To Manage or Not to Manage by Anwaya Aras

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Navigating the Transition from Individual Contributor to Management

Are you considering a shift from an Individual Contributor (IC) role to a managerial position? If so, this article will provide you with some invaluable insights to help you decide whether management is indeed the right path to embark upon. In this intensive crash course, we will dismantle some common misconceptions about this transition, discuss the essential evaluation criteria, reveal certain signals that may indicate a better fit as an IC, and share practical tips for those who decide to take the plunge into management.

A Quick Introduction

My name is Anbaa, originally from Mumbai, India, now living in the Sunset District in San Francisco, the heart of Silicon Valley. Starting my career as a backend engineer, I climbed the ladder to senior engineer, eventually transitioning into management. Currently, I lead a team of over 15 engineers managing three different charters at Uber Eats.

Breaking Down some Common Misconceptions

  • “I can't grow as an IC.” False. Plenty of growth opportunities exist in IC roles. Don't let this misconception push you towards management.
  • “You make more money in management.” Not true. Switching to management often means a lateral shift with similar pay. The main contributor to increased income is excelling in your role.
  • “More recognition and visibility at high levels.” Not necessarily. Recognition and visibility can be achieved as an IC. It’s about building relationships and working on high impact projects.
  • “I'm an awesome IC so I will make a wonderful manager.” Being a skilled IC is vital but not a guarantee of being a great manager. Additional skills and qualities are necessary for management.
  • “Manager's job is easier than IC's.” Managerial roles can often involve relinquishing control and the ability to tackle tasks the way an IC would. The only time management is "easier" is if it aligns with your natural inclinations and passion.

Evaluation Criteria for the IC to Management Transition

Before deciding to jump into management, answer these crucial questions:

  1. Do you have the prerequisite skills and experience?
  2. Are you an effective communicator?
  3. Do you demonstrate leadership qualities?
  4. Are you an enabler or a doer?

Identifying Signals to Remain as an IC

  • A strong sense of ownership and control in shaping the work.
  • A deep interest in investing in and learning the craft of building.
  • An enjoyment of focusing single-mindedly on a problem and delving into its depths.

Transitioning to Management: Practical Tips

If you've decided to take the leap to the managerial league, here's some valuable advice:

  • Evaluate what management in your company looks like.
  • Establish a development plan, preferably starting with intern manager or tech lead roles.
  • Ensure a safety net exists within your organisation, allowing the option to return to an IC role.
  • Formulate a vision and mission plan for your future team.
  • Seek a mentor who will guide you through your transition period.
  • Enroll in a management course.
  • Continuously educate yourself.

The decision to move from an IC role to management is a critical one and should be considered carefully. Regularly reevaluate your career path to guarantee you're making a choice that sets you up for success. Remember, management is much more than just overseeing people - it entails effective communication, leadership, and constant learning.

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