Achieving Individual and Company Growth by taking the “Career Path Less Traveled” by Jacqueline Woods

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Taking Unconventional Career Paths: A Discussion with Jacqueline Woods

Welcome! Today, we delve into the topic of taking a career path less traveled, and it's my pleasure to introduce a guest who has tons of experience to share. Jacqueline Woods is a technical leader across many organizations and presently serves as the Chief Marketing Officer at Teradata.

An Introduction: Meet Jacqueline Woods

Jacqueline Woods has spent over 25 years in technology, taking up leadership roles at Oracle, IBM, and now, Teradata. She is excited to share her journey with us today as we explore unconventional career paths and more.

Carving Out Unique Career Paths In Corporate Organizations

Jacqueline believes the notion of a 'typical career path' is a myth, as every journey is different. The key is in ensuring ample resources are available to support an unconventional career path, like ample mentoring and other support systems.

Top Tip: Raw ambition meets sage advice. Look around. See what others have done, and ask: "How did you do what you do?"

Cultivating continuous learning in the Workplace

To Jacqueline, culture is the backbone of any company. It can either be an obstacle or an accelerant for growth. A culture that prioritizes continuous learning and professional development is an asset. Jacqueline is quick to point out an intriguing fact on millennials: they would gladly take a pay cut for better career development.

The Great Resignation and Strategies to Stand Out

In the current competitive recruitment market, standing out can be a task. Jacqueline advises both employees and employers to have a good understanding of why they're leaving or hiring, respectively.

She recommends:

  1. Knowing why you're leaving your current job
  2. Considering the skills and experience you will gain in your new role

Strategies for Hiring Great Talent

Jacqueline confesses her love for LinkedIn as a talent-scouting platform. By observing the strengths and experiences of potential hires on LinkedIn, she has hired from the platform. According to her, keeping LinkedIn profiles up-to-date is key!

Encouragement for Women of Color in Technology and Leadership

Jacqueline recognizes the challenges faced by women of color in technology especially in senior roles. She shares two pieces of advice that have grounded her throughout her career:

  1. Believe that you can do more than you think.
  2. Keep persevering, regardless of setbacks.

This fuels a continuous drive to success despite the inherent challenges. Jacqueline emphasizes the importance of both self-belief and resilience for a successful career.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of where you are in your career journey, remember to shoot your shot. Mistakes might occur along the way, but remember to get up, dust yourself off, and try again. Above all, stay in tech, keep pushing ahead, and believe in yourself!

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