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Ayelet Biger-Levin

Founder and CEO at ScamRanger

The Science of Scams: Deconstructing How Criminals Steal Cash

Social engineering scams affect everyone—it is something we all navigate as part everyday life. This presentation will explore the science behind these scams, both from a technical and psychological perspective. Additionally, we will step through actual case examples, market trends and how we can increase awareness and protect the community.

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Megs Shah

CEO of Parasol Cooperative | Global Head of Commercial Data and Analytics Capability at CSL Group

Pandemic, Passion and Purpose: A story about building tech 2 protect victims of abuse & what you can do to drive large scale impact and change in your orgs

In March 2020 when we all heard “Stay Home. Stay Safe.” For survivors that message was the most frightening thing they could hear… their first thought? “What if home isn’t a safe place?”

Domestic violence was dubbed the shadow pandemic where globally the UN noted an increase of 25% in domestic abuse and in some countries that number jumped with calls to police upwards of 50-60%. In her research, Adiel Kaplan of NBC News, found calls to domestic abuse support organizations were short and frantic due to the fear of getting caught. The Marshall Report and several news sources have… read more

Nomi Bachar

Founder & Director at White Cedar Institute LLC

From Potential to Leadership Power — Master Passion, Purpose, and Performance

Leadership starts within. An influential leader has 1. clear vision, 2. great communication skills, 3. commitment to positive impact, 4. team-building skills, and 5—the ability to implement actions and reach objectives.
The presentation helps the audience Master Self, Life, and Work.
True leaders must lead themselves and their lives with the same excellence they lead their teams. A leadership Mindset is your key to success. The presentation unfolds the most important inner shift. The shift takes you from ineffective leadership to mastery of self, life, and projects.
The… read more

Uma Sridharan

Sr Director at Becton Dickinson

Unlocking the Potential of Data Science, AI, and Analytics: Solving Complex Problems and Shaping the Future

I'm happy to contirbute on data science, AI and advanced analytics topics. How are data scientists using machine learning, artificial intelligence algorithms, and analytics to solve some of today's most challenging problems? We'll also discuss how AI is changing the world, as well as the impact these changes might have on our future.

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Sabrina Ratheekan

Director, Product Management at Walmart Canada

The New Product Manager: How Non-Technical Skills are Reshaping Product Management

Over the years we have seen the role of Product managers evolve. From a technical role to product managers now from various backgrounds and experiences ranging from Business, UX and more. While the traditional tech /software companies continue to foster a "tech product" mindset, we see there is a shift. Mainly in retail- we now are seeing hybrid product managers. They think differently, they understand the business better and are SME’s in their domain with deep knowledge about their product and how it works. But, is there a downside? Let’s explore.

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Vaishali Paliwal

Head of Programs & Evaluation at Larta Institute

Innovation and Technology to Fast-Track UN SDG 5: Gender Equality

With less than ten years remaining to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world is not on track. Achievement of gender equality is the fifth of 17 SDGs, progress of which has not only failed to move forward but has begun to reverse. It will take another 286 years to close the global gender group.

According to UN SDG Report 2022, 1 in 3 women have been subjected to intimate partner violence at least once in their lifetime, women hold only 2 in every 10 science, engineering and information and communication technology jobs globally, 1.2 billion women… read more

Payal Nanjiani

CEO+ Executive Coach at The Payal Nanjiani Leadership Company

Take Charge and Lead: How women go from good to great to being unstoppable

Most women are technically skilled at their job and work hard, but often lack the ability to maximize their leadership potential. They are doing a good job, but not a great job.

Instead of being an active participant in your own career, women let opportunities pass by.

Women in the corporate world need to see themselves as leaders and believe in their innate quality to perform their best. For this what is needed is to massively transform the way we think, act and communicate at our workplace.

And there are ways to train our brains to think… read more

Lisa Sims

Lead Faculty at University of Arizona Global Campus

Confessions Of An African-American Female Software Developer

The technology industry is a constantly evolving and growing industry filled with vast opportunities. However, gender diversity continues to be an issue in certain technology areas. In 2019, women made up only 27% of STEM careers. What is it like to be female in a software development position mostly held by men? What about being African-American? What challenges are encountered when trying to break the glass ceiling? How do you overcome them? Join Lisa Sims as she shares her confessions of being an African-American software developer with twenty-five years of experience in Corporate America… read more

Gloryvee Cordero

CEO at Depth AI

Image 3.0: Next generation of imaging technology

This discussion introduces the next applications of data imaging being researched and integrated into multiple emerging technology projects within different sectors. From new methods of collecting and aggregating complex data, creating real-time 3-D interactive visualizations, and discovering deeper meaning from digital twin models, there is a new method of data science, AI/ML and automation that has been evolving into what I call the next generation of "Imaging Tech"

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Katelyn Rumenik

Product Owner at JPMorgan Chase

Keeping Accessibility In Mind

Are you a Front-End Software Engineer or a UX Designer? Have you ever thought about what it would be like for a user with a disability to navigate through a website?
Although the Americans with Disabilities Act was officially signed in 1990, digital accessibility standards (WCAG) are continuously being pushed out industry wide. Join me for an interactive session to learn about WCAG standards that designers and developers should be following.

