Leader, Tell Your Story

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Discovering The Mosaic of Leadership: My Personal Journey

Hi there, my name is Melissa Boggs. Not only am I the VP of Business Agility at South Labs, but I am also a proud leader, a dedicated mom, and an individual with an ever-evolving story. In this article, I want to share some insights from my journey and hopefully inspire others on their leadership path.

Charting Inspiration: From Childhood Dreams to Leadership Ambitions

Believe it or not, as a child, I longed to be a pop star. My parents, accomplished musicians themselves, nurtured my performance talents and made me believe that my dreams could become a reality.

Discovering Perseverance Through Doubt

However, as I became older and the music scene evolved, my ambition began to waver. I felt disconnected from the new style of music that ascending pop stars like Mariah Carey, who sounded entirely different from me, were creating. I began doubting myself and my dreams started to fade.

The Power of Role Models

If only I had known about a singer like Amy Winehouse, whose unique vocal style and alt-pop genre might have resonated with me, perhaps my story may have unfolded differently. How we see ourselves in others infuses us with belief, inspiration, and an understanding of what's possible. This concept applies not only to our personal pursuits, but also to how we lead.

Redefining Leadership Perspectives

The notion of a successful CEO or leader is often conflated with an image of a man in a suit, looking strong, and exuding a sense of masculinity. Regrettably. these images often neglect to acknowledge the vulnerabilities, the doubts, and the fears that even the most powerful leaders grapple with.

In today's fast-paced age, leadership needs to be diverse, accommodating, and adaptable. This requires embracing empathy and intuition, as well as strength and command.

Action Needed: Step Forward and Share Your Story

  • It's not enough to understand the importance of diversified leadership. To influence and accelerate change, we must share our own stories. Vulnerability may be demanding, but it's brave and absolutely essential.
  • Each of us has a unique journey. For example, I'm a late graduate with high IQ, an over-analyzer, an empathetic introvert, and an optimist. These traits are not typical for leaders in the traditional sense, but they've been instrumental in shaping me into the leader I am today.
  • By sharing our experiences and insights, we enable future leaders to relate with us, gain courage, and identify their potential for leadership.


Transformation doesn't happen in a vacuum. We can create exponential change just by sharing our stories. By telling our jovial successes, our earnest struggles, our decisive leadership moments, we inspire others to do the same, thus enlarging the global picture of what a leader can look like.

An open, inclusive leadership narrative helps us all understand that a leader doesn't have to conform to a single image. Leaders can be shaped by unique life experiences, diverse perspectives, and distinct qualities. It is this mosaic of leadership that will drive our world forward and empower the next generation of game-changing leaders.

So step up, tell your story, and forge a path forward – the world needs your voice.

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