Patricia Rodrigues at Synopsys, Business Process Management - Principal: Women in Tech Global Conference 2024 Speaker Interview

    Motivation to Speak at the Conference

    Are you excited to speak at the Women in Tech Global Conference and what motivated you to join our community of 100, 000 women in tech, minorities, and allies?

    Definitely, I’m so proud of the opportunity to talk at this event about my experience and learn how such a great group of women is creating impacts on the Tech world.

    Background and Inspiration

    Share with us about your background, your journey in tech, and what inspired you to develop your career in this direction?

    With a Degree in Business Economics & Finance, to me, there’s a very thin line between Finance and Data analytics and  I was always supported by data-driven decisions.

    I’m really passionate about what I do and it's amazing how reliable data can help us create operational efficiencies and promote innovation to achieve actionable insights.

    Why is the topic “Data is the Future, Future already started.” important to you?

    Data is growing exponentially everywhere… and there are lots of risks companies may face if they don’t follow a proper data governance strategy.

    How do we transform this universe of data when our attention is severely limited nowadays?…  we live in a time (era) where a click is expected to give us all the information we need

    Maximizing and optimizing our data will definitely play a role for our productivity and support business growth.

    By presenting this topic to the audience I’d like to share the best practices we use at Synopsys to make it all work.

    Who would you advise to attend the Women in Tech Global Conference and why?

    Business Analyst, Data Analyst,  and also women looking to find their place in the Finance/Data Hubs.