The Conscious Success Secret: How to Create A Truly Successful Career from the Inside Out by Brooke Taylor

Video Transcription

So again, welcome everybody. My name is Brooke Taylor and there is so much power and a group of women in tech gathered from literally all over the world to pursue their potential. Thank you so much for being here.And the subject that we're diving into today is called the Conscious Success Secret. The radical new path for crushing your goals and lasting fulfillment. Now, you've probably attended a few career workshops, maybe even some career work workshops today or at work, you've maybe even read a couple of books on peak performance. And I'm here to actually tell you that these sources have only given you part of the solution to lasting career development. Because what I'm about to share with you today is actually a proven process for unlocking success and satisfaction in your career. That actually last.

So first, let's talk a little bit about who this talk is for because you might be asking yourself of all the sessions today, of all the sessions even right now. Is this the right class for me? So this session is for the woman who isn't in a tech career who is curious about how personal development can improve her career. She wants to own her potential. She wants to make her mark on the world and find a really sustainable pa place at which to do all of it. And yet she feels stuck, stuck in patterns of overwork and overwhelmed that she can't seem to break, maybe even stuck in patterns of compare and despair to other people's career or maybe even honestly right now, stuck in a job that she doesn't like. So in the next 40 minutes, here's where we're gonna go. We're gonna be revealing the three false beliefs that sabotage your chances of career success before you even start the work day and three truths about success that most women in tech don't even know exist and how applying just one can skyrocket your self worth.

You're also going to be discovering a new paradigm for success that when followed provides more fulfillment and more results than you could ever possibly imagine and uncovering the number one reason that you're not happy with your career, success, success and exactly what you need to do in order to un o overcome and surmount that obstacle.

You're also going to learn the innovative four step process used by my clients at companies like Google mckinsey and Uber that will catapult your career to the next level. So here's my big promise to you today. I'm gonna be handing you a key to enduring career satisfaction so that you can have the career you desire and actually enjoy it at the same time. So here's this thing, wherever you're at in your career, these principles can catapult you to that next level of contentment and confidence and purpose. So whatever your goal is, you can apply these teachings starting today and you can see truly incredible results, sound good.

So let me just take a moment to introduce myself properly. My name is Brooke Taylor and I'm a transformational career coach for conscious corporate women. Over the last five years, I've helped over thousands of women in tech specifically to align their ambition to their purpose so that they can have the success and the fulfillment that they desire. Now, I've seen these women land their dream jobs. I've seen them recover from debilitating burnout.

I've seen them double their salaries and start companies and secure funding in the tech space. I've seen them step into new levels of confidence that they never thought was possible. And I run group coaching programs for women in tech roles at Google and Uber and mckinsey as I mentioned earlier. So it's safe to say that I'm somewhat of an expert in the overachieving woman, but this wasn't always the case for me. I grew up in Silicon Valley before it was Silicon Valley right before it was self driving cars and free lunch. In fact, when I was growing up in mountain view, this was like a promised land where like the nerdiest programmers could become absolute rock stars and all you had to do was work really hard. So I learned that hard work required hustle and sacrifice. Did anyone else learn that growing up, hard work required hustle and sacrifice if you did type? That's me in the chat right now. Yeah, it's very common. So I also learned that at home when I was about age 12, my dad encouraged me to try to get all A's on my report card for those of you from outside um the United States that's like top marks, right?

And the day that I brought home that straight a report card, I never saw my dad more proud of me. He picked me up in his arms and he twirled me around and in my child's brain. At age 12, I learned that success equals love and success was achieved through reaching impressive goals that people of authority set for you. Does this resonate with anyone else? Yes, I'm seeing a lot of that to me. Yes. Oh yes. Absolutely. Success equals love and success equals achieving goals that other people set for you. Now, this created an operating system in me that I call manic ambition. Manic ambition is the frenzied frantic need to succeed at all costs. It results in mild to severe burnout disillusionment or a feeling of just being a bit lost. Now, I'm not the only one who experiences this manic ambition. In fact, I'm sure some people in the chat might resonate with me on this one. Anyone else in that manic ambition? We have yeses from across the room. Now, this has plagued the hundreds of people that I've coached and managed. But I'm happy to say that I'm one who's learned to recover and transition my ambition from manic to conscious. But from that moment with my dad, I operated in manic ambition for 12 years first at school chasing a s and then I took that gold star a chasing into my career at Google where I was promoted really fast.

