Future Proof Your Workforce| Change The Mindset "Working Hard + Long is A Badge of Honor" by Sarah Moody

Video Transcription

Welcome. So wonderful. Wait, good morning. Good evening. Good afternoon. So awesome to see you all today. Thank you so much for joining this session. Ok. This is all about future proofing your team. And while we're getting started, will you just tell us in the chat where you live?

I live in San Francisco. My name is Sarah Moody. One word on how you're feeling today. I'm feeling determined. And what's your favorite activity outside of work? Mine is going to my gym, equinox for a hit class. I absolutely love it. High intensity interval training. It's like lots of dopamine lots of fitness for 45 minutes. So tell us all the things and we're gonna dive into a minute. Yeah, we're gonna dive in. So, really, I am a cognitive coach. I'm the CEO of Sarah Moody coaching. I got certified about 2.5 years ago with a life coach school. I live in San Francisco, California and I am so excited to spend the next 40 minutes with you sharing these tools that I've used to completely do a 180 in my life and my students and clients have used to completely do one eighties in their lives. OK. So here's my experience, I have been in the tech industry for 25 years and these are the brands that I've worked with lots of household names that you would know, like Apple and Google and Microsoft and all these amazing brands. So I have a worked for a bunch of these brands and then b a bunch of these brands are now my clients.

So I've had, I'd say like seat one, a experience to the mindset that we have in tech, especially as a woman in tech that working long and hard is like a really good thing. And I'm gonna show you guys today that it's not really a good thing and it's actually a really terrible thing for your mental health and I love you all already. But so we're going to go into like how I can help you. We're gonna talk about the challenge, right of this mindset that working long and hard is like a good thing. I'm gonna talk about the solution and as I mentioned, I'm a cognitive coach. So everything comes back to this beautiful brain of yours and I'm gonna give you three very simple answers. OK? So let's do this. Let's dive in. All right, I love research and I read the woman at work 2022 report that Deloitte just put out and y'all, as you can see the date is terrible, 53% of you reported stress levels higher than 12 months ago. Work life balance is non existent and lot like the top sided driver for leaving employers. I know you all know this because I, I know, you know, you you're living this world is burnout.

So this is, you know, this to me is this is an epidemic what we're going through right now in our brains. And I work with a lot of CEO S in all those brands that I just shared with you. And um I love this report that just came out in the last few months from, from BC G that this conversation needs to be a top priority for CEO S learning development. You becoming your potential as a human is a CEO level issue because we're all working for some company in some way, shape or form, right? So I love that this is so important that CEO S have it on their corporate priorities. OK? And if it's not, then it needs to be. All right, let's talk about the challenges that I see. OK. First of all, we're all women in tech social conditioning. OK. Let's just start here. Number one, how many of you were conditioned to think that you need to be polite? I mean, my parents are British. Trust me. I was like, yes, I have to be polite. I can't interrupt in meetings. I've gotta always be, you know, like really nice. That's number one. So think about where you learned that you have to always be polite and not interrupt. OK.

Number two, we as women are conditioned to believe that we should be selfless and the more selfless we are and the more giving to other humans are, the more valuable we are in society which by the way is just a big fat lie. All of these are big fat lies. OK. Number three, think about like, what does it feel like if I asked you like, do you ever just talk about your wins and talk about how amazing you are or talk about that, you know big okr that you crushed. Do you notice this thought of like, oh my God, I don't wanna brag. We are conditioned as women to be modest, to not brag to not talk about the WS the wins to not talk about how we crush those okrs. We're not conditioned to think that that's ok. All of my students, I asked them, this is like, no, I don't wanna brag. Well, guess what you it is so important to own your amazingness, not in a bragging way, but just to own that. You are creating amazing results in this world. Ok. Like, think about all the men who so eas easily can talk about their wins, right? Think about all the men who are not all caught up in like, you know, caring for all the other humans at the expense of themselves. Think about all the men who have interrupted you in meetings? Ok. I know I've had in 25 years, I've had a bunch of them. Ok. So I love memes and it was so fun pulling together memes for our session today.

