Using non verbal behavior in your online sessions by Evelien Acun-Roos Rozemarijn Geelen

Video Transcription

So let's give it a start. Um Or maybe you know something about nonverbal behavior already. I see you again, some comments happening in the chat. So thank you for that.And today we will take you into a uh session about non verbal behavior and you can use it to boost your scrum or we use it to boost our Scrum. Um Rosemarie. Do you want to introduce yourself?

Yes. So my name is Rose Marie. For whoever you cannot pronounce that, you can always call me Rose, uh just like uh Evelyn's last name. Uh I am a Scrum master uh for three teams and I have a background in theater where I uh specialize myself in using nonverbal behavior to uh boost your scrum and therefore make sure that you work completely with an agile mindset, everything over

to you. Yes, thank you. I'm Eve um I work at uh CB Academy. I do uh full time training. So I teach Scrum masters and product owners how to become better at their job. And of course, in the current situation, I've uh I've taken a lot of um, Rosemary's um uh uh theory and practices to improve my online presence and uh my non behavioral uh uh indicators or uh yeah, behavior. Um So this is what we're going to do today. Um And just to start off, I'm just moving this very essential when you're doing online sessions, but also physical, but we're currently in the online environment. Are, is the setting or setting the stage very important to think about is the lighting that you're using. So I'm using, I'm using a separate um separate light that will shine on me from well front. So you can see the full picture without having any weird shadows on my face. Um And that's very important to be able to see each other's um facial expressions. Like um we saw uh like we saw Mary in the chat saying facial expressions, nonverbal behavior. Also, the position of the camera is very important. So if you have a camera that is looking from downward or maybe even from upward, that could give you a different um you could come across differently if your camera is from down below um or even when it's from high up.

So what we recommend is to have a camera on eye level, so you can kind of make eye contact, which I also saw in the chat, you wanna make eye contact that is necessary then that you look into the camera. And um well that you're not down here or up up there, also very essential in the online environment is that you have a calm background which is not distracting um in the unconscious hand session from uh from, from, from just before we also saw that you want to have limited distraction because you want to focus on what's happening in your current uh well, in the current situation and I was thinking about, oh, what does she have on our bookshelf or what is that funny thing looking in the, on the, on, on our, on our cabinet.

So also think about that very essential things uh when you are in the online environment and also uh something that I want you to be aware of that if you are doing an online session um and you have a picture like this uh up uh before you and when you look at this, you mm your uh your uh your focus, my focus will be on the first person upper left.

I will focus on that person. Most that's that, that's just building in our physique and in our body to work like this is, this is also dependent on your reading. Mm How do you correct reading direction? Yeah. You uh I read from, from left to right. So I always start at the left part. So the people who are in the left upper part will give more of my will get more of my attention than the people write that in the right lower corner. And also in this platform um We are on the lower end of the screen. Uh, so your focus as participants will be more on the upper upper part. So when you really want to look at it, you really have to focus on the down end of the screen, which might not feel very natural or might, um, yeah, it might, might be distracting from, from your focus. Um, so it's, uh, accidentally, uh, switched to the next, uh, screen. So I'm, I guess that's a hand over to you. Uh o mine.

Yeah. Oh Wow, this is a perfect natural handover here. So uh when we uh look at nonverbal behavior, we look at a variety of factors and most of you or most of it I saw already in the chat. So the main focus is on body language, uh voice expression and facial expression when looking at body language that becomes very limited when we look at an online environment because you're kind of like boxed in. So the only thing we can focus on is the shoulders, the position of the head and maybe sometimes some hands. Um the difference when sitting up and, and, and or, or standing uh when sitting, we intend to have our gestures quite low near our belly area. And then nobody can actually see our gestures while I stand. My, my gestures are usually higher. Uh So especially when you're doing a presentation, I recommend standing up um voice expression. Besides all the tech technical problems stays the same So it's a very reliable source to, to look at. And when I say voice expression, I don't mean what you say, I mean, how you say it. So your pitch, your tone, your volume, maybe even your accent or dialect contributes to how you're perceived.

And lastly, we focus on expression and there's an interesting thing happening when working online because it's, it's kind of like the difference between camera acting and, and stage acting, everything becomes much more focused on those on that face. So it's, it's like you're doing a Zoom in shot a headshot where uh your expression becomes highlighted. So that's a very uh useful uh way of of looking at non verbal behaving online is focusing on that expression, see what you can pick up. And today we hope to help you recognize some of the non verbal behaviors in expression. Um because we have prepared a little bit of an interactive session for you. So we're going to also practice a little bit. So Evelyn, if you can go to the next slide, um what is really fun is that there is a universal expression called micro expressions. There's seven expressions around the world that are exactly the same for everyone. So that's from someone who never had contact with the modern world, like lives in a primitive tribe. Uh Someone from Amsterdam, Australia, uh Tokyo America, they all use the same seven micro expressions. These micro expressions are always truthful. So you cannot fake them. There's this uh um series called Lie to me where they use micro expression and obviously actors can try to show them, but they're not, they, they're in real life, they're much more quicker.