And I started chasing goals that my manager set in front of me. That carrot chasing, right. And this led to a lot of success on paper. I held roles in sales. I, I won global awards. I held roles in product management, people management. I worked with incredible brands. I counseled c level executives and yet I put so much pressure on myself and I didn't know how to self sue. So manic ambition started to take over my life. Here's what it looks like. I'd work super hard Monday through Thursday so I could get approval from my management team so that I would then get the promotion so I could be heralded as a top performer. And I'd be so exhausted by disconnected from myself by Friday that I would numb the pain with alcohol and my coping mechanism to drink and numb this disconnection, this emptiness, this lack of meaning. And I'd wake up on Sunday, feeling more exhausted than I was on Friday and I'd do it all again on Monday. Anyone else been in this cycle before? Couple people. Manic ambition. Yes, that was me too. Yeah. So, in January 2016 this all came crashing down. I woke up having been sexually harassed by my manager and I didn't report it. And that was really scary. But was even, what was even scarier is the fact that I didn't report the harassment because I was up for promotion and I didn't want to rock the boat.

So I put my achievement before my own voice and that was my rock bottom. In that moment, I knew that my addiction to success and to achievement was ruining my life and I knew something had to change, but I didn't know what that was. I didn't know what had to change. But at the time, I believe certain things about what it took to be successful, things like I have to say yes to everything or people won't think that I'm committed or a top performer. Anyone else I must sacrifice in order to get what I want or even that little voice in the back of my head that said if you relax a little bit, you're gonna lose your edge or a top performer. Doesn't let any balls drop anyone else. So you're, now you're probably thinking, ok, why am I stuck in this place? And how the heck am I gonna get myself moving again so I can create this life and this career that I want. And you might be resonating with the story with my story. You might not be resonating with all of it, but you might be resonating with some of the feelings. So rather than the extrinsic of what happened, you might resonate with those feelings of feeling lost or stuck. Now it's time for us to explore those three false beliefs, the three biggest beliefs that are actually trapping you and how busting just one of these beliefs can completely transform these toxic cycles and your relationship with your work.

So I want you to get your pen and paper ready because you're gonna wanna write these down. So false belief. Number one, success requires hustle and grind. So this belief is almost so obvious that it bears no explanation, right? And when we think of successful people in corporations, they work long hours, they probably don't see their families very often. And we hear podcast interviews with these godlike figures who wear their 15 hour work days like a badge of honor and the reason for their incredible success.

In fact, the industries that pay the most are it uh pay employees that work the longest amount of hours, you know, industries like tech or banking and consulting or law. Those are the ones that pay the most even parables like no pain, no gain or if it's not hard, it's not worth having. These are taken as fact in our culture. Now, this cultural belief that success requires hustle and grind. It didn't just come about on accident. This belief actually dates back 200 years to the industrial revolution. In the late 17 hundreds, there was this transition into large scale manufacturing in Europe and the United States. So for the first time, people started leaving their farms and shops and going to work on the manufacturing lines, the primary value of a worker in the manufacturing line was literally how long they could stay at their post. And the productivity of the worker was linked to their entire value phrases like she's a machine or she just churns out work. They're all rooted in the industrial revolution. And yet today, despite all of our technological advances, we are working just as many hours as we were 200 years ago. Our email is the new manufacturing line. Why? Because our culture still believes that success requires hustle and grind and it's costing us our humanity in our life.

But here's the truth, true. Success requires surrender, trust and alignment. There is an ancient yet very new paradigm around work. There's this return to old wisdom around this concept of alignment. And when things are in alignment, there is this flow and when you're in flow, you're not pushing, you're not forcing, rather, you're gliding and you're riding it, it feels like you're going downstream, not forcing upstream, it feels joyful. It feels natural and it feels exciting and there is a force to tap into, but it's not the force that you've been using. It's this universal flow force called flow. So like in Star Wars, you're harnessing what's already within you and around us, Luke Skywalker doesn't feel like he's hustling or grinding to defeat the sith. Right. He feels on purpose, he feels engaged, he feels powerful, he feels like time is irrelevant. You're never drained, you're never tired because you're being pulled forward in this effortless way. So there are some ways that you can get into flow. You can do that through alignment between your intuition and your actions. This is done by tapping into your intuitive knowing your in what I call your internal guidance system and taking the action that your internal guidance system is directing you towards.