Just to help you think about your world of work right now where you work and some of the beliefs that probably will ring true for you are like, and I told my students not many of them work 40 hour, like 40 hour work weeks. Right. And how many of you believe that if you work hard, that's how you're gonna make more money. I know. I used to think that and how many of you think? Oh my God, I just got this new role. Like I'm go, I'm gunning for the next one. Right. It's been, it's been X months. Like, let's go right by the way. I just absolutely love this little kid on the right. He just cracks me up and naps. Is anyone taking a nap out there? I know before I hired my coach 2.5 years ago, there is no way I would ever let anyone know that I was taking a nap like zero way. Um And yeah, you know, between the graying of America and the great resignation like we're all short staffed. Ok. But I'm not going to encourage any one of us to work to death because that's why we're in a burnout pandemic right now. That's why you feel like empty, you feel, you feel stressed, you feel overwhelmed, you feel fried, right? It's like the light inside of you is broken but you're just still going, going, going and going and going. And as you look around you, you're like, yeah, my colleagues are leaving, my team's leaving my boss just left. So this is what we're gonna tackle today.

All these limiting beliefs that we see exist in tech right now and how to change those beliefs, change that mindset so that we can just show up and like love our lives and also future proof our teens, like keep them with us. All right. Is this your reality? Tell me, is this your brain? Like do you think thoughts like, oh my God, I have so much to do. Um Or I, oh my God, I didn't respond to in slack fast enough. What are they gonna think? Or I'm even just worried what they think. Like is any of this going on in your brain? And when you're at work, do you find yourself like cranky in meetings? Are you, do you, does work? Feel a little unfulfilling? Do you find yourself procrastinating? Feeling fried? So many of my students before they come to me. This is exactly their reality. They have so much to do. There's not enough time. There's no way they can set a boundary at work. There's, you know, there's this mindset. I've got to be available 24 7. I gotta work long. I gotta work hard. Like let's go, let's go, let's go. Right? So I want you to drop in the chat. What is true for you? OK. And I'm gonna go back to this prior slide. So what is true for you? What's going on in your brain? What thoughts do you have? Right. How do you feel at work? How do you feel in your life? Are you feeling fried? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you feeling worried? Let's take a minute and just share with me in the chat. What's going on? Ok. OK.

Somehow I have shared my entire screen so I cannot see the chat, but I have heard from my, from my team that you are dropping stuff in the chat. So that's a great thing. I usually like to talk about what you're talking about in the chat. But um we're not in Zoom, we're in Hoppin, which is a little different. So OK. All right. So I wanna know what's true for you. Drop it in the chat. OK. Fried. You're feeling fried. I love it. Yes. All right. Tired. Not enough hours in the day. Guilty for not working, not accountable. I love it all. All like I'm gonna tell you right now need to respond to ASAP. That is it. You all feel like you need to be on 24 73 65. I'm gonna tell you something right now. Nothing has gone wrong. All of those thoughts, all the ways you're feeling of fried and, and all those things and, and overwhelm nothing has gone wrong. Ok. Please trust me on this right now. Ok. I felt all those feelings and had that exact same experience a couple years ago before I hired my own coach. Ok. Here's what my students call me. A brain trainer. Kind of like a dog trainer, but like a brain trainer. Oh, by the way, I didn't introduce you. I meant to introduce you. Um, all start to when I'm not at Equinox working out, I'm walking this guy and I have, I, I have trained him. His name is Marley by the way. Ok. So let's get back to the brain. My students call me a brain trainer.

And so we're gonna go into brain 101, right? Because as you've said, it feels like you must get it all done now. You must be on 24 7 and you must get it done perfectly. Ok. So remember nothing's gone wrong. Let's go into your brain. Let's do a little neuroscience here. Ok. Brain nerd here. Yeah, that's me. Ok. I know. So this is what I experienced. I used to think that my brain was in charge of me. I was like, oh my brain's in charge. Ok? I gotta follow my brain and so often I felt like my brain is so mean he's like working against me. Ok? Ok. So it's ok if you feel this way, we all feel this way. OK? Nothing's gone wrong. But I'm gonna teach you how to change that relationship where you've got the brain on the leash and you're in charge of the brain, ok? Just like I am in charge of Marlene. So here is research. You have about 60,000 thoughts going through your brain a day, ok? 90% of them are on repeat and as you can see about 80% of them are negative. OK? So you saw all your thoughts there, nothing's gone wrong. This is your brain, this is how this is how it operates, right? But your thoughts of like, oh my God, there's so much to do that creates feelings of overwhelming anxiety is not going to create great results in your life, right? It's not gonna help you crush those ors.

