Session: How to achieve growth by aligning marketing, sales, and customer success
Digital marketing is no longer enough to achieve the efficient growth of the product. In order to make sure you meet your goals, you need to align the marketing efforts with the sales process, and with the customer experience. It all became a part of a modern growth marketing offering new opportunities to the team members and their organizations.
A sociology PhD specializing in matters related to the Internet and the online realm, with over ten years of experience in the IT industry. I’m very interested in new technologies, their impact on social life, and the strategies for dealing with the consequences of that influence. I’m also the founder of BalansPL, an initiative working to boost the presence and visibility of women in public life.
I’m the Head of Growth at Monterail, a software development company creating tailored software products for clients around the globe, where I oversee the efforts of a twelve-person team.