Jinjin Zhao - A Five-step Thought Process for Self-discovery: From Chemical Engineering to AI Education Science

Video Transcription

All right, introduce myself a little bit. I am Ginger and I'm a applied scientist, senior class scientist at special session yesterday on human learning. And today I'm gonna a little bit about I develop for myself. All right. Um Doing chemical, chemical engineering in my master.

I'm working on education, um both product in fundamental science. So I want to share a little bit about uh self discovery, why self discovery and in what context, not self discovery and how we can practice that. Let's dive in. So what is self discovery and why my personal experience and I think, and everyone needs in our life is an instance that help us discover ourselves better and life process never ending self discovery. And whenever I feel that person, that thing can help me on self discovery, I'm satisfied and pretty fine. And as long as you pay attention to that, it is just happening every second, even uh the conversation we are having right now. So his first week you find are uh what is the purpose we are living, right? So it is very big. Um Honestly, it is. And because we all strive for me um for meaning throughout our lives. And the second is knowing who are, we need to know what we want, what constitutes to hold me and what makes me feel than meaningful. Because every and, and even in every stage of our lives, we want different things. And after that, uh how we can find ways to achieve what we want, how to experiment solution is to get what we want and also how we can develop the skills that we need to iteratively experiment.

Because as I just mentioned, we are changing every second from and our goals might change how we feel fulfilled might change because we need to practice the self discovery throughout our lives. And it doesn't mean you don't live the moment because of it is changing it, you have to live. But if you, if you don't live in, does it. So um I really appreciate you and we have a wonderful discussion. Um It is a little bit philosophical. Uh Yes. And uh I'm a big fan of spiritual practices and philosophies. I think the reason I like is uh it brings me tranquility in time, the confidence towards the world that is filled with changes and certainties and all kinds of dynamics. Um But don't worry, we will talk about the specific and really put into action. What is effective and improve. Oh What is context of self discovery today? Um It is about how we can find our passion and what you love doing regardless of the outcome. And of course, during the life and during the time span of early, um uh when I say passion, I mean, those are dynamic things they change as you mature. What I'm really talking about, alignment of your mind and the projection of your mind in the physical world. Um In your early, I don't know your background that if you could share a little bit, we can definitely. Um Yes. So I will share my stories on how I am able to practice the thought process for the peace and the component life.

Because every day there are so many things going on. If we do not prepare ourselves to be able to respond correctly, we will just get um so much all kinds of, you don't necessarily need all of them, right? So I hope this uh thought process came OK in that regard. So about my story. Um six years ago, I graduated and I was uh very much stressed, afraid of unties and how confused about how, what I wanted to be and how I can get. I don't know what I want. There was so much wanted to be evaluated by the society, by the external world, right? I want to be successful. I want to get things that seems important to me at that moment. As I look back, I think one thing that hasn't changed is uh the expectation I have for myself that is to be like to find something meaningful um for myself. But at that, at that time, I knew nothing about the world. I don't know and how I should interact with the world. And sometimes II, I may seem happy but that was ignorance. But now I can find every little joy in my life and I'm happy if there are good opportunities, find me, find them and I'm still calm. There isn't any, I'm fine no matter what happens in my life, that is that kind of attitude towards life. And if I have full control over how I perceive the world, how I want to respond to the world, then nothing could beat me up.

Uh That what letter was how people reacting to the world's uh control my feelings, my thoughts and my actions. So that is kind of the conflict. Yeah. What's been a life um meaningful lie to me that is the strength of life. And I'm reading a lot about the story system, uh a branch of philosophy and the core idea there make the best use of what you have and um live the moment. Those are really powerful things and knowing those things is not enough, you really need to put into practice and to train yourself, behave in that way. Um OK, so for me how I was able to get that insecure me to the current me, I think part of that is DNA is that I be a good person. Uh always be a better person than I was. Right. The self improvement. And another part is I always wanted to understand why and stick to the right things, stick to do the right actions, right? Ways of doing things, doing, thinking and feeling about things. And I don't give up easily. I try really hard and I was able to get the reward as I try. And that is very important because that we need to keep motivated and um all those rewards. Uh but it's not necessarily how we define the rewards, right?