So what I want to say right now is your brain is functioning perfectly from a neuroscience perspective. We're not taught as humans how to manage it, train it and be in charge of it. OK? So there's two sides of your brain. And I think this really helps as you go as you, as you think about these, these thoughts that we're trying to shift about, you know, working long and hard and, and you know, that's why all these humans are leaving from our teams. Just think about your brain and put it into like two sections, one side of your brain is just like Marley. OK. This is your, you might have heard the lizard brain, the primitive brain, the reptilian brain. So that's one part of your brain. Let's call it this part of your brain. OK. This part of your brain is always scanning for danger. Why you're not gonna get the promotion? How you can never get that done? And I call this if we're thinking about, ok. R the results thief. Ok? He's just like short term easy, gonna keep me safe. He's like the results thief. And then you probably heard of like the human brain, the prefrontal cortex. OK? This is the other half of your brain. This is what I call the results maker. So this is where your long term deepest desires reside. OK? Like it's possible I can get that work done. It's possible that I can get that promotion. It's possible that I can have work life balance.

It's possible I can break up with this belief that working long and hard is a good thing for me. OK? So think of two sides of your brain, the puppy just like Marley and you the bad ass ceo OK? The primitive puppy brain is motivated by three things. OK? Because it evolved thousands of years ago with the Saber toothed tiger. It's motivated by being efficient. So rinsing and repeating the exact same thing definitely doesn't want new goals, doesn't want you to change, doesn't want you to stretch yourself. OK? Gotta conserve and be efficient because remember it's cold outside, we're back in the Saber Tooth Tiger days. Ok? Wants you to be safe. Definitely. Doesn't want you to go after those goals and dreams or think that you can put like pull together that deck for the board meeting.

Wants to keep you safe. Ok? And it's very into pleasure. Like, no, that's too hard. I'm gonna go sit on the couch and watch some Netflix and eat some popcorn and you know, have a soda. Your puppy brain wants to keep you alive because it's been with you for thousands of years. Ok? It's trying to help you. But this is the part of your brain that needs the training. Ok? So let's go into the, into the CEO brain. This is evolved much more recently. This is the human brain and this part of your brain is going to allow you to manually override the primitive puppy brain that doesn't want you to go after that promotion. Remember this side of your brain wants you to sit on the couch and watch some Netflix. Ok? OK. Most of us are living in our puppy brain before I hired my coach 2.5 years ago. I was living in my puppy brain, right? I was like, listen easy street. Let's go. All right, let's not do things, let's not build the business, let's not do things that are too hard. And so what I want to share with you. This is neuroscience 101. The thoughts in your brain equal the results in your life, which is actually the best news ever because I have the playbook for your thoughts to create results that you want. So for example, think about a slice of pizza. You look over at the pizza.

You're like, oh my God. That looks really yummy. Next thing you know, you're eating the pizza, right? So the thought the pizza looks mu the pizza looks yummy means you eat the pizza. What I'm going to offer to you, which might be a stretch right now. But this again is neuroscience 101. Every thought in that incredible brain of yours is optional. It's a sentence in your brain. I know many of you right now are like, listen, Sarah, the thoughts that I just shared with you are facts. They would stand up in a court of law in front of a judge. Well, I'm gonna offer to you that they're actually optional. Ok. And we're gonna use our CEO brain to shift those thoughts that are creating those feelings of overwhelm pride and just creating that really rough experience for you at work right now. Ok. Ok. So how do I change my thoughts? Ok. I'm gonna start actually, I'm gonna go back here. What I'm gonna warn you right now is I am not in the positive affirmation like world at all. I'm in the cognitive science world. Ok. So what I'm gonna teach you today is grounded in science. It's not gonna be like, um, I have all the time in the world at work. I can get everything done. We are not gonna do any of that. Ok. All right. So I built a cognitive playbook and I know we're all intact.

So we all know what playbooks are and I'm gonna give you chapter one, which is like two simple tools. And by the way, you have a workbook in the chat that you can download and take with you. And it's got this two simple tools in that workbook. So, um, definitely look at the chat, here's tool number one. So think about your brain. The first step in training our brains is figuring out what's going on in there, right? So it's a thought download, think about like a software download. It's a brain download of your thoughts.

Ok? So you're gonna take all your thoughts out of your brain right now. I've given you four prompts and I want you to take two minutes and write down your thoughts either on a piece of paper in front of you or type them online or on page two of the workbook. It's fillable and you can do it there. Ok? Let me put my little timer on for two minutes. Let's get this going here. So just like a software download, you're going to do a thought download of all your thoughts around like what are your thoughts around setting boundaries at work? Like deciding that at five o'clock laptop gets closed unless it's something from the CEO, what are your thoughts about your 2022 ors? Do you think you can crush them? Do they feel completely crazy? Because there's not enough, you know, talent like humans and there's not enough time.

