How Women Can Navigate Roadblocks to Leadership in Tech: Pitfalls and Practical Tips

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Lisa Frusztajer
Investor in Residence
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Breaking Through Leadership and Technology Roadblocks: Empowering Women in the Tech Industry

Hi there, this is Lisa Frier, an investor in residence at the Capital Network and a certified coach addressing the persistent challenges faced by women in the technology industry.

The Persistent Problems and Practical Solutions

Working in technology brings vast opportunities, and while my career has spanned across various companies, both hard and software, the journey for women to leadership roles has remained fraught with obstacles—a long-standing issue deserving more than just recognition.

Solutions Beyond the Norm

Renowned solutions from authoritative studies like McKinsey offer steps such as mentorship, accelerated promotions, crafting supportive networking groups and equitable training access. Nevertheless, the scenario hasn't radically changed over the years. So, what can be done differently? Here's where our focus shifts to mental preparedness—a profound skill that's seldom taught yet quintessential for resilience, self-deserving belief, and curiosity to discover the mental barriers impeding our progress.

Understanding the 'Big Three' Roadblocks

  1. Impostor Phenomenon: Despite achievements, this crippling self-doubt leaves you feeling fraudulent and unworthy. It's a relentless cycle, magnifying each imperfection into evidence of your inadequacies.
  2. People Pleasing: Rooted in the fear of disapproval, this tendency leads to accommodating others' needs above your own, often sparking resentment from misalignment with personal desires.
  3. Executive Presence: This elusive quality combines gravitas, communication skills, and appearance. It's frequently cited as a promotional barrier, particularly for women and minorities who aren't adequately coached on cultivating it.

How These Roadblocks Manifest in Tech Companies

The rapid pace and ever-evolving structure of tech companies demand constant self-reinvention and the establishment of robust networks, which can be arduous without proper validation mechanisms. Moreover, tech's combative environment and the elusive nature of meritocracy compound the problem, creating a gender double bind where women often face criticism irrespective of their approach.

Making Real Change: Your Formula for Success

To enact meaningful and permanent change, we must first observe and understand our tendencies before envisioning a different future. Here lies your actionable change formula:

  • Observe: Pay close attention next time you feel hesitant or compelled to prove yourself yet again. Awareness is the first step.
  • Set Goals: Pursuing aims, whether successfully or not, empowers you and reinforces the self-confidence necessary to define what you truly desire.
  • Redefine Normal: Accept that feelings of inadequacy are common responses to your environment. Recognizing that can minimize those feelings' impact, helping you grow.

Conclusion: Embrace Challenges and Engage in Self-Discovery

In the tech world, where quick transitions and high expectations are commonplace, it's crucial to realize that your growth lies not in suppressing your worries but in facing and understanding them. If today's exploration resonates with you, remember there's nothing wrong with finding yourself in the midst of these struggles—they're a normal part of the journey towards prosperity in your career and beyond.

Feel free to reach out for more insights or share your own experiences with overcoming these typical leadership roadblocks in technology. Connect with me at for any questions or further discussion.

Let's navigate the tough terrain of tech together and uncover the leadership potential within every one of us.

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