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Vivian Garcia-Tunon

Founder at VGT People Advisory

Upleveling your Leadership: Tips and Tricks on how to boost your impact

As leaders, we always learn, grow, and evolve our style. As women, we all have superpowers. Sharing our lessons learned in leadership can support our advancement collectively. During this panel, you will hear real stories and tools that helped these women uplevel their performance and impact.

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Dr. Margery Sendze

Sr. Technology Manager - Talent Enablement at Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

I Can't Quit - Experiences of Black Women in STEM Professions

Understanding why women and people of color stay in STEM professions is critically important in attracting and retaining more of them. This is the level of understanding, knowledge, and insights unraveled in peer-reviewed research on Black women whose experiences on the axis of race and gender serve as a salient example. Furthermore, Black Women make up 13.9% of the female workforce, but only 2% of the U.S. STEM workforce, and their experiences regarding the factors that contribute to embedding and retaining this population were generally unknown until this research.

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Pooja Kelgaonkar

Senior Data Architect at Rackspace Technology

Data Modernization - Challenges vs Opportunities

This session talks about need of modernization, business driven vs techbology embracement, impediments, things which can go wrong for sure, what all can go right, how this can be a performance optimized, cost effective journey with SMART goals , sharing major learnings based on various migration implementations

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Pooja Kelgaonkar

Senior Data Architect at Rackspace Technology

Build Data Intense Applications using Google Cloud Platform

This session covers various aspects of data application design and implementation. This will help to pick and choose from set of Data services offered by Google Cloud covering architecting and implementing data intense applications.

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Katie Whitt

IT Security Analyst

Taking a Carrot Approach to Cyber Training

Cyber security and phishing training too often entail a stick approach rather than a carrot approach. Employees that fall victim to a phishing simulation may get angry and the lesson that was supposed to be taught goes by the way side. Let’s make training and specifically phishing training more fun and engaging! Come with me as we delve into ways that you can take your training to the next level.

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Lori Wade

Intelligence Community Chief Data Officer at Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The Data Centric Experience: Unlocking Mission Value and Insight

The presentation provides an overview of the IC Chief Data Officer’s (IC CDO) vision of a data-centric Intelligence Community. Leveraging over two decades of experience as a data professional in the IC, and with the help of dynamic private sector partnerships, the IC CDO is executing a strategy that will propel the community into the future.

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Trish Willard

Principal UX Designer at Visionist, Inc.

Stakeholders: The Third Wheel of UX Design

In my presentation, I will discuss who are stakeholders and what are their goals in the project lifecycle. I will also address common issues that often put them at odds with users such a deliverables and misleading metrics. Additionally, common problems the team faces when a good-intentioned stakeholder interferes with the design & development process. Finally, I will discuss strategies to help with these issues while maintaining good relationships with the people who have maximum influence over our project.

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Daniela Mainieri

Security and Resiliency Architect at Kyndryl

Kyndryl Technical Women Advancement Program

Kyndryl Technical advancement program is a internal initiative within Kyndryl to support the development of women in technical careers. This session is going to go over the motivation to create a program like that, how it works, the results achieved so far and also share tips on what went well and what did not. The idea is to share experiences with the audience so that other programs like that can be created to support women in IT.

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RaChelle Streetman

Global Talent Development Executive / Head of Rackspace University at Rackspace

I AM a woman in tech!

Imposter syndrome isn't something you can see. Those who experience imposter syndrome often believe they are inferior to others or have faked their way into positions despite all their accomplishments. Up to 70% of both women and men, especially high-achievers, experience imposter syndrome at some point in their career.

This conversation will bring light to this psychological phenomenon and the different types of imposter syndrome while sharing constructive ways you can begin to overcome this negative thought cycle.

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Alie Coolidge

PR & Communications Director at Deeplocal

From Books to Bots: A Celebration of Nonlinear Career Paths & Transitions

After spending almost 8 years in book publishing, Alie wanted to change her career but had no idea where to start. Deciding to embrace her winding career journey, she tapped into her unique strengths to find her dream job. She'll share with audiences how they can do the same - sparing you from unread job applications, awkward cover letters, cold LinkedIn messages, and the worry and self-doubt that come with a career transition.

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Grace Chenxin Liu

Founder at Sharing to Empower

The Gender Digital Divide: A Review and Future Agenda

The gender digital divide, known as real-world gender inequality replicated in the digital world, has become “the new face of inequality”. Bridging digital divides is vital for achieving the United Nations’ 5th Sustainable Development Goal on gender equality. The objective of this talk is to share the most recent studies into the gender digital divide issues. Using a feminist approach, I will review the existing literature on the gender digital divide published between 2010 and 2022 through keyword searching on ScienceDirect, Proquest, Sage Journal, JSTOR, EconLit, Google Scholar databases,… read more

Tina Watson

Senior Software Engineering Manager at Western Governor's University

Leadership and Nonprofit Board Service

Serving on a non-profit board provides an opportunity to develop management and leadership skills. The Appropriate Technology Collaborative ( designs sustainable solutions and programs and provides training to developing countries. Serving on a board such as this helps develop skills such as strategic planning, budget creation, and staff selection.

