Dijana Llugolli From Hustle to Flow

Automatic Summary

From Hustle to Flow: How to Align Your Actions with Your Purpose

Embracing the F-word for Success

No, don’t worry, it’s not the word you’re thinking about. Instead, think ‘Flow’. It’s often overlooked, but achieving a state of flow is imperative for those anticipating to let their dreams see the light of day. Today, we are eager to chat about how to move beyond the hustle and immerse in the flow.

We’ll be exploring stories, research findings, practical tools and, hopefully, serving you with a big dose of inspiration. Also, for all you chocolate, chai and chat lovers like myself, we’re going to serve plenty of that. So, grab your favourite beverage, you're in for an insightful ride.

From Burnout to A Life in Flow

Three years ago, my life depicted a totally different narrative. It was replete with burnout, an ill father, a dwindling relationship, a discouraging 16-hour work routine, and the painful decision of having to abort my pregnancy in the face of my deteriorating mental health. In the summer of 2018, I reached a point of dire need for change. While my external life may have appeared successful, internally, I was withering away. Deciding it was time to reconnect with my purpose, I went on a journey of identifying why I exist on this planet. As a result, I reinvented my life around my mission, calling myself a flow manifesto.

Dissecting ‘Hustle’ and ‘Flow’

After conducting extensive research with accomplished women from diverse backgrounds, here's what I found:

What is Hustle?

  • Feeling pressured
  • Being on the hamster wheel
  • Working too hard
  • Being constantly busy

Is hustle really necessary to achieve goals? An interesting half-and-half response here reflected the complex nature of “hustle” in our lives.

What is Flow?

  • Being in alignment
  • Doing what one loves without encountering obstacles
  • Possessing a sense of effortless ease
  • Being in a creative state

Almost 77% of respondents envisaged their ideal day to revolve around flow, indicating our innate desire to lead tranquil productive lives rather than hustling unceasingly.

The Flow Framework: Mapping the Journey

Following my summer of self-discovery in 2018, I developed the Flow Framework that pivots on Mission, Action, Plan, and nurturing yourself. Goals can be identified as an intersection of vision and mission.

M for Mission

Your mission statement should encompass who you are, what you do and what you aim to achieve without feeling overwrought. It is crucial to imbibe your life and work with intentionality.

A for Action

Consistency is key! Rather than hurrying into action, engaged in a multitude of miscellaneous tasks, focus on a task or plan and stay committed to it. Just as in the classic tale of the tortoise and the hare, consistent action, albeit slow, wins the race.

P for Plan

Living life on purpose, prioritizing productivity over busyness, and focusing on profit creation, are stepping stones to materialize your ideas.


Overcoming obstacles should be perceived as opportunities for growth and contribution rather than hurdles.

Nurturing Yourself

Lastly, establish routines, invest in personal growth, surround yourself with a supportive network and gulp down a dollop of inspiration. Embrace the anticipation of new beginnings with relish and positive outcomes will follow suit.


Inculcating flow in the workplace isn’t just beneficial for individuals, but for the collective strength and productivity of a team. Recognize your mission, align it with action, plan strategically, and nurture yourself through the process.

Remember, the strength of your 'why' should be resilient to the opinions of others. So, here's to dreaming big, planning for success, and making an impact.

Remember, let's all move from hustle to flow!

Video Transcription

Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon or good evening. Wherever you are in the world.I just want to take a moment to just, you know, give a shout out to women tech network and also to founder Anna, who kind of virtually connected us altogether, who feels virtually connected this this morning this week? Uh We in the past year, we have been socially disconnected, right? All about pe people talk about social distancing and all this good stuff, but this conference is really about virtual connection. So let's just give a big, big shout out to women tech network and Anna who made this possible. Um I want to know in the comments. Do you know what is the F word that we're gonna be talking about today? What is the F word? Give me in a chat? What is the F word that we are gonna be using today in this session? Oh, you nasty girl. It's not that one. It's a flow. Who's ready to be in the flow, who's ready to have some fun and who's ready to be fears in pursuit of their dreams before we start, I'm gonna, you know, really quickly um Talk about my story, my hustler story, uh who am I and also how I developed, you know, uh a research and came to a conclusion and something that I call a flow framework that you will be able to use to, you know, go from hustle to flow.

