Session: Re-engineer your Headspace
Everyone is passionate about mental health, but no one redirects that to optimize your mind. The under-thirties community is full of nervous system dysregulation and stories about triggers and anxiety. The talented ones don’t always make it, but it’s not because they aren’t tough enough or they don’t work hard enough. The lack of awareness about the science behind the mind cost me an auto-immune condition; what is it costing you and your audience?
I was an overachiever in engineering school, too sick to roll over in bed for the water on my nightstand. I ignored my body’s signals because that was the way the game was played. I would put my body and mind to the limit, not realizing I was training my fight or flight centre to activate against me and my goals. I overcame my illness; with this research in a new and innovative field, I want to share with your audience. When I started to tap into fields such as epigenetics, and Psychoimmunology, I understood the concepts of neuroplasticity, and how to recalibrate my nervous system to work for me.
What if we show talented innovators and entrepreneurs the maps of their minds? If we could teach the visionaries and the Imagineers of the world how to enhance their thinking, imagine the foundation they could build their achievements on.
Are we missing out on a tremendous opportunity here? We need to capitalize on their most important asset, which is getting them to think about how they think.
Your brain is being programmed, and it is designed to be programmed. There’s so much research yet, some much unawareness. Let’s bridge the disconnect and let the innovators standardize their own minds. On your stage, I can educate your audience of motivated yet lost leaders craving science wrapped in inspiration. Let me give them a framework to utilize their minds because their minds are the minds that impact the world.
Karlyn is a neural-optimization coach, taking over her new and innovative field. She is a passionate speaker on the topics of neuroplasticity and nervous system calibration. Her mission is to inspire highly motivated individuals by teaching them how to engineer their minds. These tools allowed her to overcome her auto-immune condition and transform her life. She speaks the language of the overachievers, with a background in engineering, she doesn't shy away from the innovations of the mind. She bridges the two worlds with a strong background in the science fields and knowledge in holistic health. She's the impact your audience craves!