Becoming Best Friends with Imposter Syndrome

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Swapna Malekar
Principal Product Lead
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Friendship with Imposter Syndrome: Embracing the Challenge

Hello everyone, I am Swapna, your guide through this exciting journey to becoming best friends with imposter syndrome. Regarded with quite some negativity, my hope is to help illuminate the potentially beneficial aspects of imposter syndrome during today's short talk.

Becoming Best Friends with Your Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome can often manifest negatively, causing self-doubt and questioning of one's abilities even in the face of notable achievements. However, I argue that by embracing this discomfort and befriending the imposter syndrome, we can inspire personal growth.

Through the years, my professional journey, be it roles in various industries or the current one at Microsoft, has been intermingled with imposter syndrome at different junctures. Even in instances where I felt I had produced significant impact and growth, the aftertaste of doubt persisted. Consequently, I turned to introspection and therapy-like discussions with friends and allies to deconstruct this self-doubt. The outcome? My imposter syndrome was a manifestation of my thought processes and situations out of my control, which did not reflect my abilities.

Strategies for Tackling Imposter Syndrome

From this introspection arose five strategies that not only eased my own battles with imposter syndrome but may as well prove helpful for you:

Embrace It

Imposter syndrome is not your enemy. Trust me. You do not need to "defeat" it. Instead, embrace it - the fear, the low self-confidence, the confusion, and self-doubt. Accept it as a learning opportunity. Let it ignite personal growth and improvement.


Self-reflection is a vital tool in understanding the root of your fears and self-doubts. It involves identifying and questioning the reasons you're feeling inadequate or overwhelmed. By undergoing this process, you can gradually dispel the fears that are mere speculations and work on the genuine ones.

Building a Network of Allies

Despite human resilience, there are times when we need support from our close networks. Your allies, who might be friends, family, or colleagues, can provide a different perspective, function as guides and inspire confidence in you. They, too, can help you introspect by asking difficult questions.

Earning Entitlement

Putting in hard work and maintaining humility is an essential aspect of owning entitlement. Seeing the underdog emerge victorious is always inspiring. They go unnoticed at first then out of nowhere, they make spectacular achievements that demand everyone's attention.

Put Yourself Out There

The last, but not least strategy, is about breaking your comfort zones and launching into the unknown. Despite the potential jitters and fear of failure, by preparing well and working through those intimidating situations, success can be achieved.

Thank you so much for joining me in this insightful talk. I hope my experiences can prove helpful to you. Here’s to becoming best friends with our imposter syndrome!

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