So who am I uh the mo most fun fact that I want to share with you is that I have three C addiction. What is that? Ok. So I love chai. I love chocolate, chocolate and I love chat. And if you are here today with me, make sure you have all three because we're gonna have some cookies, chocolate chai and chat. Uh What do I do? I'm a success and business coach. I have been coaching uh for full time for three years now and I primarily work with female business owners who are there to rapidly launch a scale their businesses um to six figures and beyond. Um by taking aligned and inspired action. Who are my action thinkers in the house? Give me. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Um So we all we will talk a lot about action but also inspired action, right? We don't want to burn out uh uh and you know, be like overwhelmed and exhausted. Um I am really obsessed by my mission to inspire millions of women to be more, to have more without do without having to do more. Let's just sit for a while, be more, have more without having to do more. We are human beings. We are not human beings. OK. So how does this like flow Manifesto became who she is today where she really utterly um enjoys her life and she lives the, the life in a flow. Well, my story three years ago was none of this. You can see like all the achievements.

I now work with Mine Valley as a senior ambassador. I'm also ambassador for Women Tech Network. I'm also one of the mentors. I work with Tony Robbins, like freaking Tony Robbins. Can you imagine? But three years ago, my story was far from this, I was burned out. I was almost divorced. My father had a heart attack and uh you know, after experiencing mental health issues and also being so caught up into hustle, hustle, hustle and doing, doing, doing like, you know, masculine energy um go getter energy, whatever you want to call it. Uh I came to a place where um I was pregnant with my fourth child and I was so mentally ill. That was June 2018. And my husband said, you know, you need to change something because this is not working anymore. I didn't have any result. I didn't have any anything to show for. I was working, working 16 hours a day and to a point where I couldn't get out of my bed because I was not just physically ill. I I was like exhausted. My brain was exhausted. And I said, you know what, um I can't bring another child to this world. So we did an abortion which had a significant impact on my life on my being as a mom, as a, as a, someone who wants to create a change and impact and legacy. At that time, I didn't know what that means, but that had such a, such a big breakthrough and breakdown if you want.

I said, you know what, um I need to change something that summer 2018 after spending, you know, 15 years being an entrepreneur, I said, you know, I need to change something. This doesn't work anymore on the outside. I was very successful on the inside. I was dying and I took a break, I took a pause and I went where it all has to start my purpose. Who am I finding back my legacy, my mission and why am I on this planet? Like why? Seriously have you ever asked yourself, why am I born? You know, the chances for you to be on this planet are 400 trillion by one. OK. So your chance to be on this planet is like like so tiny micro granular 400 trillion against one, think about that. Um So, you know, today I am more than that. I am a flow manifesto, I get to impact, you know, hundreds of thousands of women um just, you know, being in networks like mine valley. And Tony Robbins and all this good stuff. And, um, I really, really, really do care about every single soul on this planet that I made impact too. So what is hustle? I want you to write in the chat. What does hustle mean to you? What, what, what is hustle? And I did, you know, for my nerdy friends in the house, I did the research, like, really extensive research on what is hustle And you know, one of my, my like really friends, uh good friends and female entrepreneurs in my network, I asked them, what is hustle, what is flow, what it takes to achieve your goals and you know, all this good stuff, but you know, to go to demographics.

So you can see that relatability we had like mo most of the women women were 35 and above, you know, we had 53% of 4554 and 23% of 35. So this is really relevant. These are women who experience life already. And I'm saying like you millennials, you are, you are absolutely crushing it. A crushing it. But you know, like really these are experienced women. Um Then we also had diversity in ethnicity, like really, really beautiful. Like Greek had a representation and this is just, you know, it's not just a cultural thing, it's not just because I'm an immigrant kid from uh Slovenia, born to Bosnian parents. This is a really like a cultural cultural thing, how we women think that success is should, should look like. Um And then we had also like very smart women, you know, you can see that um the results really came from uh women with bachelor and master degree. OK. So I asked them what hustle means to you to get things done, pressured hamster wheel without specific framework, working too hard being busy, you know. So these were all the things that women said to me um in this research also action, focus, focus, focus, focus action is good, moving fast being all over the place, feeling exhausted, multitasking, doing it the hard way, you know, me as an immigrant kid, my parents raised me to be um to be a hard worker.

