Session: Perfectionism: The Internal Glass Ceiling sabotaging career advancement for Women In Tech
There’s a 13-letter word that is silently sabotaging millions of careers around the world. And it’s ‘something’ that has gone unnoticed and largely not talked about for decades. Yet, it could very well be THE single most reason why so many highly qualified women aren’t advancing in their corporate roles. Do you know what this culprit is?
In this empowering keynote, the speaker passionately addresses women in the tech industry, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery and recognition of their inherent value. The keynote aims to uplift and motivate women by emphasizing the unique skills, perspectives, and contributions they bring to the tech world.
The speaker delves into the importance of self-confidence, encouraging women to embrace their achievements and acknowledge the impact of their work. Through relatable anecdotes and success stories, the keynote aims to inspire a sense of pride and self-worth among women in tech, fostering a mindset that enables them to navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience.
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
(1): Outline the traits of perfectionists and how they impact their life and career advancement
(2): Recognize their self-worth and the importance to build their brand
(3): Learn the habits they need to develop to advance in a male dominated industry
As a former woman in tech, who has climbed the corporate ladder in a Fortune 500 company, Patricia has an insider’s understanding of what obstacles stand in the way of female leaders. Through her powerful presentations, Patricia has the ability to truly impact the audience and fill the room with energy. She connects with the audience in a special way and shares engaging, empowering, and inspirational stories that bring the audience alive!