Necessary Executive Title: Many have the misconception that you must be a CEO to serve on a board. This isn't true, as having the right set of skills and expertise outweighs your professional title.
  3. Substantial Time Commitment: Serving on a board isn't as time-consuming as it seems. The time expectancy varies depending on the company and the board's needs.
  4. Unpaid Positions: Contrary to popular belief, most board roles are paid. While your first board position might not yield high returns, building a board career over time could lead to more lucrative opportunities.

Three Key Steps For Joining a Corporate Board

Once you have uncovered these myths, here are three recommendations to steer your board career in the right direction:

1. Identify Your Preferred Board

Start by determining which board aligns with your mission, brand, and career trajectory. Research corporations, nonprofit organizations, and even startups like Half Day Tonic or professional associations like Women Tech that align with your goals.

2. Assess Your Board Readiness

Contemplate how well your board director brand would resonate with your prospective board. Taking on a board role also requires a blend of knowledge—covering topics from governance and cybersecurity to fundraising and sponsorships—and a well-structured board network. Such networks not only aid your board career but also bolster your executive career.

3. Take Action

Finally, don’t just dream—act. Irrespective of your target board type, the key is to strategically build your network and take proactive steps. Go beyond networking and volunteering—understand your potential roles and their responsibilities, and equip yourself with the necessary expertise, like financial literacy for bigger boards.

Wrapping Up

As we conclude, it’s worth noting that the journey towards landing a board role requires awareness, strategic planning, and timely execution. More importantly, it demands the willingness to alter your perception, debunk common myths, and embrace a learning mindset. As you embark on this journey, feel free to connect with me here or reach out to me via email. I look forward to helping you make your first breakthrough in your board career.

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