They always said doctor, you have to work hard and study hard to, you know, achieve success. Um Then I also asked them, is it hustle really required for you to achieve your goals? And you know, this was interesting, half, half said yes or no or depending, you know. So this was really interesting and then I asked them what is flow, you know, what is flow you, you and let me know in the chat. I want to know um what is flow for you? I really want to know alignment to be in alignment, doing what I love without obstacles, smooth, effortless, easy, natural ease, right? These are the words being ingenious. I discovered that summer that I need to do my best and outsource the rest. Then I can operate in my genius doing what I love speaking coaching and really make an impact. When I was working 16 hours, I was working everything I was everything and everyone balance without experiencing burnout flows. Also means that you are in your creative state. You know, divine timing. Feminine, feminine is all about receiving today. We have we will experience a full new moon That's all about feminine energy and tapping into your divine ease, right? Smooth joy, purpose. You see sole purpose, right? If you know your purpose, let me know in the comment. Do you know your purpose? Why are you on this planet? And after you know this flow question, I asked them, what does your ideal day look like?

And they wrote like, you know, I want to wake up when um I don't need to have a alarm and blah, blah, blah and all this good stuff. I only want to do what I love. And then I asked them again, if you imagine your ideal day, does that involve hustle or flow? And 77% said flow. How about that? We all want to live in a flow. So let's get going I developed throughout the year. So after experience burnout and you know, um really like mental burnout because it's not just the hard work and physical burnout. I was living without a purpose without intention. That's why I experience but we talk about burnout as something that is like you can get up from, from your bed. It's like mentally your brain is just a, it's mushy wishy poop. Um So I developed this flow framework, mission action plan. I'm a big planner, but also you do you, my plan doesn't necessarily work for you opportunities. How do we create opportunities by overcoming obstacles and last but not least nurturing yourself, nurturing your feminine and this is by the books, you know, we nerds love to have like, you know, really um statements from, from the books, how to identify your goals.

Well, goals are actually intersection of vision and mission. And even if you're not a business owner, your sole purpose on this planet, even if you're a mom, a how a homemaker um you, you work for someone and you enjoy what you do, you still have a mission with within your identity. So it's really about your values and vision is something that you're casting, you're projecting when I leave this planet earth in this physical form. Yeah, I'm all about hu what will I leave with? Like, you know, what is my legacy, the vision and then the intersection is go.

So this is something that I want you to do right now. So we're gonna go through the map on framework, the flow framework starting with mission mm stands for mission. So I really want you to even if you're not a business owner, this is, you know, I told you about my mission when I was introducing myself, I coach female entrepreneurs to rapidly launch and scale their online businesses, blah, blah, blah b do and have whatever they desire, not doing more, not having more, but being more who do I need to be today to bring you this session?

I need to be intentional with everything I need to be focused on you, right? So what is your mission? I want you to take a screenshot to this template and you know, I want you to after this session or when you will have a break, actually jot down and do an IG story, tag myself and tech network and share with us what is your mission? We would love to know. I also want you to screenshot this one and maybe we can also give you some slides at the end. Um We'll see but really like screenshot this, this is your vision, create a space, a sacred space, turn, turn some music, um light some candles and really meditate in a meditative state where your divine feminine energies coming through, where you're receiving support from the universe or God or Holy Spirit, whatever you believe in go and tap into these seven questions because they will create a vision that you can actually, you know, feel it because your vision was put in you and your soul with a purpose.

You don't have a dream just because you have a vision just because it's because someone really knows that this is already available for you and then you go to goals, right? We start with mission vision and then we break it down to goals. How do we break it down in seven steps? You guys, do we ever ask ourselves? What do I really, really, really, really want? No, we say I don't want this job. I don't want this partner. I don't want to re you know, I don't want to pay these bills. But in this moment, tell me in the comment, tell me in the comment, what do you really, really, really want? And most important, why do you want this? There is a book that changed really my, my perspective of seeing why uh Simonsen has has this beautiful book start with why, who, who read the, the Simon Cic book start with why? It's really about your why? Because when I was burned out and you know, really nothing in a good state, I didn't know what's my, why I just knew that, you know, I need to work because that's what my my parents bless them told me to. Do. You need to work hard by when you know, every goal needs to have a clear date without a date. It's only a wish. So screenshot this one and also do this for ex exercise, taking inspired action instead of like massive action. You will hear Gary.

