- computer system engineer at Mehran university of engineering and technologycomputer system engineer at Mehran university of engineering and technology
- Studentq at Lal Bahadur Shastri institute of managementStudentq at Lal Bahadur Shastri institute of management
- Head of Marketing and Communications at Zühlke/#thenewITgirlsHead of Marketing and Communications at Zühlke/#thenewITgirls
- Senior Support Services Manager at Citrix Systems IrelandSenior Support Services Manager at Citrix Systems Ireland
- Research Assistant at Nazarbayev UniversityResearch Assistant at Nazarbayev University
- Web Developer at Cummins College of engineering For Women, NagpurWeb Developer at Cummins College of engineering For Women, Nagpur
- Student at cochin university of science and technolStudent at cochin university of science and technol
- University student, Freelancer, Global Ambassador.University student, Freelancer, Global Ambassador.
- Program Leader and Founder at Girl InnovationProgram Leader and Founder at Girl Innovation