Building Health Tech From Home: Balancing Family and Executive Life In The Remote Work World

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Alexandra Robertson
SVP of Growth
Automatic Summary

Empowering Women in Tech: Building a Career in High Growth Start-ups


Women have been holding powerful positions in the tech world for years now, proving their excellence and making significant contributions. Yet, maintaining a balance between work from home and a successful career in the tech space continues to be a challenge. Alexandra Robertson, SEP of Growth at Visor Help, shares her insights and experiences as a remote executive, wife, mother, and sister in this vibrant sector.

Stepping outside the Comfort Zone

"Being in tech, especially as women, it requires mental and physical stamina," – points out Alexandra. Her emphasis is on constantly pushing your boundaries and augmenting your mental and physical resilience.
For balancing work from home life and carving a successful career, Alexandra suggests:

  • Meditation or exercises for mind-body harmony.
  • Journaling for personal reflection and setting priorities.
  • Starting your day early to create a rhythm and structure.

Beware of Burnout: Importance of Setting Boundaries

Robertson encourages setting clear boundaries to manage work from home efficiently and prevent burnout. Here the possibilities are numerous, including:

  • Creating a dedicated workspace to switch into work mode, yet maintain flexibility.
  • Ensuring time for moments that matter – such as attending special events with family.
  • Time blocking for dedicated work hours and family time – a tip she borrowed from her husband.

Being Present and Mindful in Moments That Matter

Robertson believes in being truly present in the moments spared for family and personal life. Citing her personal experience, she shared how a 15-minute game with her daughter, amidst a busy day, was a meaningful interaction. She urges everyone to utilize their free time wisely to connect with their loved ones.

The Power of 'Needle Moving Activities'

Alexandra's last point of focus are Needle Moving Activities (NMAs). By concentrating on NMAs that make a significant impact on a company’s growth, you can be more efficient and productive. Managing your time and calendar, steadily communicating with your team, and aligning yourself with your company's objectives are key for NMAs to succeed.


To embrace a successful remote career in tech, according to Alexandra Robertson, you must be willing to challenge and invest in yourself, set boundaries to preserve your energy, be present in meaningful experiences, and focus your efforts on activities that have a considerable impact on your company's growth.

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