Gary V or Chuck for you and like, you know, whoever take action action, action action. But it's really important that you do the right action. And, you know, some people will say, well, I don't know where to start because I'm not confident, I don't know how to do this because I don't have the clarity, but it really starts with consistency, you know, do some kind of action based on your goals, you know, really go clear on how and start small.

You don't want to ask a baby when they are starting to walk to stop walking because they once fall on their butt, you don't stop them and say, hey, you can't walk. No, they are consistent. They are taking action. And I really want you to, to think about the tortoise and the horror story. The moral for me is actually the, the tortoise. She was consistent. Now who knows the Fabel famous f of a turtle and, and the rabbit, Hara was confident and he starred. He went all in with confidence. I'm gonna win. Well, it takes consistency, consistency breeds clarity. Clarity brings confidence. OK? And then we have PS plan, remember M mission A action P plan and I'm gonna walk you through three PS my favorite three PS live on purpose. I found my pur purpose through ta who of you have did like did some kind of test you have Jam Ta M BT A, I'm Nfjenfj who is Enfj in the house. I want to know who are my baby Obama uh Oprah, like, let's see who is ENFJ and also like strength finder. Strength finder really gave me that clarity that my, one of my biggest strengths is activation activator. I'm by my core, I'm activator. You know, I love taking action. I'm also visionary. I'm also all about the positivity. I am all about, you know, now I'm also a little boo boo. So I need to be in my spirit. I need to be connected with my soul.

So I don't burn myself in the masculine energy. Be productive. I want to prompt you to one of my trilo um articles that I did a few years back about nine things you need to implement to go from like really saying goodbye to business. We love to be busy, right? Especially moms in the house. Um We we tend to be busy but it's really about productivity and making sure that you create a plan that works for you, your lifestyle. But these here are some of the key things like batch schedule use Pomodoro don't multitask because your brain cannot physically multitask. Make sure that you find time for power naps and sleep. That's so important and h hydrate, make sure you stay hydrated, make profit, what you measure you can manage. Even if you are not in business, you still want to make sure that your uh income is bigger than cost, right? Know your numbers always like have a check in with your numbers if you are in business, get a business coach or mentor. Obviously, I'm biased. But really that's, that's that will really help you opportunities. Like how do we overcome obstacles? People say like yo yo, but obstacles is hustle, no overcoming obstacles. And this really like going against your fear or overcoming that fear is opportunity for contribution and opportunity for growth. I'm contributing here on this conference. I'm overcoming some big fears.

You guys, maybe this feels effortless, ease and natural. But you know, guys, before I came into the stage, I was like, I have a big nudge. Um You know, it's still because I care. I do want to make an impact. And even if one person from this session as one insight, I made my mission, I made my why I made my purpose. So contribution, always make sure that that you are contributing growth, always seek opportunities for growth. OK? Always growth is so important. This is one of our basic needs. If you stagnate, you die. If you don't grow, you don't live. And then last part nurture create routines. I'm so so so nonnegotiable about my morning routine. I wake up at 7:06 a.m. because I know that by 7 a.m. my three little girls are already up and running. So I need to be my skate in my zone so I can serve them and I be the best mama personal growth. Invest in yourself. Always find a network that supports your dreams and words of inspiration by one of my um inspiration um who knows Jamie Carlina Lima. Um make sure that you get believed book because this is one of the like such an incredible storytelling books where you know, this self made billionaire, really champion of women real taught me about this important thing of a why if other people's opinions can shift your, why it's not powerful enough.

Thank you so much for having me here. If you want to connect with me, I would be happy to connect on Instagram. You can also check my website and you know what? There is a link to to connect with me. Also on my website, if you want to be part of my fis Insider club and we will, we will make sure that if you can get these slides as well. So hit me on Instagram and I will, we will be happy to share. Thank you so much. Don't forget to dream big plan for success and impact the world child.