From 100 to 1000: How do you scale culture? by Maya Miller

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Scaling Culture Through Rapid Growth: Why It's Important and How to Do It

Good day! I'm Maya Miller and it’s a thrill to be here. Today, we’ll be discussing a critical yet often undervalued topic: scaling culture during rapid growth. How important is it? And how do we best do it?

Why is Culture Important in Growing Organizations?

Culture, by definition, is the behaviors, customs, beliefs, and values shared by a group of people. Thus, in defining your organization's culture, values become a critical component. They provide deeply ingrained principles that guide decisions, behaviors, attitudes, and actions. They can be seen as your organization’s unique ‘DNA’or blueprint, and act as a litmus test for doing the right thing.

Investing in creating well-defined values is critical for several reasons. For starters, strong culture attracts, engages and retains talent, especially in an environment where there's a high demand for talents. Furthermore, it naturally weeds out individuals that aren’t champions of your culture. Lastly, integrating strong values into all aspects of your operation can help build brand reputation, guide product decisions, and deeply influence customer experience.

Companies known for their strong emphasis on values include Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, Zappos, and Netflix. These organizations not only established robust values but also effectively incorporated them into their decision-making processes.

Bringing Values to Life in Your Organization

Instilling values in an organization is much more than putting them on a poster or sharing them during an orientation. It requires purposeful communication planning and making the values real for every employee. Leaders must incorporate these values into the everyday vocabulary – during all-hands meetings, in internal emails, team gatherings, and even in the decision-making framework of the organization.

Take the example of, where one of our values is long-term. This influences our decisions where we often ask – "Are we making this decision for the long-term or is this an easy short-term resolution?"

Key Points on Creating Effective Values and Culture

  • Remember that your values are created for your employees. They will certainly impact customers, brands, and products, but primarily, they should guide and benefit your employees.
  • While creating values, it’s important to not seek consensus. Not every employee can embody the culture you want to foster. Selectively but inclusively identify people who have a good understanding and alignment with your company’s values and communicate your values through them.
  • Think about cultural differences. Ensure the elements of your values don't conflict or cause dissonance in different cultural contexts.

Choosing the Right Time to Refresh Values

Lastly, realizing when it's time to refresh your values can be crucial. This could be different for every organization. It may not necessarily be about hitting a certain headcount or after a particular period has passed. It’s more about major milestones in your organization's lifespan. These could include significant headcount growth, change in leadership, or a need for a cultural shift, as seen in companies like Uber.

Strong, clear, and applicable values are key to thriving in a rapid-growth environment. They not only bring benefits to the employees but to the organization as a whole, influencing decisions that ultimately result in long-term success.

So think about it - if being part of a strong culture is important to you, consider how you can implement these insights and shape the narrative around your company’s culture. Remember, the best time to build and strengthen your culture is now.

Have any questions or thoughts on the importance of culture and values in growing organizations? Feel free to reach out directly via email at

Thanks for tuning in, and here’s to fostering a vibrant culture in your organization!

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