Resilience, mindset and overcoming adversity by Sacha Dekker

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Overcoming Adversity: A Personal Journey Towards Resilience

Today, I would like to narrate my story. It's a tale of adversity, resilience, and the sheer will to overcome obstacles. My journey, filled with numerous ups and downs, will equip you with practical tools to boost your resilience. Remember, each of us possesses the inner strength to deal with challenging situations; we just need to discover and leverage it!

My Story: The Life-Changing Moment

Our story begins on a day that drastically altered the course of my life - August 24, 2015. I was rolled into an operation theatre for a seemingly routine surgery required to control a rare form of epilepsy that had worsened over the years. However, instead of walking out two days later as planned, I woke up to find myself fully paralyzed down my left side due to a massive bleed in my brain.

Recovery: A Long and Daunting Process

Upon hearing predictions of a life confined to a wheelchair and a nursing home, I was determined not to succumb to this fate. Instead, I made a pledge to defy all odds. I decided that not only would I walk again, but I would also set foot on the Great Wall of China. Despite being a long-drawn, painstaking process, my time in the hospital taught me invaluable lessons about resilience. I realized we possess incredibly adaptable bodies, abilities far beyond our awareness, and immense mental strength.

Tools to Bolster Resilience

Along my journey towards recovery, I unearthed a trove of tools and strategies that anchored me in my moments of despair and doubt. I believe these tools can be truly transformative, regardless of the scope and nature of the challenges you are tyring to overcome.

1. Harness the Power of Self-talk

Our body and mind believe what we tell them. So, make sure you're telling them something encouraging. The significance of self-talk became apparent during my physical therapy sessions, where with every step, I repeated the mantra "I'm indestructible. I can walk!". It was the power of this positive self-talk that carried me across the quadrangle, despite the doubts and fears within. Learn to harness this power of self-talk to inspire yourself, especially ahead of daunting tasks.

2. Identify Your 'Why'

Simon Sinek has popularized the idea of finding your 'why', i.e., the reason you get out of bed every morning and live your life. This is about introspecting and discovering who you are at your core. For me, a simple volunteering opportunity reminded me of my identity beyond my physical limitations- the manager, the facilitator, and the contributor. The experience proved immensely cathartic, reminding me that any disability is not synonymous with a lack of value or worth. In Simon's words, "you can only lose what you have, you can never lose who you are."

3. Don't Let Others Define You

People are quick to form opinions and label others based on limited information and understanding. It's crucial not to let others' assumptions and opinions define you or limit your capabilities. In my case, people earmarked me as overconfident, questioned my abilities, and tried to set boundaries according to their perceptions of what I could and couldn't achieve. Yet, I decided to define my boundaries, set my goals, worked to become the person capable of reaching those goals, and eventually achieved them.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Strength, Pursue Your Goals

fueled by the determination to defy all odds, I walked on the Great Wall of China, two years to the day after the life-altering incident—an experience that affirmed my belief in the human potential to overcome any obstacle. So remember, don't let anyone define you, find your 'why', and adopt a positive mantra.

A Call to Action

I hope my journey and the lessons I've shared inspire you and provide you with the tools to navigate your adversities. Embrace the power within you to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Stay connected by following me on Twitter or LinkedIn for more inspiration. Remember, every adversity offers an opportunity for growth. Value the journeys presented to you, as they are your unique path to resilience.

Believe in yourself and have a great day!

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