10 Top Women In Tech Events for 2020
    Women In Tech Events


    With 2020 well underway, it’s time to start thinking about how to make it YOUR year. One great way to give your tech career a boost is to get out there and attend some of the women in tech events. Not only are they a perfect opportunity to network with other great minds and talent in the industry, but they are also a great way to find out about new opportunities and grow your tribe! 

    Check out our list of the top 10 women in technology events for the year ahead. Don’t forget to update your calendar and reminders as you go through!

    1. WomenTech Global Awards

    When: December 03, 2020
    Where: Global, Virtual

    #WTGA 2020 will celebrate a community of 100,000 women in tech, minorities and allies supported by +4000 WomenTech Network Ambassadors from 161 countries. Some of the nominated are the most accomplished women in tech, including technologists, scientists and leaders at Amazon, Facebook, Founder Institute, Google, Harvard, IBM, Microsoft, Netflix, Stanford, Twitter and many more.

    Submit your nomination before October 29th.

    We’re super excited about our list of events taking place throughout 2020/2021 and all across the globe. Check out all the events here.

    2. WomenTech Global Conference

    When: June 10 - 11, 2021
    Where: Global, Virtual

    #WTGC 2021 will feature tech professionals, industry innovators, and more than 4000 WomenTech Network Ambassadors & 300 speakers from around the world. Some of the speakers are the most accomplished women in tech, including technologists, scientists and leaders at Amazon, Facebook, Founder Institute, Google, Harvard, IBM, Microsoft, Netflix, Stanford, Twitter and many more.

    We’re super excited about our list of events taking place throughout 2020/2021 and all across the globe. Check out all the events here.

    3. Women in Tech - Myths and Opportunities

    When: 6:00PM to 9:00PM, February 13, 2020
    Where: London, United Kingdom

    Technology is exciting and it’s literally all around us but so is the myth that the industry is all-male. This discussion is led by three tech industry professionals, Carolyn Stebbings, Managing Director of Code Worldwide and SVP of Data & Technology Solutions at RAPP, Buki Thompson, Software Developer at YouLend, and Holly Boothroyd, Software Engineer at Microsoft. Join them to discuss and celebrate women in the ever-evolving field of technology, the myths surrounding the field and the opportunities lurking within!

    4. ClojureBridge London

    When: February 21 - 22, 2020
    Where: London, United Kingdom

    Not all events come with a price tag. With Clojure, women and those who identify themselves as women get to learn to code in a fun, friendly, and FREE way. Each participant is paired with a coach who will guide and support them through the event. Participants are taught Clojure, a functional, dynamic programming language that is great for all skill levels. 

    5. Women in DevOps

    When: February 27, 2020
    Where: London, United Kingdom

    This event brings in a number of the biggest financial tech platforms in the world. Women in DevOps aims to empower women to design and implement innovative solutions, encourage companies to keep women into their communities, and to promote gender equality in the tech industry. 

    6. Women Rising in STEM

    When: March 3, 2020
    Where: London, United Kingdom

    Launching in March to celebrate International Women’s Day, Women Rising in STEM provides mentoring support to women across different fields of interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

    The series aims to encourage women to not only choose an industry that makes a huge impact but to also increase the overall representation of women in STEM. This event is for all experience levels whether you’ve been in the industry for 10 years or you’re still an aspiring student.

    7. WITBoss 

    When: March 19, 2020.
    Where: Leeds, UK

    Register early to ensure your place on the invitation-only networking event, WITBoss. The event is solely for female leaders in the IT industry, creating a unique community for networking, debating and discussing current trends and is an opportunity to learn from leaders in the industry. 

    8. Women in Cybersecurity

    When: March 12 - 14, 2020
    Where: Denver, Colorado, USA

    If Cybersecurity is your thing, then it could be worth checking out this amazing organisation. The Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) helps bring together women in cybersecurity from all avenues, including academia, industry, and research all with the aim to share experience, knowledge, inspire and mentor. 

    9. Women in Tech Dublin

    When: October 15 - 16, 2020
    Where: Dublin, Ireland

    Women in Tech Dublin is Ireland’s biggest celebration of the many achievements by women throughout the tech industry. Over the 2-day conference you’ll have the opportunity to rub shoulders with over 1800 participants, take your pick from more than 80 sessions and 60 speakers, all their to drive diversity and progressive change in the world of tech. Women in Tech Dublin is about giving the connections, technical knowledge, and inspiration that you need to thrive as an individual in the ever progressive tech world.

    10. European Women in Technology

    When: 16 - 20 November 2020
    Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    European Women in Technology is the biggest event for women in technology in all of Europe with more than 40,000 attendees. The tickets for this event have been sold out three years running, so be quick and register your interest now to be in with a chance for this year. The theme for this year’s conference is the future of technology. Dates are yet to be confirmed, but if 2019 is anything to go by, it’ll be unmissable!

    Save the Dates!

    Participating in these industry events is a great way to get yourself out there, get your foot in the door, make connections, gain insight and get inspired. 
    This list is just the tip of the iceberg. To discover more events or find one closer to home, check out the full list of WomenTech Network events right here.