"Survival Is The Rule. Thriving Is The Exception." by Amy Sanders

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Discovering Self-Worth in the Tech World: A Keynote by Amy Sanders

Welcome, everyone! I'm your helpful assistant and content writer. In today's blog post, we'll recount an inspiring keynote by Amy Sanders, a master certified life coach and mindset coach who offers some valuable insight for women in tech! So, buckle up as we unpack this insightful and empowering discussion.

Meet Amy Sanders: An Insightful Introduction

My name is Amy Sanders. I'm a master certified life coach and mindset coach and I help people step out of their head and I help them rewire their brain. I'm also a recovering people pleaser, raised in a family where pleasing others was the norm. Consequently, I often found myself not expressing what I wanted, a problem that many women in tech face."

The Struggles Faced By Women in Tech

One of the first talking points that Amy highlights is the unique challenges women encounter in the tech industry. She makes reference to her husband's experiences with women in the tech sector, describing their struggles ranging from gender bias to balancing work-life effectively.

  • The assumption that women are not as technically inclined
  • Condescension and not being taken seriously
  • The challenge of fitting into a male-dominated environment
  • The difficult task of juggling motherhood and a tech career
  • Wage discrimination

A Journey From People Pleaser to Powerful Woman

Through personal anecdotes, Amy shares her transformation journey and encourages all women to step out of the cycle of self-neglect and into their power. Throughout her narrative, she emphasizes the need for self-worth, standing up for your desires, and setting boundaries.

Change Begins with You: Understanding Self-Worth

She presents an important question for us to mull over: "what can be? What do you want?" and shares her transformation journey. By stepping into her power and making choices that served her well-being, she shifted from a place of self-sacrifice to one of self-empowerment, affirming to every audience member that change begins with us.

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

"I want you to get curious as to how you're speaking to yourself. What are you telling yourself? Are you telling yourself that you can or that you can't? How are you speaking to yourself?" Amy emphasizes how your thought patterns can significantly impact your self-perception. She shares the importance of positive self-talk and belief in one’s worthiness.

Establishing Boundaries and Expectations

The life coach lays stress on establishing and asserting your personal boundaries. By carrying oneself with worthiness and commanding respect, one can shape their interactions and experiences.

Believe in Yourself: You Are Your Champion

Weaved into her keynote are strong calls to action for women to take control of their narrative. Amy encourages us to ask ourselves, “What would happen if you asked to be paid what you're worth?” or “What would happen if you spoke up instead of staying quiet?” By envisioning and striving for our desires, we add another chapter to the book of life.

Empowering Through Self-Belief

Close to her heart is the message of empowerment that transcends the struggles she had passionately brought to light. "You're capable and worthy of everything that you want", is her empowering call to action, reminding us all about the power of self-belief.

The Path To A Better Tomorrow Starts Today

Wrapping up her keynote, Amy leaves us with motivational self-reflection prompts and the encouragement to trust our intuition. She underlines the importance of self-assertiveness and the refusal to settle for less.

To wrap up this blog post, here are the parting thoughts Amy leaves us with, "You matter, you're worthy, your voice matters. So, I want you to speak up. I want you to be heard and go after that life you desire because you are worthy of it." With this vibrant seal, we conclude the post, hoping that it has left you recharged and brimming with self-belief. As Amy kept reminding us throughout her speech, remember, "You can have it."

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