What are your thoughts about work life balance and just having balance in your life? What are your thoughts about you and your role? All right, we're gonna have another minute and then um I'd love it if you could share in the chat. Ok. Well, let's take another and I know, you know, I know we're, we're talking about work, but I think what's important is, is we are humans who want to have a really big amazing fulfilling life. And what the pandemic has taught us all is that we all want to kind of shift our identity away from work and more to being like a whole human, right? We've got to take care of our kids, we got to take, you know, like they're all these other things that we want to do in our lives. And so, you know, I know those are, those thoughts are gonna come up as, as you think about setting boundaries at work, as you think about work life bounds. There's gonna be a lot of thoughts and resistance that your brain is gonna come up with because of all these other kind of constraints on your time? OK. So let's take a, let's take, just tell me in the chat, what did you write down?

What, what were those thoughts? And then tell me in the chat, what surprised you. Let's take that. Yeah, my team is, uh there's definitely not enough time in the day setting work boundaries seems super difficult. I don't want to let my coworkers down if I can't do something that literally came up today when I asked for help. It's critical since it's, it's important to have a good work balance. But also it's complicated because it detracts from the human element. So it's absolute. This is a very complicated topic. Let me tell you something. If I ever thought about setting boundaries at work and having work life bounds before I had my cognitive tools, I would have told my brain that I've lost my marbles because I'm a high achieving woman in tech. There's no way I have to work long. I have to work hard. There's no way I can set boundaries. There's no way I can tell my team that like unless the, unless it's from the CEO like at five, I gotta go take care of the family, I gotta go take care of my parents, right? And, and exactly that, that fear that comes up in your brain of like, I might miss a valuable care opportunity if I get offline at five, right? So that, that fear of missing out. I know those thoughts as well. So here is Tool number two.

Ok, of the playbook and this is in your workbook. So just go to the next page and you'll see the framework. Ok? So I want you to step back for a second and, and think about five things right now that you are familiar with every single day. Ok. Number one are facts, facts or circumstances. So think of facts or circumstances as things that would stand up in a court of law in front of a judge. Ok, like the car is white, my Mac is silver, this glass is green. Ok? All of these would stand American car law super neutral. Ok. Now what's the thought I have about the white car? Right? And when I think that thought for example, you know, maybe you don't like white cars. I don't like white. You feel like from that thought you're like uh like some level of disgust or like dislike and then what do you do? What action do you take when you feel that feeling you're like the action is I'm never gonna buy a white car. And so the result is like, you're like, I'm never gonna buy a white car, right? Or I'm never gonna own a white car. So facts, thoughts, feelings, actions, results are the five components that make up the framework. Your thoughts just like we thought, oh my God, that pizza looks so yummy and we ended up eating the pizza.

So your thoughts will always create the feelings in your body of fried, overwhelmed all the things and then you either do or don't do things that create results in your life. Let's go through some examples. OK. So remember we talked about your puppy brain. OK. Think Marley. OK.

So I know you're all bad ass women in tech. So the fact is on your calendar, on your iphone or on your phone, you're like, I've got a meeting notice where I have to have a deck ready for the board meeting and it's in two weeks and it's, it's a meeting notice on my calendar, right? It's a fact the judge would seem to be like, yeah, and the first thought you have is I don't have data to do a customer deep dive and there's definitely not enough time. It's in two weeks. You're like no way. And when you think that thought you feel anxious, right? And what happens when you feel anxious? You procrastinate and gathering the data and hope it goes away. I know I've done that a million times, completing easier deliverables. I do that. You know, I used to do that 2 million times and then I love Ozark. Probably go watch some Ozark and then you don't start the deck, right? So this is you not showing up for your bad ass self, right? You've, you've been invited to come to the board to to go deep on the customer stuff. Like, yeah, of course. Now I'm not in the positive thought swapping business, like, oh, yeah, I can do this deck. No problem. I got this easy.