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April Boyd-Noronha

Global Cybersecurity Awareness Manager

STEM: It’s a Family Affair

How do you raise a family of three future STEM technologists? April Boyd-Noronha, has advised and continues to mentor her children as they navigate the pitfalls and potholes of securing a career in STEM. In addition to her current role of Global Cybersecurity Awareness Manager at a Fortune 50 company, she carefully curates a strategically designed ecosystem for her own “STEM village” - eldest daughter (age 24, IT/Support Technician), her youngest daughter (age 21, aspiring Water Sanitation Engineer), and son (age 17, competitive drone racer). In her book “The Top 5 Rules of Engagement for… read more

Windy Nicholson

VP Tech & Product - Mergers & Acquisitions at Salesforce

Surviving in Tech While Female and Black

1) Surviving in Tech While Female and Black - Working in corporate America can be difficult when there are not enough underrepresented groups in leadership for representation or sponsorship. Having grit and the ability to mentor greatly help the next generations and provide diversity to help companies grow.

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Liji Thomas

Manager, Data + AI at Valorem Reply

Generative AI: The advent of Creative Machines

2023 is heralded as the year of AI, particularly Generative AI. What began with the generation of realistic content that did not previously exist has now moved on to win art competitions and deliver parliament speeches.

In this session, we will discuss Generative AI-the technology that powers creative machines, the impact, the applications and the ethical concerns.

Lets talk about talking to machines.

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Kate Koraia

VP of Tech at Kiwi Partners/Arabella Advisors

Cryptocurrency and Nonprofits Organization. Blockchain is game changer.

Cryptocurrency is rapidly moving beyond early adoption and becoming gradually mainstream as more people want to do transactions, investments, and crypto donations. In 2021, cryptocurrency contributions to charity surged by 1,558 %. Crypto donations grew to $330M over the past two years, which underlines a high concentration of funds for those institutions that have adopted cryptocurrency systems. Thus, cryptocurrency is a fast-expanding form of charitable contributions that enables charities to reach a new demographic of contributors.
Early adopters will be part of the first… read more

Tissa Richards

CEO at Tissa Richards Leadership

How to Accelerate Your Way to a Board Director Role

If you’ve ever thought, “There’s no place on a corporate board for someone with my background,” you're wrong. The time is now for CTOs, CSOs and CISOs to take a seat at the table. Boards are identifying and bringing on more directors than ever before with technology and security expertise, strategizing how to protect brand reputation, revenue, continuity and resilience. Learn proven strategies to launch your board journey or expand your existing board portfolio from a repeat cybersecurity tech founder, former CEO, and leadership expert, Tissa Richards. Tissa works with the world’s… read more


CIO at Petz

Past, Present and Future of Women in Organizations: Factors That Promote and Challenge Gender Equality in IT

As a Tech C-level, the question I always faced was: how did you get there? Why do so many of us women drop out along the tech career path? Why so few women in this segment? This talk is about gender equality in Technology. It´s a result of my master's study, research carried out with women and men and which seeks to determine the factors that drive and hinder the career of women in technology, in the different stages of their journey: beginning, intermediate (between 5 and 10 years) and in the ascension to leadership. An amazing conversation for girls, women and executives, which… read more

Julie Casteel

Chief Strategic Accounts Officer and CMO at ibex

How To Level Up Your Career Path and Maximize Your Personal Growth Opportunities

A study by McKinsey research revealed that women in technical roles consistently lose ground in the step up to a managerial position. While companies should do more to close this gap, there are steps women can take to level up their career path by shifting out of their comfort zone.

Julie Casteel, Chief Strategic Accounts Officer and CMO at ibex, will discuss best practices and real life examples that she has implemented over the course of her career – including how she reached the c-suite in a male dominated industry by being curious and taking the road less traveled in… read more

Sabrina Macpherson

Director of Product Development, Climate Solutions at Sustainalytics Morningstar

The Care & Keeping of Baby Elephants: how to successfully manage long-duration product development.

Product management is most exciting when you're building and releasing new things. But sometimes, technology or data projects can take a long time to build and deliver. How do you handle it? In this talk, you'll learn about how to manage communications and project planning for long-duration product development. You'll learn about how to take these from concept to launch, and how to shift to successful maintenance and growth once the release is finally completed. You'll also learn a few fun facts about elephants, which are a fun way to remember these ideas and make them… read more