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Pooja Rangarajan

Project Manager and Software Developer

Re-innovating Your Approach as a Techie

Be it the tech industry or any situation from our day to day life, women bring in a different mindset and approach while solving challenges or opportunities at hand. Getting a chance to work with some of the latest fascinating technologies like Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and AI, compliments the creative concept development process women bring. This is essential for the development and success of an application. The level of emotional intelligence in women can help decipher the need of the market effectively. The key is also to keep being curious and inquisitive. Unquenchable curiosity… read more

Sonal Patil

Principal Program Manager at Microsoft CSE

Shifting Stress to Progress— Understanding DevOps to do DevOps Better

Adopting DevOps methodology without understanding the theory behind the practices can cause hiccups in implementation and stall progress. In this talk, Sonal will share her experiences working with teams that participate in DevOps practices without knowing the reasoning behind them- she will highlight pain points and discuss solutions. This talk is for audiences familiar with the various processes of DevOps- continuous implementation and deployment, automated testing- the “How“ of DevOps. In this talk, Sonal will shift the focus to the “Why”, with the hope that as teams start exploring the… read more

Hanane Lamaazi

Post-Doctoral Fellow at Khalifa University

Mobile edge computing-based distributed architecture in mobile crowdsensing

Deploying Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) in Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) can help address many challenges the centralized MCS solutions are facing such as delays in answering real-time requirements due to the centralized nature of the solution, discovering and selecting non-connected devices in the Area of Interest (AoI), and dealing with the complexity of data computation. In this talk, we will discover what is edge computing technology? why it is used and how it can overcome the limitation of centralized platforms? and How it can help to improve the worker selection/recruitment in MCS?

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Anna Domashych

Senior Mobile Engineer at Team Go, Inc.

Flutter: What? Why? How? Where?

What is common between BMW, Alibaba Group, Google, Toyota, Square, and eBay? - They all have products created with Flutter. In fact, there are already over 200K applications on Google Play alone created with this beautiful, fast, productive, open, and portable framework.
We’ll talk about what Flutter is, why you should consider it as a technology choice in your company (or why not), and how you can start incorporating it into your projects.

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Katherina Lacey

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Quincus

Balancing mental health and overcoming WFH challenges

I will be sharing more about the importance of health in the workplace and touch upon Women@Quincus and Mental Health@Quincus.

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Joy Utosu

Engineering Manager at Shecluded

Machine Learning As Applied In Life

Over time, repetitive work has become very distasteful, and one thing Machine Learning seeks to address is using available resources to coding process and life, in general, a lot easier.

This talk would highlight ways to build a Machine Learning Model and how it can be applied in real-life scenarios. It would also show comparisons as to why we should always adopt the Machine Learning Approach.

Organizations already using Machine Learning in their processes would be discussed also. Attendees would l have an average knowledge of Machine Learning and its diverse… read more

Gissel Velarde

Author, International Consultant & Lecturer

Artificial Era: Predictions for Ultrahumans, Robots and other Intelligent Entities

What should be your strategy during the Artificial Era? Gissel Velarde's new book Artificial Era: Predictions for Ultrahumans, Robots and other Intelligent Entities, presents a groundbreaking view of technology trends and their impact on our society. In this talk, Gissel will discuss general intelligence, artificial intelligence, and how to harness this technology for human benefit. Join this talk if you would like to know what the future might look like. Moreover, you will learn about consciousness theories, if robots will ever be conscious, and the consequences of superintelligence… read more

Ofonime Brown

Software developer at Beasiz

Application of UX Design in a Developers World

I will be describing ux design as an essential part of a developer 's process as we build a project.

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Joanne Thurlow

Head of IT at Siemens Energy, Industrial Apps Solutions

Sustainable Energy 101– A beginner’s guide to the technologies helping to save the planet

Climate change. Global warming. Renewable energy. Net Zero. Decarbonization. Digitalization. Globalization. Urbanization. These are all changing our world as we know it today. Every day there are new headlines warning of the need to make urgent changes.
Yet, at the same time, we expect a 50+% demand increase in global electricity generation by 2040, even while 770+ million people are living without access to electricity today.
How can we, as a society, meet the growing demand for electricity while protecting our climate and natural world? How can we make a transition from today… read more

Alena Afanaseva

CEO, Co-founder at BeInCrypto

How to build a multinational media company in blockchain and crypto

Becoming a leader of a multinational company is challenging in itself, but becoming a leader of a multinational media company in blockchain and crypto is even more of a challenge. In the talk, I will speak about my own experience of building a leading international crypto news company, about my awesome team which currently consists of more than 100 people, writing daily in 10 languages about the most important events in the industry. I'll speak about the principles of trustworthy journalism, about the market and its potential, emerging technologies and their influence on our lives.
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Marie Comarmond

Performance Director at Wavemaker

The future of digital advertising

Bye-bye cookies, hello anonymity! Digital advertising is changing to protect the user’s identity: Growing data privacy regulation, the demise of the cookie and the recent news that Google will not support additional user tracking, has sent shockwaves through an industry that has relied heavily on 3rd party data to make the most of their advertising budgets and get the right message, to the right user at the right time.

