Meaningful Impact: Making the Case for DEI Programs by Sabrina Macpherson

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Understanding the Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Business


Recently, there has been a surge in organizations recognizing the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their workplaces. There are two main reasons for this surge: it is on-trend, and companies are realizing its significance. But, is everybody on board with this? Is its implementation just a trend or does it really play a meaningful role in our society and businesses? Sabrina Mcpherson, a senior product manager at Morningstar and an established DEI leader, addresses these questions and more in her talk on the importance of effective DEI programs.

Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matters

From ethical and capitalist perspectives, DEI is crucial in today's professional environment. Ethically, every individual deserves fair treatment and equal opportunities despite their identity. However, acknowledging this is not enough; businesses are required to put in effort to ensure that this becomes a reality within their sphere of influence.

From a capitalist perspective, DEI is vital for business success. Historically, market and stakeholders were limited to potential customers and share investors, but this has changed. Today, stakeholders include employees, potential employees, clients, prospects and even the community in general. To stay afloat, businesses need strategies that focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Addressing the Political Critiques of DEI

Despite its utmost importance, DEI often receives criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. Left-leaning critics argue that DEI can't address inequities within a capitalist framework, thus supporting incremental changes under capitalism isn't enough. On the other hand, right-wing criticism centers around the supposed restraint on freedom of speech, its impact on straight white men, and accusations of imposing leftist politics.

While these criticisms exist, it's important to note that DEI itself isn't political in nature. It merely seeks to establish a fair system where everyone can reach their potential regardless of their identity. It also promotes meritocracy where everyone who has the ability can succeed, making it more fair and just.

Sustainable Success in DEI

To ensure successful DEI strategy, organizations need to have a concrete, data-driven approach, consider long-term and short-term plans and never shy away from difficult conversations. Importantly, the focus of DEI should be on the people.


Embracing DEI in the workspace improves employee satisfaction, retains talent, increases engagement and sparks more innovation and creativity. Despite the long journey of implementing and maintaining DEI in a workforce, the impact it creates is too powerful to ignore. By focusing on the people–not politics–businesses can make a meaningful impact in the lives of many, and in turn, establish a harmonious and thriving work environment.

  • Introduction: Understanding the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.
  • Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matters: The role and benefits of DEI in a professional environment.
  • Addressing the Political Critiques of DEI: Meeting the criticisms of diversity, equity, and inclusion in an organization.
  • Sustainable Success in DEI: Strategies for a successful and sustainable DEI program.
  • Conclusion: The impact of DEI in an organization and its essential role.

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