Session: The Fourth R: Resilience
Resilience is our internal shock absorber. Research shows that in terms of personal and professional success, it’s as important, if not more important than talent. Resilience is necessary to thrive and turn challenges into opportunities, to overcome setbacks, and emerge stronger than before. Being resilient isn’t about avoiding challenges and stress, it’s about learning how to face and deal with them. It's an essential trait towards sustainability at all levels- individual, team, and organizational- be it the classroom, the cancer ward, the Olympics track, or the boardroom. In trying times like these, let's discuss this fourth R - the what, why, and how of Resilience.
Liji is a technophile with over a decade's industry experience in technical and leadership roles. In her current role as Manager, Modern Application Development at Valorem Reply, she leads a team of digital transformation consultants. She's passionate about problem-solving, building great teams, books, and Tech for good- in that order.