And though you cannot train to use micro expressions, you can train yourself to recognize them quicker. We constantly take in information, we constantly already perceive those micro expressions, but we do not register them. So what we're gonna do, I'm gonna try to give you a little bit of a crash course and explain a few micro expressions to you. Then I have pre-recorded some micro expressions which you uh will be able to um to try to recognize. And as I said, as an actor, I might be quite good in, in copying some of the micro expressions, but I can never do it as fast as they happen in real life. So in that sense, it's a slowed down version which helps you to start to recognize them. Um There's a few I'm going to highlight now and what's good to know is that a microexpression is just a millisecond. That means when you think about anger, you think about someone who's raging and yelling and maybe turning red and their entire body posture is really strong and heavy. But when it's just a micro expression, it's really quick and it looks more like someone is disagreeing with something.

Um You can see it in the eyes which become kind of like stern, uh the eyebrows who go go downward and together and you see a narrowed lip. So those are the three indicators you can look for if you want to recognize microexpression, anger. And please do ask questions if you, if you something is uncertain or unclear for you in the chat. Yeah, then you can go to the next and we have happiness and happiness is really easy to recognize mostly by what we call the the the crow feet uh next to the eyes. So the the laughing wrinkles. If we don't see any laughing wrinkles, we know it's not a true smell or true happiness. Um because we need those wrinkles and the pushed up cheeks in order to uh have it as a real microexpression. What you often see people do and this is not microexpression related is that when someone laughs, someone else laughs too. So it's a mirror effect. Uh because uh socially we want to connect to each other and smiling helps us to connect. But a genuine smile is recognizable with the crow boss that makes you run into a problem right away. If somebody uses a lot of Botox, it becomes really difficult to read micro expressions. So that's something to to be aware of.

Then um this one looks a little bit like uh a smile or like happiness. Uh but it's very different because it has a neg negative effect. So contempt is uh an emotion that's uh not easy to recognize for everyone. So let me quickly explain it. Uh It's like when somebody feels they're better than you. And as women in an environment where there are a lot of men, there are a certain type of men who will show you contempt just because you're a woman um because they think they're superior and, and this is an easy way to recognize that. Uh And it's the half smile you want to look for. And as I said, you don't see any of the crow feet. So therefore, you know, it's not genuine happiness, it's contempt. How do you think, you know, better than me? That's what you, what you see that is it for contempt? And then uh the last one I wanted to uh show to you, it's one that is very easy to recognize. I always explain it like this. Let's say you went on a lovely vacation for two weeks and you come home after a long trip and you open your fridge and you see that you've forgotten a slice of pizza that's been in there for two weeks and it looks disgusting.

Well, that's what disgust looks like. It's the wrinkling of the nose like you smell something that's horrible. Um, this often happens in situations where you have a group of people and you have that one person that often talks before their turn or takes too long to talk or uh becomes the person that everyone gets irritated by, then you will see when that person starts talking or wants to say something, then uh the microexpression discussed might happen.

And as I say, it's the base emotion. It's not like I'm disgusted by you, but I'm irritated by the fact that you continue to talk before your turn. So it's a very low level emotion if you look at the core, um it's very nasty emotion but it, it happens on, on uh uh workflow in the daily basis. So that's it. I, I give you only four, there are uh seven micro expressions which should be on the next slide to give you a quick overview. Uh So there's surprise, disgust, sadness, happiness, anger, fear, and contempt. And I would love to tell you more about that. But unfortunately, we do not have the time in the world to do that. So uh instead I want to give you some concrete practice and um here is what I would uh like to ask you to do. There's two options I will show, we will show you a few micro expressions and we will read the video a few times. So you actually have the time to really look at it. Um Then I want to ask you to uh guess the micro expression and you can do that by option one, type your answer in the chat. Pretty simple. Just type what you think it is. I always have two options for you. So it becomes easier to choose.

And option two is that you can use an emoji, uh which you can open with a windows laptop clicking on your windows button. And uh then on the dot Or you can on a Macbook use control command space, then uh you will open uh an emoji um keyboard. Let's so to say, and you can click on the emoji deck you want to see. Um And then uh that's, that's it. So uh you're ready to start. OK, here's the first one. As we said, we're gonna show it a few times and when you know it, you can put it in the chat. Huh? Thank you so much for a lovely emoji. Mhm Can we play it one more time? Sure. So most of you got it, got it correct. Uh The microexpression you see here is anger and um I understand when you confuse it with surprise because it looks like someone saying, what did somebody just said or no really? But uh indeed, as Mary is saying, when it is surprised the eyes will open up more and you also will see a slight opening of the mouth. So in this case, it is anger because the, the eyebrows are going down and and become more knitted together. And that's how you recognize it. It's in it a downward emotion or a negative emotion as you could say on to the next. So what do you think you see here is this contempt and disgust or disgust? I told you it's, it's not easy.