Another way is designing a career with your passion, with passion and purpose, passion and purpose are direct access to flow, right? Think about the things that you do by choice where time expands, that is flow and purpose and passion are a direct point of entry to that. Also, trusting yourself, trusting life and trusting this universal flow itself is a way to actually go into that downstream, right? Because when we're, when we're in acceptance and when we're in trust, we're in a downstream place, we're in that flow. Now, this is not to say that grit is not required to get to success. It absolutely is. But here's the difference. So hustle and grind culture is fear based. It's pushing to control an outcome to get your own needs met, which is inherently selfish. It's self-centered, it's unconscious and this is what leads to burnout. Whereas grit, grit is a steam building, grit is based on possibility and it uses flow. So it's sustainable. It's like this external battery pack pack that you can plug into. So using flow and grit actually leads to better results because you can do more without burning out your confidence is also boosted because you're in your integrity and you're in alignment with your values. So the people you work with, they don't feel like they're being hustled or forced or manipulated. And in this way, flow is more effective than grinding and hustling ever could be. Now, let's go on to the next map. This next myth is that success is a destination.

Success is a destination. So I want you to type in the chat. If everyone can find the chat really quick, I want you to answer this question when I'm successful. Then what do you expect to happen when you're suc when you've succeeded in meeting all your goals? What do you think is gonna happen when I'm successful? Then what, then I'll finally start a family, then I will relax. Then I'll have time, then I'll finally have time for my family. Then I'll be happy. Then I'll finally feel valued. Then I'll feel respected, accomplished. I'll have my needs met. I'll have more money. Then I'll have the freedom that I want. Yes. Then I'll finally have control. Then I'll be respected. Yes, ladies. That's right. Now, here's the thing. Corporate structures are designed to encourage a constant ladder climb or what I call a treadmill to nowhere they are engineered such that everyone is focused on reaching their next goal. Have you ever thought about how promotion structures are literally gamified? Everyone's focused on reaching their next goal so that they can have this ability to have more autonomy, more respect, more freedom, more agency. And when you're junior, you feel like you're a literal cognitive machine and the only way for you to escape this grind and have influence is to get to the top.

So the problem is that all of us in some way believe that success is a destination somewhere that you arrive to after years of hard work and sacrifice. Now being able to enjoy your life is the reward for the sacrifice. As so many people have illustrated in the chat. So vulnerably you're waiting for your life to start after you reach this indeterminate marker that keeps moving all the time. A new number in your bank account, a new title, a new company, the next job, et cetera, et cetera. So as a result, you're literally chasing this dragon, you never feel like you've gotten there wherever there is because you're constantly climbing this treadmill to nowhere. And yet if you don't play this game, you fear that you'll be judged. If you're not chasing this next big opportunity, you start to believe. Am I a true visionary or a leader or am I just complacent and lazy? Right. But here's the truth. There is no such thing as a rival. You never arrive ever. Sorry, there's this thing that, ok, there we go. Um, you'll never arrive ever because to arrive means to stop the flow of life itself. If you arrive, then you're actually dead. Everything in life is movement and change. Fixing your eye on some goal and thinking that it will give you joy is a complete illusion. Let's go back to 2016 to my big breakdown breakthrough.

So amidst my manic ambition, I had this other space that was this beautiful corner in my tiny little New York City apartment. It's the space where this other Brook existed in the quiet moments, sitting on a pillow in meditation. Does anyone else here have a meditation practice?

Anyone meditated before or do it on, on the regular couple folks, Megan? Yeah. OK. Try to laura through meditation. I could feel the contentment and wholeness and peace that I thought success would give me I could have access to it. Now, meditation taught me that true success is having the feeling that you want at the end in the now moment, having the joy, the peace. The contentment, the wholeness, the serenity, the influence, the recognition, the respect, the feeling, valued, the connection. Now, you don't have to wait until you're at the top of the ladder. You can have access to it immediately. Right now. In this way, success is in a success is a feeling. It's not a destination. That is the truth. Now, let's dive into false belief. Number three, success is for a lucky few and not for me. So in this world of Instagram and linkedin, it's really easy to compare and despair, scrolling through your feeds and seeing acquaintances from high school start companies or seeing that guy from your first job already get promoted to VP. Somehow we see these icons of success and we herald them and compare ourselves to them. You see that thought leader, you follow on Instagram, write another book or that entrepreneur that you admire, start another successful business.

