By the People, "Jui Khankari By the People, for the People: Why Increasing Diversity in AI is Important & How We Can Achieve It Apply to Speak"

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Women in Technology: A Historical Perspective and a Call for Change

As a start, let's ponder over an intriguing question: Are there more women in technology now than there were during the 1900s? While it could be tempting to believe yes, considering vastly more women work outside the home today as compared to then. However, it's startling to learn that the number of women in computing has declined over the past few decades.

Statistical Glimpse into Women in Computing

Women steered their way into the computing workforce, interestingly, soon after the inception of computing post World War I. They majorly represented this sector then, but unfortunately, this trend hasn't carried forward. According to data from 2018, women earned only 18% of computer science degrees in the US, and they occupied merely 22% of AI positions worldwide. The World Economic Forum further emphasizes this dearth of female representation in the AI subdomain of computer science.

Moreover, the presence of minorities in these roles, especially in STEM fields, is alarmingly scanty. The unsettling underside of this gender and ethnic disparity lies in social conditioning and lack of resources and support that begins as early as middle school.

Consequences of Lack of Diversity in AI

What does this inequality in AI mean for society, though? It serves to embed harmful biases into AI algorithms, thus perpetuating harmful stereotypes and discriminatory practices. This happens because AI does exactly what we instruct it to do and learns from the data we provide. It implies that implicit biases, inadvertently included due to a lack of diverse perspectives, can lead to biases in the algorithm's outcomes.

Real-World Ramifications of Bias in AI

Such biases, besides being intrusive and offensive, can pose serious threats. For instance, a misdiagnosing AI algorithm, trained on inadequate or non-diverse data, could jeopardize a patient's health. Hence, it's indispensable to ensure diverse representation in the creation of these AI systems to eliminate such biases.

Strategies to Foster Diversity in AI

The question now arises: How do we achieve this? UNESCO posits that we need equitable, inclusive, and quality digital skills education and training to pave way for diversity. We need to ensure women and minorities have equal access to education and opportunities in AI, enabling them to shape the future of technology.

Ideating Solutions Through Personal Experiences

As a student, I have experienced firsthand that an engaging approach to AI can be effectively used to introduce girls and minorities to this field from an early age. My own journey into AI was guided by mentors who introduced me to the industry’s realities, thus sparking an enduring passion for this field. I have made it my mission to aid this cause through my non-profit initiative, ‘AI Inspire’, which strives to teach students globally about AI and Python coding through workshops, curriculums, and YouTube videos.

Inspirational Stories and Their Impact on Diversity in AI

Through AI Inspire, we have been successful in encouraging diverse people like Beatrice, a health science major from Bolivia, who knew nothing about coding or AI. She attended one of our workshops, which motivated her to take her first coding class at her university. She represents many of our attendees from across the globe whose enthusiasm for learning lights up our workshops.

A Collective Vision for an AI Centered Future

That said, we still have a long way to go. I urge technology professionals worldwide to mentor young aspirants and help us to make, thrive, and innovate in an AI-centred world, regardless of their genders or backgrounds. Because, after all, it's not just about succeeding in AI – but about shaping our future with it too.

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