Delia Mensitieri We starts with Me: living your values to create a brave new world

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Unpacking Corporate Coaching and the Importance of Diversity and Company Values with Delia

We recently had the pleasure of hosting Delia, a prolific corporate coach with a flair for diversity and linking company values with corporate strategies. She led an insightful chat, encouraging attendees to share their experiences and challenge her perspectives.

As we know, engrossing conversations thrive on distinct interpretations and insights.

Aligning or Killing Diversity within the Corporate Landscape?

Delia hinted at an interesting paradox within the hiring process. The tendency to hire individuals who align with our personal beliefs or company culture could hinder diversity. Does alignment necessitate the suppression of diversity? Fitting this discussion into the broader framework of workplace diversity, we explored diversity's implications and strategies to foster it far beyond its conventional confines of age, gender, and culture.

Reimagining Diversity's Definition

Delia suggested that diversity extends beyond stereotypical interpretation – it is a celebration of our unique qualities that differentiates us from everyone else. This realization sparks a new, broader perspective of diversity, the profound recognition and cherishing of the individuality of every employee.

  • Firstly, while alignment is a powerful strategy to control the unknown, it shouldn't be the dominant strategy. Alignment becomes a hindrance when it obscures individuality and suppresses internal growth and innovation.
  • Secondly, we need to reevaluate how we manage diversity. Instead of executing the usual diversity programs, we should aim to understand and foster the uniqueness of each individual on the team.
  • Lastly, diversity is about each one of us. We must challenge the orthodox and create a space where each person can grow into their uniqueness. A space of non-judgment where individuals can openly express their opinions.

Fostering Trust and Coherence in the Workplace

For diversity to thrive, we need to establish psychological safety within teams. A space where they can comfortably express their opinions, admit their mistakes, and ensure their contribution is valued. In essence, what we need is an environment where each employee feels safe to be their authentic self.

The Power of Shared Values and Identity

Central to embracing diversity is the acknowledgment of our shared values and common identity. Every team has an identity – even the perceived lack of one is an identity in itself. It is vital to tap into these shared values to cultivate a distinct team culture.

It is equally important to recognize and maintain our unique selves amidst external opinions. While it is natural to be influenced by opinions around us, we need to have the freedom to question these views critically, discern their value, and determine their potential impact on our beliefs.

Concluding Thoughts on Diversity and Corporate Coaching

Delia’s presentation highlighted the importance of diversity beyond standard definitions, the significance of managing it effectively, and the power of individuality in the workplace. As we venture into uncharted territories of diversity, we are reminded of the essential role it plays in fostering innovation, creativity, and a sense of belonging within the corporate landscape.

Thank you, Delia, for the enlightening discussion. Your insightful viewpoints have given us a newfound appreciation for diversity and its potential to catalyze change within our organizations.

If you're keen on further exploring the intersection of diversity, alignment, and corporate culture, feel free to connect with Delia on LinkedIn.

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