It seems to come to these people effortlessly like they were kind of made for success. And you start to think that success is for these special people, not for me. So the fundamental subconscious belief here is I'm different. So I have to work harder longer in order to have what they have in some way, I have to play the game in order to achieve this type of success. And that takes us right back into hustle and grind culture, right? We want everyone to think that we were born with these skills and that success comes naturally. And we believe that if success doesn't come naturally, then we're failures, we're defunct. We're doomed in some way. But here's the truth. Success is available to everyone. The key is to define success on your own terms. The truth is that there is no template, there is no right way. There is no formula for success, right? Success is a judgment. It's not a fact. When I realized this, my mind was blown anybody else? Success is a judgment. It's subjective. It is not a fact. And because there is no standard, it means that you have the freedom to define success on your own terms. Success is entirely self determined. It is really about harnessing your own unique power and vision and gifts and goals in a way that feels good for you. Nobody else. So success is whatever you want it to be. Besides, do you really wanna be a carbon copy of someone else?

Do you really want to try to fit and mold yourself into somebody else's box? No, no, you wanna be you, you wanna be su you want the success. That's yours. That's something worth attaining. Because when you follow goals that aren't yours, you create a life that isn't yours. So you have the same power and potential within you that Grace Hopper or Ursula Burns has within her success is available to you and it's available to everyone. You just haven't discovered what your secret sauce is. Quite yet. OK. So now that you understand the three false beliefs about success and the three truths, it's time to go a layer deeper and I'm just noticing in the chat. Um you know, a couple of folks chiming in here. Yes, this is so true. I'm successful now. Yes, Sandra, I love it. That's so true. So let's take this thing away or deeper because I know we're all really smart ladies and we wanna know what's underneath all of this. You see all of these false stories and false beliefs and myths about success that you've bought into are actually driven by one thing and I call this one thing. The success wound, the success wound is the pain that comes from mistaking your success for your self worth. I'm gonna say that again. The success wound is the pain that comes from mista your success from your self worth. It is the belief that your worthiness of love and belonging is contingent upon what you achieve, what you produce or what you do rather than who you are.

Does this resonate with anyone type it in the chat if this sounds familiar. Yes, Shanna. Guilty. Yeah. Mhm Yes. So let me tell you about how this is created. The success was programmed in your mind at an early age, probably about 11. You picked it up while you were at school and you got a gold star when you, when you got a high grade on a test or when you followed the rules. This is just like my story with my dad as a child, I learned that success equals love. You might have even picked up the success wound. When you saw your mom or your dad or your grandparents working long hours and you heard them say at the dinner table, you gotta work hard if you want to be successful, right? These messages were spoken and unspoken and they played like a record on repeat in your brain by your family, your community, your the media, your educational system, the your religion. And now here you are living your life as an adult, still running off those old outdated programs, wondering wondering why you're burning out and you never feel good enough. So it's no wonder how does the success wound secretly sabotage your chances of success? Well, if it isn't obvious already, the success wound is buried deep in your subconscious mind and it's quietly driving everything that you do. So first, the subconscious mind controls 95% of your behavior, 95%.

So if your subconscious mind believes that your worthiness of love and belonging is contingent upon what you achieve, then you literally will not feel safe unless you are achieving, you literally cannot transcend these false stories until you have addressed your success wound.

Second, the success wound is what drives you to believe these false stories in the f in the first place. It's what drives you to control and push to make something happen. It's what motivates the scarcity mindset in you or this desire for significance. It's what leaves you feeling burnt out or it becomes about amassing power or control and you end up losing trust with yourself because you're following somebody else's script for what success looks like. So you end up at a rock bottom like I did or you end up at the top of the ladder having reached your goals but still feeling miserable. So it's no wonder that no matter what, you never feel good enough and you constantly might feel burnt out or can't even just shake that little princess in the pee feeling that something's off. So I've laid out the problem here, but I'm so relieved to tell you that there is a solution. Even just seeing those words makes me feel better. So let's revisit our three truths where they are really like a balm for your success wound. These are the core beliefs that you must internalize in order to heal first. True success requires surrender, trust and alignment, right? There is no such thing as arrival. Focus on the process, define success on your own terms, take internally aligned direction.

So how do you heal the success wound and actually live these beliefs? Well, Joseph Campbell, the famous scholar who studied the way humans tell stories and transmit wisdom across all ancient cultures said the summary of his findings was, was this. If you follow your blitz, you put yourself on this kind of track that's been there all the while waiting for you. And the life that you ought to be living becomes the one that you are living wherever you are. If you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that life within you all the time. This is conscious success. This is conscious, success. Conscious success is the state of harmony and satisfaction that comes from aligning the ends with the means, embodying the feelings that you desire now and enjoying the process of the work of this internal tract. So I'm so happy to say that today, I live in a state of conscious success which is the result of healing my success wound. I discovered my internal track which is to help other corporate women to heal their success wounds, through coaching and speaking. I love public speaking.