But was it ever ‘right’? This talk looks behind the tech to uncover the real impact for advertisers and users – and the opportunities: Perhaps this is in fact… read more

Ancuta Pirvu

Frontend Developer

Psychology on the web

Have you ever returned an online order because you regret your decision? Or canceled a subscription after realising it’s not worth the money? You probably felt tricked, and you were right-your brain was influenced to take an emotional decision.

The Internet is undeniably a big part of our life: we work, socialise, shop, connect, play, learn and even date online. Even though it might not be that obvious sometimes, there are many decisions we are taking when surfing the web - spending time on certain social media platforms, choosing one search result over another, clicking the… read more

Archana Maliyackal

Agile Coach at Sixt

Revamping leadership for self organized teams

Agility is imperative for the success of any organisation in this VUCA world. This requires changes not just in adoption of a new technology or practices but also in ‘Leadership style’. Traditional command and control management is turned out to be dysfunctional. The need for more agility is also emphasised by the fact that we need self-organized teams .Teams which are autonomous and empowered. In my session I will speak about as a leader how can you nurture a self-organized team? What environment you can provide as a leader and What tool sets you could use?

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Britta Lorenz

Partner at PDAgroup GmbH

The C²LEA²R framework for leadership in the remote era

Leading and managing a remote team is challenging. Your team must still deliver results, and you must lead them effectively to be successful in this environment.

The remote human collaboration did not come into existence when the pandemic hit.
In this talk, Britta Lorenz introduces her C²LEA²R framework which supports you to navigate your leadership in the highly remote-working era. Britta will encourage you to rethink your leadership approach. She will explore how you can make your soft skills such as collaborative communication, and others, your superpower. You will… read more

Hanna Herbst

Confidence & Career Coach at Delygate

The Secret To More Confidence

Imagine a situation when you are at your best. Can you feel the excitement in your body? You are truly alive. In such a moment, you do not hear your usual companions. Let’s call them Mrs. Doubt and Mr. Judge, whispering in your ear “You can’t” or “You’re not good enough.” Instead, you feel simply confident. Confident in yourself, confident that what you are doing matters. It matters to you. 
In this talk, Confidence & Career Coach Hanna from Delygate will share insights into why we feel so confident in such peak moments in our lives and how to create more of them. Be ready to take… read more

Tracy Cosgrove

Founder at VRHTI

The VR Hotel

How VR can change the way we work, "what if I told you I could take you on an immersive journey that would stay with your for the rest of your life".

I will be talking about Virtual Reality and Virtual Worlds and how we have been using this immersive technology in Asia and intend to create a Global presence in Hospitality.

Our aim is to transform the way we learn by creating an immersive learning and gamification application which offers soft skills training that is scalable consistent cost effective and promotes remote learning with a low investment… read more

Victoria Perez Mola

Analytics engineer

How I became an Analytics Engineer

Have you ever heard about Analytics Engineer?
Data roles keep appearing on daily basis and makes it hard to keep track of them. At the end of this talk you should be able to identify what are the tasks and responsibilities of the Analytics Engineer... and maybe even want to become one.

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Michaela Gombalova

Front Desk Receptionist at Free University of Bolzano

Fullstack vs the rest

In my talk called “Fullstack vs the rest” I’ll be talking about Frontend, Backend, Full Stack Web Development, APIs, Frameworks, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, Node.js, and much more! I will also talk about exciting news in the industry and about my journey to become a Full Stack Developer!

Everybody can join, it's absolutely beginner-friendly and there is no prior experience or software needed!

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Eeva-Jonna Panula

Software Developer at Futurice

Don't Develop Just for Yourself - A Developer's Checklist to Accessibility

Developer, are you (unconsciously) developing sites for users just like yourself? It often means a sighted mouse user with good fine motor skills and who is proficient with computers. But not every user is like that.

Many projects have automated accessibility checkers, and that is a good start. However, they don't catch most of the failures on accessibility. There are some fairly simple checks to ensure a better experience for your users, and from this talk, you'll learn how to do them and, most importantly, why they are essential to do.

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Peculiar C Umeh

Software Engineer at PeTECH In.

Basics of Android Navigation Components

The jetpack navigation library was created to provide a better user experience with navigation. However, most developers do not know how to harness the full power of the library. This topic is here to help you get a deeper understanding of the library and what it offers.

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