No, I want you to come up with it. Like I call them bridging thoughts. It's a thought that feels, see the feeling a little open, kind of like a sigh. Kind of like you think about yourself, like at the end of the month after you've given this board meeting and you're like, you know what, maybe I can figure out how to get the priority customer data for the deck in time. Like it's possible, maybe I can and you feel a little open, ok? And you schedule the meeting with the data team and you start to build the deck, right? You start to show up for your bad ass self. So see how the fact is the same. So the circumstance or the fact is always gonna be the same. There's one thought that doesn't take you down a path where you're like sitting on easy street, hanging out with Marley on the couch. There's another little believable bridging thought that gets you moving, right. That gets you gets you the CEO kind of moving down the path of, of your life and where you wanna go with your career, right? So that's the framework and how to use go from an unintentional way of thinking to an intentional way of thinking that serves you. Here's another example, you, you're the human, right? You could stand up and record a law in front of, in front of the judge. So you're super neutral, you're the human and you wanna think about setting work boundaries. OK?

And so one thought that I've heard a lot is I'm worried what my colleagues will think. You know, some of you dropped in the chat, like you're worried that you might miss out on something. You're worried that you're that you won't be there for your team. Kind of back to what we talked about at the start where we as women are, are conditioned to be selfless and think of others and take care of others. We are conditioned that way. So of course, your brains can be like I'm worried what they'll think your teammates, your boss, your colleagues, right? And then you feel anxiety and what happens when you feel anxiety. When you think about setting some boundaries, you don't say anything. If you're like me, you probably ruminate nonstop thinking about it and you show cranky in meetings and you stay feeling fried and worried. And here's the intentional way of thinking. It's possible. I can set boundaries and still deliver results and still show up for my team and stay in that career fast track, right? And you feel a little open and then you show up for your life, your career and you start feeling calm, so your thoughts in your brain create feelings of stress, anxiety or fear, right? We saw that with the framework. OK?

And your feelings in your body will drive actions. So, just like that feeling of anxiety that you had about the deck for the board. If you feel anxious, you're probably not gonna work on the deck, right? So your feelings in your body will always drive your actions. OK? All right. Let's go to um I want to know what thoughts are on repeat most days and what feelings are on repeat most days. So if you could identify in the chat, like your top two thoughts on repeat most days and top two feelings. Let's drop those in the chat. And um, yeah, feeling guilty, feeling guilty, feeling overwhelmed, tired. OK. Great. All right. So you see how awareness of your thoughts and your feelings, put, put you back in your CEO brain. You see the intentional thinking that we did the intentional framework, but we came up with a little bridging thought that felt believable and my team will drop into the chat, the podcast episode all about bridging thoughts because that is really where you get your power and you get back into the CEO.

Ok? OK. So tell me in the chat, what do you do or not do when you feel any of those feelings that you just shared, when you feel overwhelmed, you feel scared, what do you do and not do kind of think back to the framework of what I just shared, right? Like there are certain things that you're, that you don't do when you feel scared, right? That there are certain things that you do do when you feel overwhelmed. I mean, for me, when I, when I, before I hired my coach 2.5 years ago, when I felt overwhelmed, I literally would just shut the damn machine down and just like walk away. like I was very good at procrastinating. OK. So you feel guilty, you feel anxiety, you don't have enough time, you can't do it all exhaustion, you feel stuck. OK? All right. Nothing has gone wrong. OK. So I want you to tell me in the chat what thought feels a little better than your current thoughts that are creating stress overwhelm and anxiety. And my team is gonna drop some bridging thoughts into the chat for you so that you can get some ideas. Ok?

So I want it must feel believable in your body. I want it to feel like a little bit of a sigh. So my team will drop some thoughts for you. Remember they're called bridging thoughts. But one example is, you know, it's possible I can let my team know when they can get in touch with me and still be a team player. Like it's possible that, that they'll know that from 5 to 8, I gotta take care of the family and then if they need anything from 8 to 810. Like I'm there for them. Right? And so I want you to tell me in the chat what feels, what thought feels just a little better. Ok. Kind of like a sigh. Ok. All right. So here is, so, remember what we're doing is we're shifting that or any belief we've, I've shared some beliefs here. We've shared some ingrained beliefs that we have as, as women in tech about, you know, working long and hard, you know, is a badge of honor. Those are just thoughts. So being open to believing that you don't have to work long, you don't have to work hard. You can have work like that. You can make space for life. OK? So what does making space for life so that you can have work life balance, right? You can, you can stop feeling burnt out and fried.