What I'm doing right now is my conscious success. I love it and I define success by how much fun I'm having and how much impact I'm delivering for other women. So right now I'm having a freaking blast. You're going off in the chat telling me that you resonate with this message. So I am successful, right? I do not care what the output of the session is. I do not care if you know nothing comes of this session, right? I am here with you now and I am having a good time. So is Laura we love it. I feel on purpose and I feel lit up by the work that I'm doing in the world. My anxiety, my compare my comparison itis um It's no longer a daily occurrence for me. And when I feel my success wound creeping back in because it absolutely does. I have the tools to realign with my conscious success. So here's what conscious success looks like. It looks like jumping out of bed every day because you're so lit up by the work that you do, it looks like setting boundaries. So you can work and live sustainably defining success by your values and by the process, not the outcomes, focusing on your contribution and impact and dropping the comparison. And when veering into the success wound, realigning with the conscious, with conscious success with ease, right?

I don't care if you drop off, I care about the rate at which you come back to conscious success. Now, conscious success feels like a deep knowing that you're exactly where you're meant to be a presence of serenity and an absence of anxiety, pride in who you are. Self esteem derived, intrinsically, not extrinsically living in that state of flow and purpose, being purposeful and passionate, sounds pretty good, right? Anyone else want to feel this conscious success, say me in the chat. If this is something that you want for yourself, declaring something like this is really powerful and saying I want that conscious success now is absolutely critical. So let's go into how you can actually create conscious success for yourself. Because listen up ladies, it's not for everyone even was mentioned in the chat. How do I find conscious success when we're still, we're in a society driven by money. Here's the thing. Conscious success is for a brave few who are willing and ready to do it differently and lead by example, imagine how your life would transform. If you stepped into conscious success into that internal track of your life, you were always meant to be living, that's there for you right now. Imagine how your life would change. Now, imagine how the world would change.

If one by one, we stepped into conscious success, our world would transform and it starts with your decision to pursue conscious success. That is true leadership. This is the old pa what we're, what we're talking about with all those belief systems and probably the way that you've been defining success. That's an old paradigm based on patriarchy and capitalism. If we want to step into creating a new paradigm of success, this is what it looks like and this is how we literally change the world. So here is a four step methodology to completely transform the success wound and to help you take the right next step towards living your conscious success and embodying this new paradigm of success on your own terms. So grab that pen again, here are the four steps. So the first step is to diagnose. So like you would have a wound and you take it to the doctor. If you took that wound to the doctor, the doctor would look at the size, the shape, the laceration, all the things right. We need to diagnose the size and shape of your success wound. We need to diagnose what the real problem is, how it started, how it's metastasizing so that we can prevent it from recurring and we can start the healing process.

So like any wound, we need to figure out what the best treatment might be. So they say that greater awareness equals greater choice, meaning we cannot change something that we're not aware of. This is where we must start in order to transform. So once my clients can distinguish between their success, wounding voice and their internal guidance system, that's when relief starts to kick in, right? That's when we're able to take step two and step two is vision. So this is where the rubber meets the road. Most people have been operating in such a state of unconsciousness at work and in their life that they've lost connection to who they truly are. They've lost connection to that intuition and that internal guidance system and what they want. So at the vision stage, you're gonna be gla ga gaining the clarity on who you are, who your essence is, what you want and where you're going and why you're going to be designing an internally guided vision for the career in life that you never thought was possible. You will reacquaint yourself with your internal guidance system and learn how to take cues and directions from your high sense of self rather than from your successful wound programming. This is a revolutionary step and this is the step at which most of my clients start to feel clarity around what it is that they actually want. Once they start taking cues and direction from their internal guidance system, not the socialized success wounded. Step three is to heal.