Sometimes it's very, very minimal. So you really have to look for this. I'm gonna give you some time to answer those emojis also really work very well. Mary, indeed, there is something going on with the nose muscles and that should tell you what, what microexpression it is. Most of you got it correct already. This is, this is interesting, right? Because um your intuition is to to have it, right? So uh this is indeed the stinky smelly smell in the nose. This is discussed like you open that fridge and see that three week old pizza. Um It is funny or I love to see that, that you can all do this and that, that by practicing, you become more conscious about it. So that's why we do this. Um Shall we go to the next? This is the last one that I have for you. What kind of micro expression do you see here? Is this contempt or is discussed? Very nice. This indeed is contempt. And um what is difficult about contempt is don't mistake it for, for happiness or someone who's just smiling. It is that one corner that that does it, it is contempt and it's a negative emotion though. It doesn't look like it. It's more like a s a smirk like someone is is is telling you off. Um I find it a very, very difficult micro expression to, to act because I really don't like it. II I see here that it is indeed passive-aggressive. It's like, OK, you know, I'm just giving you this and, and you better deal with it.

But if you're not fully aware of it and you mistake it as happiness, you interpret it the message so different, it becomes very difficult to have a clear and good interaction. So in short, these were were uh was a kind of practice at the micro expressions. Um The more you do it, the more you go over these and the more you practice this, the better it becomes embedded in your system, the easier it becomes to recognize. And uh once you recognize it, um you cannot read someone's mind. So you don't know when or how or why they show the micro expression, but you do have uh a conversation to have then or you have to make a check whether uh what someone's showing actually uh is in line with what that person is feeling because don't forget it could be that I'm working here in, in a meeting and I look out the window and I see something outside of that window that makes me show a micro expression.

So that's really tricky in an online environment is that there's all these uh distractions and you don't, you can't really see um what's going on behind the screen. Then I'm gonna hand it back over to you aveline

Yes. Uh So thank you for uh for the explanation. Um So question to you and you can write it in the chat. Um You've seen a few micro expressions and, and have, have had a practice with it. Um Any thoughts on how you could use this in your own environment, so any thoughts on that you can leave them in the chat. So how could you use this knowledge? Mhm Yeah. So Patricia says, definitely identifying feelings in online meetings is crucial. Um You know, you can use it every day in meetings to know who to ask for their opinion. Again, smile big from the chest out, laugh and relief, tense moments honestly and not awkwardly look people in the eyes. Um I work in a university career service so we can build into student workshop on interviewing networking, self-awareness presentations, et cetera. Yeah. So I was actually in uh uh rosemary's training to learn more about non verbal behavior. And what I did myself was in a meeting, I would practice with uh with recognizing um micro expressions and I really, and I really said it upfront. So I said, OK, I'm going to practice to see if I can read between the lines or read uh of your face.

Um So that's I, I think um a good or a good practice opportunity if you have an online session, if you're talking uh to uh to a bigger group to see if you can recognize those micro expressions and it will help you to understand the feelings better that are not being vocalized or verbalized.

Yeah, so thank you. So, so thank you for sharing. We do have some time for questions. I see some questions uh being, being asked, but I first want to go to end kind of our context, context concepts. Um So what we have done, so this is kind of meta um We've used a um we have used an agenda where we try to involve you as much as possible in this online environment. And it also makes it more um and more involving and engaging instead of you looking at us for 40 minutes, just telling you about micro expressions. So this is what we've used, we've used a technique from training from the back of the room um trying to learn and trying to have you experience more about micro expressions. We do have some um Well, like I said, we have some time for questions before I go to that. Um Please note that we both give training. So I, I've joined Rosemary's training about uh my nonverbal behavior. That was awesome. So that's also why I'm share why we want to share that knowledge across the world. Um But I'm also giving that training from the back of the room.

So if you want to know more about how you can give an involving and engaging training or workshop or anything else that you can do online. We have a um training starting in July. So please know that anything that you wanna say rosemary about your training?

Yes, I don't currently have a training plan. Um I do a lot of incom so if you're interested in, in company training in uh or uh you want personal coaching, just reach out to me via email and uh you can use the code for this event and uh you get a little discount.

Yeah, highly recommend it. So back to uh where we were, we had a few questions and there was one in the beginning already. Um Let me just go back all the way up. I hope that person is still in the session because I saw some people leaving uh for other sessions. Um Where was it? Oh yeah. Is it first from OTA Soy Yare and says, so I hope you're still here. Can you tell a person is deceptive using these micro expressions?

