Closing the Gender Gap in Tech by Albane Bressolle-Chataigner

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Closing the Gender Gap in the Tech World: Tips and Tricks

In today's increasingly digital world, the gender gap in the tech industry is a rising concern. This article will provide some practical tips and tools to help bridge this gap. It is derived from a talk by the Chief People Officer at Back Market, who has been working in tech for the past 15 years and has become quite an advocate for gender equality.

Importance of Gender Diversity in Tech

Gender equality is no luxury. Lack of gender diversity carries a major opportunity cost, especially for tech companies. Diverse teams, including those with greater gender diversity, are on average more creative, innovative, and associated with greater profitability. The strong positive correlation between higher levels of employee diversity and stronger financial performance has been demonstrated consistently, and tech is no different.

However, it's essential to acknowledge and confront some of the unfortunate realities in the tech world. The image of the startup as a safe place for women has been shattered somewhat of late. While the ties and dark suits have been replaced with T-shirts and jeans, that glass ceiling and the good old 'white boys' club' hasn't gone away. For companies to foster inclusion and gender equality, it takes intention and effort.

Building a More Inclusive Company Culture

Creating a more inclusive company culture requires concrete steps: understanding where you are in terms of diversity, defining clear goals, and creating the necessary initiatives to retain and support a diverse workforce.

Gauging Diversity: Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Back Market began its diversity initiatives by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. The company first gauged its gender ratio and the breakdown of this by location, department levels. To assess employee sentiment, the company conducted a comprehensive survey, seeking opinions on the organizational culture, diversity and inclusion policies and suggestions for improvement.

Defining Goals and Enablers

Along with assessing the current state of diversity within the company, setting transparent and measurable goals is crucial. One of Back Market's ambitious goals was to increase the intake of women in their workforce to 20% this year and 30% next year.

A Dual-Pronged Approach: Attraction and Retention

The process of improving gender diversity within a company is two-fold. While it's critical to attract more women into the company, it is equally vital to take appropriate steps to retain them and create a supportive environment.

Attraction: Innovative Recruitment Initiatives

  • Recruit in New Places: Partnering with organizations like Power to Fly and AAC Tech School, and other platforms that connect companies with female talent, can widen the talent pool. Tailoring recruitment messaging to appeal to women, as well as considering career pivot opportunities and internships, is also essential.
  • Review the Recruitment Process: A gender-neutral job description, fair and transparent selection process, and defined recruitment goals can help foster diversity in the hiring process.
  • Create Role Models: Placing women in leadership roles creates a sense of possibility and provides a model for prospective female candidates to aspire towards.

Retention: Internal Initiatives and Policies

After recruitment, retention of female tech talent requires concerted efforts. These include creating safe policies against discrimination and harassment, ensuring transparency in career growth and compensation, conducting internal education, and implementing supportive policies for better work-life balance.

Emphasizing Company Culture in Diversity Efforts

Culture drives inclusion. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just HR matters. A company-wide culture that values inclusion and diversity is key to closing the gender gap. This culture begins from the top, with the visible support from its founders, executive team, and all leaders. Company values such as transparency and openness, fairness in recruitment and promotions, and accountabilities are pillars of a diverse and inclusive corporate culture.

By creating an environment where everyone is involved, and the goals and progress towards diversity and inclusion are transparent, businesses can make strides towards closing the gender gap in the tech world. And remember, gender diversity is not just a women's problem - it's everyone's problem, and as such, requires everyone's attention and effort.


Closing the gender gap is a vital endeavour for the tech world. With a clear direction, measurable goals, and a commitment from all levels of the organization, tech companies can create a more diverse and inclusive environment that fosters creativity, innovation and profitability.

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