So remember how the subconscious mind drives 95% of your behavior. This is where we literally reprogram the beliefs and the patterns that you identified in the diagnosed section so that you can achieve your vision. Step two without sabotaging it. So this step is critical, it can't be skipped, it can't be short changed in a lot of instances, it actually can't be done alone. So I use a proven and proprietary modality of healing the success wound that combines psychosomatic treatments, neuro linguistic processes, energy work to instill the most productive beliefs into your subconscious mind so that you can achieve your vision effortlessly. So after people have healed the most critical parts of their success wound, they actually start to feel free and joyous and content. They can take a vacation without their mind racing, they can say no with greater ease and without guilt. And they can start to activate on their vision without sabotage. So step four is a merge. You're on the same skin, but you're no longer the same self. You're taking exciting steps to activate your vision and manifest your magic lane. This is where you're gonna be activating on your vision from step two, right? And actually bringing it to life.

So this could look like a job search, landing your dream, job, taking the next step in your leadership or management journey, stepping into a new role or maybe launching a company. So let me tell you just a quick story about my client, Jen. Jen is a senior manager and known as a top performer at a tech company. In her transition back to work for maternity leave. She was forced to re examine her operating model as a mom of two small Children and the leader of multiple work streams, she was over committed. She wasn't sleeping well. She literally could not say no to work. She was addicted to the positive feedback and her identity as a top performer. The success wound was literally wreak wreaking havoc on her life through our work together, Jen was able to break this addiction to work and totally redefine success at work and at home, her communication with her husband even got better and she has become an inspiring role model for women at her firm, showing them how to work sustainably in this new paradigm of success.

She tells me that she's the happiest she's ever been after healing her success wound. And that makes total sense to me. So here's what you need to do. Next. Step one, you need to get to the root cause and eliminate those success, wounded beliefs and perceptions from your own life. If you don't know what's stopping you, how can you possibly go forward? So, the first step again is to diagnose the true root cause not the symptoms. Otherwise you're gonna be playing whack a mole with these problems for the rest of your life. Step two, as I mentioned, true fulfillment is found looking within not without. So the second step is to create a vision for your career in your life that's internally guided. So this will ensure that once you reach your goals and you bring your vision to life, it actually feels fulfilling, it doesn't feel empty and like it doesn't belong to you. Step three, repair the causes and conditions of the success wound so that you can sustainably achieve your vision without sabotage. And again, true transformation. It doesn't happen in isolation. You can't really fix the problem with the same thinking that created it. So grabbing a therapist, a coach, a friend and saying, hey, I have this thing called the success wound. I wanna talk about the causes and conditions that I think have led to it and I want you to mirror back to me what those things might be.

Don't try to do this on your own necessarily, you know, um I really truly, truly believe that true transformation happens with another person. And the final stage is to take aligned action towards your vision, to ultimately bring your dreams to life. So aligned action requires three things.

It requires a road map, it requires a partner and a relationship with your internal guidance system and a guide. So Rome wasn't built in a day, it certainly wasn't built alone and I want you to live the life that you're meant for and have the impactful, inspiring career of your dreams. So here's a little bit of a rallying cry for you today. You have a choice. You can stay stuck in that old paradigm of success, allowing your success wound to run your life hustling for your self worth and setting a poor example for other women in your organization or you can step into your conscious success and bravely choose to embrace the truth. That success is a feeling. It's not a destination and choosing to align your ambition with flow and purpose and evoking a new paradigm of success as a leader because we need you in your conscious success. We need you in tech leading the way and building technology in a conscious way, not a subconscious way, not in a way that's been done before or in a way that's dominated by patriarchal values. We need you in your conscious success. So thank you all so much for joining me. What an absolute pleasure it's been. I have a couple of things for you here. I have a worksheet um which is called creating your next big career move with the get unstuck worksheet. I put it in the chat.

You can download it. You can take a couple of first steps to, to create what the next step in your life and career might be. Thank you so much for joining. You can follow me on Instagram. I talk all about the success wound and how to heal it. I'm Brooke V Taylor and you can also always um apply for a free strategy session with me at Brooke Taylor Do I only work with? Um I work with women only. Apologies. Um It's part of my purpose and passion is, is women only. But if you are curious about coaching, I have some other men that I can refer you to. Thank you all so very much. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Have a great day. Bye everybody. I'll stay on if there are any questions. Um I know there were probably questions throughout but if there are any kind of burning questions, um Let me know. Thank you so much. Bye Anna. Hi Crystal. Thank you so much. Hi, Laura. I have linkedin. I do, I do have linkedin. I think you should be able to find it on my profile. Um but it should be, I'll drop it in the chat for you in a second. Bye everybody. Bye Megan. Good to see you. Thank you so much. If there are any final questions, happy to answer them. Otherwise, take care. I'll see you soon.