Women in Tech Global Awards 2024 Voices: Winner Jennifer Bryan

    Reflecting on My Journey

    As a Women in Tech Global Awards 2024 winner, what does this recognition mean to you, and how does it reflect your journey and impact in tech?

    This award means a great deal to me because it illustrates that "success" is not just about money or doing the biggest project.  It is also about the impact on people and their lives and that is extremely important not just in the technology profession but in the business world.  People are the ones that make things happen so receiving an award that directly relates to the impact I have made on some incredible women is an honour and humbling.

    Tech Industry's Most Rewarding Aspects

    In your experience, what is the most rewarding aspect of working in the tech industry, and how has it influenced your career path?

    My big motivation is to help in any way I can - I love seeing the look in people's faces when they are struggling with something and you are able to help them solve whatever that struggle is - it is priceless and extraordinary.  Technology enables people to do things more easily and is a major influencer in all our lives.  On top of that, many people struggle with technology - either in understanding it, or have a fear or a phobia - helping them figure out how to use it and make their lives easier is just brilliant.  I also love working with people in the the tech industry - they have a sense of play that is missing from other industries and makes working fun.

    My Tech Career Milestone

    Could you share a defining moment or a key achievement in your tech career that has been particularly impactful or meaningful to you?

    Outside of this one - there is one.  I was working with an infrastructure company that was going through a massive digital transformation and they had been in it for 9 months before I came on board and although the tech was being deployed, no one was really using it so the impact was less than ideal.  I then changed the entire focus to be on people and at the first major kick off there were 800 shareholders that were flew in from around the world and we showcased this transformation with a learning wall, demos, interactive activities, etc and everyone including the Chairman and Managing Director left that event not only excited but they all knew at that point exactly what the transformation was all about, their role in it and what needed to happen and left going back to their teams and told them all about it.  There were big smiles, laughter and exhilaration - fabulous to witness!

    Empowering Women in Tech: Real Stories, Career Advice, and Tips

    From your experience, what essential advice and practical tips would you offer to women aspiring women in tech to establish a successful career?

    My essential advice to anyone, in any industry, is to very clearly define what you want in 10 years time and how you want it - vague ideas or being a senior manager or running my own company is not enough.  What kind of a senior manager - doing what - in what way and how - what company, where and in what capacity - all these areas need to be defined along with all the other areas in your life so you can create a very clear picture of what you want - your VISION.  Once you know that, you can work backwards to create long, then medium, then short then immediate goals to get you there.  But if you don't know what you want, specifically and clearly, to the point you can easily picture it, then how can you possibly achieve it - you have to see it to create it.

    Who would you recommend to join the WomenTech Network, and why?

    Anyone who wants to learn, share experiences, discover, explore and connect.  This community is amazing but you need to be in it to benefit from it - it is not a spectators sport.  So get involved and you will meet some amazing people!