You will have the opportunity to hear first-hand what a screen reader sounds like as you navigate through a website. You will also… read more

Nikki Evans

Chief Thought Provoker at Ridgeline Coaching

Retaining and Engaging Teams in Changing Times

In this talk - Nikki Evans discusses challenges that teams have with retaining talent and keeping the teams they do have fully engaged. This is an expensive problem and if you don't know what to look for and how to resolve it, you could be leaking money and productivity in your organization. Starting with understanding complex adaptive systems is a great way to systematically search for and address issues in your teams and find root causes of people leaving.

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Ewa J. Kleczyk, PhD

Senior Vice President, Analytics & Data Operations at Target RWE

Tricks and Tips for Thriving in a Changing Environment

Have you ever thought that the professional world around changes but you are not sure how you are fitting into it? If so, you are not alone. Regardless of the position, experience, education, salary, everyone feels like this from time to time, especially when unexpected changes are happening.

During this presentation, I will present some helpful tricks and tips on working in a changing environment, especially in a professional setting. Understanding how to navigate the changing environment, understanding the changes, finding opportunities for yourself, or just simply knowing… read more

Neelam Mohanty

Principal Enterprise Architect at Northwestern Mutual

The Art of Mastering Cross-Cultural Intelligence

A diverse workforce brings different skills, perspectives, and backgrounds. It is statistically proven that such companies exceed the median financial return in their industry. The benefits of diversity are only truly realized when they are partnered with inclusion and belonging. Diverse teams that cross national borders are becoming the norm with increasing globalization and expanding remote work in technology. An inability to understand and adapt communication and behaviors to cultural context can lead to certain employee groups feeling marginalized or excluded from work related networking… read more

Jyotsna Manikantan

Director of Product Management at ADP

The Secret Guide to Drive Career Growth in Product Management

Did you know that product management is a relatively new career path and, in many companies, growth options for product managers may not be well-defined? Career is a journey even for PMs and it is natural to aspire to seek change and new challenges to learn, grow, and deliver results.

The Time to Act is Now and let’s build on our present to design our next:
- Let’s create visibility of your work, your current business impact to get the sponsorship for your executive education.
- Next, we will dive into the different opportunities in product management at the team… read more

Jamie Martin

Life and Leadership Coach at Jamie Martin Coaching

Overcome The Fear of Feedback

Feedback! It's a necessary evil in our lives. Each year we get to sit with our bosses and they tell us all about what we are doing amazing at and where we can grow. Or really tell you all the things you aren't doing right. You get uncomfortable accepting praise and uncomfortable accepting criticism, but you know that you want to be able to embrace both. Logically, you know that feedback is good for you and really can help you grow, but that hasn't helped you. Join me in exploring a new way to overcome your fear of feedback.

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Chelsea Pierre

CEO & Founder at Blerds Leading Technology, Inc

Accelerating the Movement of Diversity and Inclusion in One Datacenter at time

Separating from the military where I was in a diversified environment to being hired as either the first woman, only woman, or the only minority in multiple tech departments in the private sector came with challenges that I had to overcome as I advanced in my Cyber Security career journey. Lets discuss these challenges, how I had to mentally overcome, and the new challenges I had to overcome when I opened my corporation.

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Dr. Cheryl Cooper

Business Information Security Officer at T-Mobile

From the Hood to Cyber :: Why It's a Career Every Resilient Leader Should Consider

Dr. Cheryl Cooper is a charismatic speaker who connects with audiences by providing candid insight into how the “Hood” made her, the importance of mentors, allies, and the representation of the woman in STEM and cybersecurity.

Her younger years were plagued with unhealthy decisions that caused harm to her and those around her. As she navigated young adulthood and motherhood, she made better choices that would pave the way for her future success. These lessons helped her to step into her power as a woman as she built confidence and learned to use her voice. It took her a while… read more

Rebecca Gasser

Chief Information Officer at Omnicom Health Group

My Journey to the C-Suite, ask me anything

Elevating your career while raising a family is a delicate balance. It takes the right company culture, the right support in life and your priorities in order. By ensuring your foundation is sound, your expectations are set and you allow for vulnerability in the workplace, you can succeed. This will be an opportunity for attendees to hear my briefly hear about my journey to the C-suite and ask me any questions that they are curious about that may help them in their journey.

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Esther Deutsch

Operations Manager at RCS Professional Services

How to Create Revenue Streams for Your Business by Making an Impact in Your Community

Everyone wants to grow their business and make an impact. But is it really possible to do both? After this talk, you will feel inspired and motivated to get involved in your community and uncover new ways to give back. Learn methods for finding these opportunities in your local community - not only to live a more fulfilled, and enriched life but also to grow your business. It's a win-win!

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Christina Thomas

Freelance Consultant | Agile Coach

You're At The Table – So Now What?

Showing up and finding your voice is important for you to deliver based on your Why. How can you be authentic in telling your story and create belonging?
We will explore:
1) Being Authentic
2) Choose to Lead
3) Belonging Through Connectedness

In this session, you will experience two (2) facilitated activities where we will deep dive into our personal reflections on Authentic Leadership and What it means to be at the table? You will have the opportunity to network with other attendees and start learning how to share your story.

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