Well, you can definitely see someone's true feelings. So if someone is saying, oh no, I'm, I'm totally fine with this and I love it. Uh um let's go and do it but shows the micro expression, anger or contempt or maybe even fear, you know that what they're, what they're saying is not what they're showing. Um So in that case, you can see that a person is, I wouldn't call it deceptive but not showing their true colors or not sharing what they're feeling.

Mhm. So I hope that answers your question. There was another question um by Rebecca how to get people to turn their camera on. Well, I do a lot of training and I've been doing a lot of online training. Um I will let people decide if they want to open the camera or not. So I'm not forcing them. I'm not saying you should have your camera on. I do explain that it's better for the interaction and it's better for the connection between uh between us if you have your camera on. But hey, you might recognize situations where you have shouting kids around or a husband that also has to do work or uh another partner that uh that so it is in the same room as you. So I will never force it and that also has to do with psychological safety. I will never force you to uh open up your camera, but it will make it easier to connect and to um and to have conversations if you have your camera on. Uh But yeah, so I, I don't, I don't get people to turn their camera on. I will try to uh ha have them put their camera on themselves. Yeah.

Yes. Same, same for me. And um what I do try to do, I try to tease them to put their camera on by, by using uh valuable and fun energizers.

Yeah. So show me something from your room. Uh that describes your most valuable, I don't know, full of valuable item or? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Um Let me see. Um Yeah, questions to sh to share the presentation. Um So I don't know how that works. Rebecca, maybe you can chip in. How can we make the presentation available? Yeah. Uh Well, we can figure it out uh later. At least the the we have a recording of the session. So if you have that tickets, you can look it back. Uh Let's see if we have still have a question of Risha, what expression to make in case you feel that you are getting misinterpreted in an online call.

That's funny because um what expression you make or want to make might be different because I think what you will show which is not a micro expression by the way, but you will probably show disappointment. So that's the amount that goes down like this. Um So in that case, you show disappointment often when you get misinterpreted. But what you, what, what I would do if I want to stop that or other person and I want that person to look at me, I would, I probably would do this. I'm, I'm, I'm, I don't know if you can see it but I'm, I'm I stopped sharing the

screen then we

had our big Yeah. Yeah. Does this indicate that, that, that, that, that you actually want to say something back? But you're holding yourself in because you're letting the other, other person talk. Uh and this is often what happens as well when people think like, oh, this, this is not what, what I was thinking. So, you know, there, there's many ways you can do it. Uh But the most straightforward way if people misunderstand you is to tell them but you're misunderstood. Yeah.

Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. But if you, yeah, yeah, I think that's, that's the best one. Great. Um Any other. So that, that, that's in interesting Mary. So, so since we cannot see you and there are a few comments about uh black people or people of different color um I don't have experience with that but great that you are sharing um constant misinterpretation of our expressions. Um Yeah, they work with international people a lot, right? Rosemary. So

yeah, it's, it's about more about the social context that you're in than misinterpreting the, the expressions. It's about having a different energy um using AAA different approach to, to something that others are not, not used to. Like I think it was Rebecca said in the beginning when you look at, for example, nodding and shaking your head. Um it has different meaning meaning in different countries. So for me shaking my head always means no, but uh that's not the case everywhere. So to be truly able to understand each other, we need that social context. We need to check with each other. Is this actually what what you mean because I see this or I perceive this and by doing that, you, you get to know each other better and you get more in tune and you learn from that. Um And it's, it's something we can't avoid because we, we're raised in, in, in a different perspective, um all around the world. And that's why those micro expressions are so interesting because those are always the same for everyone. So then there is no or very little room for misinterpretation if you can recognize those micro expressions.


yeah, that's a, that's a good one. Because like you said, the micro expressions are universal, they're not something that you can mimic or something that you can get, get better at. It's just a um a response from your brain to your, to your face actually. Um So, and, and of course, the con knowing the context is uh is important.

Yeah. So it's nn nurture versus nature actually. Mhm

Yeah. Nice one. And thank you for explaining Mary uh your, your, your situation or what you have experienced. Yeah, great. Thank you. So, um if there are, are there other questions left? If not, then I would like to invite you to connect on linkedin with us. We do, I've put it in the chat, but let me do that just again. So we can meet up with all of you and, and maybe we can have an inter and maybe we can have a chat in the networking uh space or um and where we can see each other and uh talk about the, the color people challenges. Yeah. So let's see if we can do that. It's a long discussion indeed. Yeah, I, well, thank you for thank you for sharing that. It's great, great insights. Yeah, interesting. So I wanna thank you all um for joining um rosemary. Any last words to, to share.

No, thank you so much. And uh if you want to have a discussion, uh let's meet uh in a, in a net networking space.

Yeah, great. Thank you all.