Parvi Agrawal is a Bachelor's student in Information Technology at A.P. Shah Institute of Technology. Cosmology is one of her interests and an area she aspires to make a career.
Parvi is a WomenTech Network Influencer, Student Ambassador at Red Hat Academy, and a Volunteer at the National Service Scheme. She is a social worker and likes to help those in need. Parvi has worked as a Mentor, Volunteer, and coordinator at various events.
She is interested in Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital Marketing, and Publicity.
Now, you can meet and learn more about Parvi with our winners' features:
1. Congratulations on winning a WomenTech Network award! How did it feel when you found out you had won one?
When it was announced that I won two award categories, i.e. WomenTech Network Global Ambassador Award 2020 & WomenTech Network Community Award 2020, it was an amazing feeling. I felt like I am on Cloud Nine.
My award journey was quite interesting. I did a lot of publicity about my nominations on social media through Linkedin & Twitter, and my huge network supported me by voting and appreciated me which boosted my confidence a lot. The whole procedure gave me huge networking experience with people from around the world and gave me a chance to inspire women around me.
2. What are your plans, projects, goals for 2021?
This award made me more confident and gave me motivation to achieve higher goals in life. Each and every member of WomenTech Network taught me a new lesson. My college, family and friends supported me a lot to win this award.
I am planning to approach girls' schools to encourage more young women to join the tech industry, and along with this I will approach girls' engineering colleges to get future tech talent interested in WomenTech Network.
3. How can women get the right support in tech?
In my experience of hosting panels, events, talks, interviews, or a girls’ night, there’s nothing more gratifying than watching women thrive in an environment where they feel able to be themselves and use their voice.
Collaborate, don’t compete. Competition thrives on insecurities. Identify those women you feel you’re sitting across the table from and sit next to them. Find a common ground. Wanting women to succeed without jealousy is the definition of grace. Never miss an opportunity to facilitate moments of learning between men and women. Be an active ally for both genders by advocating accountability and a level playing field.
4. What can companies do to increase the number of women in technology?
Provide proper maternity leave and childcare. Legitimate levels of maternity (and paternity) leave have become more common in the workplace over recent years, but surprisingly, flexibility is still a major issue for many.
Consider women in succession planning. Analyse the succession plan of your entire company and tackle the areas suffering from a lack of diversity.
Shine the light on female role models. While it’s crucial to nurture the next generation, there are already large numbers of females plying their trade in tech without the deserved recognition. These women have the potential to be key players in paving the way for future generations, so shine a light on them.
See all winners and keynotes on our YouTube channel.
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