3 Insightful Talks from the Women in Tech Global Conference 2022
3 insightful talks from WTGC 2022

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Since the super early bird tickets for WTGC 2023 will be available solely till December 16th, we’d like to give you a taste of the amazing content you can expect to benefit from as a conference attendee. Below are three must-watch talks from this year’s Women in Tech Global Conference. Each talk offers insights on various subjects: from taking risks to embracing vulnerability. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these keynotes will most certainly inspire you.

Svava Bjarnadóttir, Tech Lead at Picnic

Svava Bjarnadóttir gave a talk that shed light on ways to combat the lack of women in tech leadership positions: "Getting More Women Into Tech Leadership Roles at Picnic (And Beyond)". She pointed out that the glass ceiling metaphor is a misnomer; women face barriers at every level - not just because of an external ceiling that keeps women from rising up. Gender inequality is inherently systemic.

Women in tech leadership roles have a long and winding journey to the top, and Eager & Carly's metaphor of women's challenges as a labyrinth is a more accurate representation of this. Most of the time, there is also a minotaur that makes the journey even harder. While there are routes available to women who aspire to reach the highest level of their field, every junction presents its own twists and turns which can be unexpected yet still accomplished. By using a labyrinth as the metaphor for women in tech's trials and tribulations, it implies that despite the complexity of this journey, it is still possible to navigate through it successfully and reach one's goal.

She also shared 3 ways how to navigate the labyrinth: trial and error, following an example, and changing the system:

  • Through trial and error, a woman has to take the journey alone. It is possible to succeed in this way, however, it is time-consuming and hard. Doing it alone is an even bigger challenge than the labyrinth itself.

  • The second way is to follow an example. In this case, you have to get a mentor or get support from colleagues. In this case, you'd have guidance, advice, and support from others. To provide support to women, companies can initiate mentoring programs, enable experience sharing, and celebrate role models.

  • Lastly, she noted that companies should redesign the labyrinth; the system can and should change. To do this effectively, they need to know what barriers currently exist and how to remove them. They should create an environment where everyone has the potential to be successful based on their individual capabilities and qualifications.

Manali Patnaik, Sr. Digital Product Manager at GE Healthcare

Manali disemminated a much-needed inspirational message during her talk "All You Gotta Do Is Ask" at the WTGC 2022. Manali discussed the importance of women in tech not just asking but also negotiating their way to success, believing that they deserve to be part of the conversation. She encouraged women to navigate their careers on their own terms and to make sure they bring a chair to the table. Her key takeaway was for women to create their own opportunities and choose mentors and sponsors that will help them reach the success they dream about. For women looking for a career in tech, Manali's talk was an empowering reminder that anything is possible if you don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Floriane Gramlich, Director Product at Zalando

Floriane Gramlich gave a confidence boost to many women in tech with her passionate talk about product leadership entitled "How to be a Product Leader instead of a Product Manager". Her message is that everyone can be a product manager, but being a leader is empowering because it shows that formal authority is not necessarily essential for success when you have the determination and creativity that Product Leaders are known for. With an intense focus on enabling teams, empathizing with stakeholders and customers, and understanding how something is done can be just as important as what needs to be done to create better products. Digging deeper into this perspective of product leadership can prove to be incredibly powerful for women in tech looking to stand out.

The WTGC in 2023 will feature many inspirational and motivational talks like the ones above that you won't want to miss! Purchase your ticket today.