I want to encourage you to be an example of what's possible for your team. So I've given you some questions here um for you to answer the good news is, is you'll all have access to these slides, you'll all have access to my questions and all my tools. But I want you to think about like, how do you like, what kind of life fills your soul and feels easy and exciting. So many of us are on the hamster wheel of work, work, work, work, work, right? And when you step back and wanna make space for life it's gonna feel uncomfortable. It's gonna feel like I don't really know what to do when I started making space for life. I only work about 32 to 35 hours a week. I felt a lot of discomfort. I didn't know what I wanted to do. That would make my life feel kind of easy and exciting. I had to kind of figure that out, but that's the first question that I want you to answer right? When you're not say you set some boundaries and, and you get the and you, and you're like, I'm only gonna work, you know, these hours. What feels exciting outside of work? That's gonna help you when you feel excited and desired about things outside of work, that's gonna help, that's gonna help you stay in that place of creating that balance for yourself. Ok? I schedule everything in my calendar, including sleep.

If you've got the schedule, the work life schedule in your calendar. And I know like it's, this is gonna be 80% perfect. We're not going for 100% perfect. But if you follow it to 80% like I do, it's gonna feel like all right, I got the balance. I'm being intentional with my time. Ok? And I want you to really be loving and compassionate with yourself as you start making space for your life and start answering some of these questions and start being open to believing that you can set some of these boundaries. OK? I understand. It's gonna be hard, it's gonna feel discomfort, you're gonna feel discomfort. But being open to believing that you can rewire your brain, you can use my two tools and start rewiring your brain. I do this thought work every single day and it's how I've, you know, started my coaching business and been able to like, you know, only work X hours a week and, and so I know it may feel really like there's no flipping way Sarah. But trust me, when I say all of my students use my tools and they've all had profound success in terms of, you know, not feeling burnt out and really loving their life and feeling calm and confident. So I have three simple answers for you as leaders as team leaders or even just, even if you don't lead a team model, work life boundaries for your colleagues and start building some balance into your life. OK?

I always love ensuring that performance is always kind of tied to OKRS and support your team's well being, you know, help them with work life boundaries, help them with their mindset. You know, a lot of work life boundaries and balance and well being comes back to your mindset, comes back to these, these beliefs that we shared earlier in the session and really shifting them to beliefs that serve you that create the results that you want. And there's no playbook. I mean, yes, I have a cognitive playbook, but in terms of like simple answers for, you know, creating balance for your team and modeling more flat balance and, and, and having a healthy team that stays with you, that's future proof. There's no playbook right now. So just iterate, try different things and don't make if something didn't work, mean anything, just try it again. Ok. This is one of my favorite beliefs. Discomfort is the currency of my dreams. And I'm all about thinking about my future self where I want to be in 12 months, one year, two years, five years. So when things feel hard and it feels really hard to let go of these limiting beliefs that you need to work long, you need to be hard, you need to be always available. Just trust.

We're all in this together, y'all, we're all struggling with the same things you can see in the chat, you're all in it. I'm in it. We're all in it. We're all humans navigating this human experience. So I always love to think about my future self and hooking her up. And you know, when I think about her, she's calm, she's confident, she believes in herself. She trusts herself and she knows this is gonna be hard, but she's in it to win it with her team and me and you and all of us. Ok? So I want to know in the chat in the last minute, what was the most valuable thing you learned today and that you'll continue to use and here's just a couple of, you know, while you're doing that, you know, I do lots of workshops with lots of companies and I love working with teams so that they can get clear on what's going on in their brain that's stopping them from delivering on their OKRS.

How do they feel more like self-confident? How do they tolerate failure? How do they dream big? So that's what I do with teams. That's what I do with individuals like Christine, you know, I, I coached her, but I also came in and coached her team on how to deliver amazing results, how to, you know, break up with a lot of the thinking that we just talked about earlier today in my names. These are just some examples of some of my students that are all women in just like you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted. Ok. So it's 100% possible for you and your teams to deliver amazing results without sacrificing work life balance. OK. Nail, OK. Without drama. Break up with this mindset that working long and hard is a badge of honor. It's not, let's grow, let's have a common language. Let's know that we are better together. OK. Feel free to email my team or samui.com also too. If you want, if you're noticing that you want to feel a little bit more confident at work, you can do that in 30 days. Grab my free confidence course on my site, just go to samud.com. I've got lots of free content there including my podcast. And if you love what you learned, come back on Thursday at 530 EDT, we're gonna do some more thought work and help you navigate the changing tech landscape.

Thank you so much for showing up for your beautiful selves and learning how to train your brain and learning and seeing how this mindset of working long and hard is not serving any of us. It's leading to burnout. It's let's future proof our teams, let's build a life that we love. Let's have balance in our lives. Have a beautiful rest of your afternoon, evening, morning. Thank you so much for showing up.