Neurodivergence in Women in Tech – Superpowers on the Squad

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Jessica McAulay
Consultant, Revenue Operations & Business Intelligence
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Neurodivergence in Women: A Hidden Superpower in the Tech Industry

Welcome to the arena of neurodivergence and women in tech! In this era of technology, we invite you to enlighten yourself about the power hidden in your quirks. Journey along with us as we explore how neurodivergence is not just an anomaly but a superpower on tech squads.

A Peek into a Neurodivergent Woman's Journey in Tech

Jessica McCaulley is a proud neurodivergent woman who has carved out a successful career in the tech and operations realm. She has been working as a red at Inflect, a company that offers Rev as a service. Over the years, she has enhanced her prowess in making sense of client data and systems, an essential asset in the world of technology.

As she ascended to the role of sense maker, Jessica dealt with her share of struggles. She hand-crafted her coping mechanisms while juggling her ADHD, learning disability, and dyslexia, which defined her as a person with dual exceptionality.

Yes, working in a male-dominated industry was not easy, but she turned her neurodivergence into a strength, not a weakness. She firmly believes that her immeasurable success in the tech sphere is attributed to her neurodivergent traits.

The Reality of Neurodivergent Women in Tech

In the tech industry, the male to female ratio stands strikingly high at 3:1, and this disparity widens to 4:1 when it comes to technical roles. To add to the complexity, one in five women working in tech are neurodivergent, a statistic which may be an understatement, given the low diagnosis rates among women.

Embracing Neurodivergence: A Transition to Power

With determined efforts, Jessica transitioned from a protective shell to getting diagnosed with ADHD and taking appropriate medication in her early 30s. The diagnosis was more of an investment in understanding herself and how her mind works, weaving a success story in her tech career. Her ADHD became her superpower, influencing her pattern finding, focusing abilities, and outside the box thinking abilities, all crucial skills in the tech industry.

A Glimpse into the Gender-Specific Traits of ADHD

Neurodivergence and particularly ADHD presents very differently in men and women. The past 20 years have witnessed a rapid increase in ADHD among women, thanks to emerging research accommodating gender-specific manifestation methods. With the right diagnosis and medication, women can harness their neurodivergent abilities to propel their roles in the tech industry.

How Neurodivergence Translates into Superpowers in Tech

A large number of successful tech founders have been diagnosed with ADHD, proving that the skills that come with neurodivergence are incredibly well suited to tech. Apart from being able to quickly visualize high-level connections, neurodivergent individuals possess essential traits such as hyper-focus, innovative thinking, risk-taking, and problem-solving abilities. Each of these superpowers contributes significantly to the dynamism of the tech industry.

The Industry Perception: From Glorification to Reality

While neurodivergence empowers individuals with a set of superpowers, it's essential to be aware of the potential limitations or kryptonite. For instance, shifts in priorities or ambiguities could be paralyzing for a neurodivergent person who thrives on focusing and staying on track. Furthermore, it's imperative for tech managers to create an inclusive work culture that nourishes the capabilities of these neurodivergent superheroes.

Bridging the Gap: Advocacy and Accommodation

Effective self-advocacy goes a long way in creating an optimized work environment. Similarly, proactive management, such as setting clear priorities and providing support, significantly enhances the productivity of a neurodivergent team member. By creating a squad-based approach, businesses can cultivate cognitive diversity and foster innovation.

Embrace your uniqueness, your quirks, your neurodivergence. Establish your place in the tech industry and know that your superpowers have more reach than you may realize. Together, let's redefine the face of tech!

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