
Yelp engineering culture is driven by our values: we’re a cooperative team that values individual authenticity and encourages creative solutions to problems. All new engineers deploy working code their first week, and we strive to broaden individual impact with support from managers, mentors, and teams. At the end of the day, we’re all about helping our users, growing as engineers, and having fun in a collaborative environment.


Would you like to join a team where your work makes a significant impact? Yelp is the richest source of local business data and user-generated content in the world. Our backend engineers use that data to power our websites and mobile apps. As a remote backend engineer, you will work closely with our mobile and web application developers to bring our 200M+ reviews to millions of users.

Backend engineers take on a diverse set of challenges across Yelp engineering. Do you want to make a positive impact on Yelpers looking for the best local businesses? Build products for business owners to get the most out of Yelp? Take on some of the most meaningful problems in distributed computing and API design? We would love to share more about how our agile team creates an amazing experience for millions of users.


This opportunity requires you to be located in the Zona Sureste or Zona Centro time zone of Mexico. We’d love to have you apply, even if you don’t feel you meet every single requirement in this posting. At Yelp, we’re looking for great people, not just those who simply check off all the boxes.

What you'll do:

  • Create engaging and impactful new features on top of our Service Oriented Architecture.
  • Iterate quickly using Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment principles.
  • Collaborate with team members and engineers globally across Yelp to design elegant and complex systems.

What it takes to succeed:

  • Deep understanding of creating elegant and sophisticated API designs.
  • Relevant experience in at least one server-side programming language.
  • Scalability, reliability, and performance challenges excite you.
  • The curiosity to uncover promising solutions to new problems, and the persistence to carry your ideas through to an end goal.

What you'll get:

  • This opportunity has the option to be fully remote in all locations across Mexico within the Zona Sureste or Zona Centro time zone of Mexico.
  • Full responsibility to contribute to and lead projects from day one.
  • A dynamic, collaborative, global and diverse team environment.
  • Competitive salary and bonus structure.
  • A competitive benefits package that includes paid time off and remote work reimbursements.
  • Flexible working hours and meeting-free Wednesdays.
  • Regular 3-day Hackathons and bi-weekly learning groups.
  • Opportunities to participate in virtual events and conferences.
  • Quarterly team offsites.


At Yelp, we believe that diversity is an expression of all the unique characteristics that make us human: race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, and education — and those are just a few. We recognize that diverse backgrounds and perspectives strengthen our teams and our product. The foundation of our diversity efforts are closely tied to our core values, which include “Playing Well With Others” and “Authenticity.”


We’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer and consider qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status, veteran status, medical condition, disability, or any other protected status.


We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities in our job application process. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at [email protected] or 1-415-969-8488.


Note: Yelp does not accept agency resumes. Please do not forward resumes to any recruiting alias or employee. Yelp is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes.




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Yelp connects people with great local businesses. With unmatched local business information, photos and review content, Yelp provides a one-stop local platform for consumers to discover, connect and...

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