21 Accelerators, Incubators, Programs and More for Female Founders

Posted on WomenTech Team

In the US, only about 9 percent of venture-backed entrepreneurs are women. Less than 3 percent of the $130B+ given every year out of VC funding goes to female…

Products Women Can Use When Working from Home

Posted on WomenTech Team

Still Adjusting to Working From Home? Check Out These Top Business and Tech Needs to Help You Nail the Transition.

How Can Women Hack Into the Tech Industry?

Posted on WomenTech Team

The truth is, having more women in the industry is one of the best ways to influence and close that gender gap. And, you don’t have to be a software engineer or computer programmer to enjoy a…

How to Create Your Personal Brand

Posted on WomenTech Team

Developing a strong personal brand can be vital to take the next step in your career. Launch yourself as a force to be reckoned with by presenting yourself accurately and showcasing your talents…

Working Through Covid-19 Survival Tips: How to Network Online

Posted on WomenTech Team

Online networking has always played an important role in expanding your tech circle of contacts, but with the current Covid-19 situation, online networking has become vital. In fact, it’s pretty…