Session: Why are there so few of us in Tech? Experiences from Latin America
Have you wonder why there are so few women working in Science and Technology companies? In this talk, some factors are discussed and analyzed focusing on Latin America to later present some efforts, by different companies, governments and civil association including their results and impact. All of us have a common factor: the use of technology, and even more now. Finally, we will discuss how each of us can be part of this.
Rocío Aldeco-Pérez is Research Associate Professor at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Southampton on the topic of the use of provenance information as secure evidence for automatic audits. Rocio also holds a Bachelor in Science and a Master in Science degrees both from the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, in Mexico. During these studies she specialised in Computer Security, that is where her passion about blockchain and privacy of information comes.
She also participate in different movements to empower women and girls into STEM using her love to research and teaching as the key element.