It's not the external, it is actually a more internal recognition. Um how you want to treat yourself to get those motivations for yourself. So the thought process is like this first identify what you really want in your next move. Uh It needs to be specific, the smart goals, specific measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Um So you don't, you won't get lost in the journey of achieving it. And a senior role, a senior role, you know, you know, expertise or you want to try something different as in another domain. The second step is to rationalize why you want it. Why that is at the current stage of your life, why you want that um might, you might want to explore before you something, but you need to understand why now. And also are you ready? Are you at the right time to pursue that? And the third step is to estimate um what that goal means what skill is required in achieving that goal and what skills you have at this moment? And what is the gap? And how do you have a good plan to, to bridge that skill? The what status assess does that go align with your long term goal? Or is, is that best move for you at this moment or you just experimenting? So it is OK to fail, set the right expectation for ourselves.

Um Or is there any other better move that can fulfill the goal you have for yourself? Um Things change, we should alter our views, our, our perceptions towards the goals, we need to assess it possible. Um And also retrospect, uh uh are you implementing as you are implementing the move uh reflect, reflection is really important. So reflect as often as you can um is the thought I'm having the right thing uh is a right thing for a right action that constitutes to your goals, what can be done differently, right? If you have, I, I am getting closer to what I want and I'm good. So that is the momentum I'm looking for in everything I do. So in short, thought process is about um be aware and exam the feelings, the thoughts, actions and and also after examining that, determine what you want to do what you would like to respond to that feeling, that thought, right? So then you can um continue to observe uh and improve that. So I wanna see if does that make sense to you? Um Do you have any, I really would love to see you to see any other question you have or your thoughts?

Was it, is it useful to you? Hi, Marian. Uh Thanks for joining sessions. I was talking, shall we have an open discussion here? And um the plan was I would spend 10 minutes going through this. So we are almost at the end of the thought process. So I would love to see. No worries. I'd like to see. Um Yeah, so uh and it will be wonderful. We can um use case study here. So I would love to have one of you to share um a little bit um what you want. So we can go through this practice. But if you think this is too philosophical and I don't need that. That is also fine. You can close up and join other sessions. I'm totally open to that. It won't make any. Yeah, just I think only two of you are here. Uh If we don't. Bye Mary and all right. So come through the thought process. Uh I'm opening it up for any questions. If you have, please bring it up. Um If you want to do any use case, I'm al I'm also here. We can go through these steps. I think we have six minutes left, but it's ok. I will wait to you and not if nobody has any question you can go. Laura said, um being special have never my focus. A bit more of these questions are great. Uh We'll have to go through them, I think. Yeah, just try to practice it.

Uh Whatever the sit the situation is not my, I don't know how many times a day on everything on, even on the meeting. Um, like the this session, I would reflect what are the things I do feel good about myself. What are the things not? And if I have a say change, but honestly, I don't see anything happening much here. Expectation for me is to have some engagement with you. But uh it's OK, it's not. Yeah, I will set the expectation differently next time. So try to understand what it is. Uh see if there's opportunity you can improve. So have that kind of uh practice always at hand. So, yeah, that's, that's it. That's the process you do self discovery and gradually you will become the kind of person you admire. Uh I had my B on the job price. This was interesting. I just took computer science one. Yeah, those kind of change is definitely uh challenging. I've done this a lot. I was an SDE and I moved to science and I don't have a phd and all the colleagues around their phd. I need to figure out how I can prove myself without a phd degree, right? So I need to understand what are the things people look at maybe the publications, maybe the scheme uh quick and I can get those things is I talk to different people to identify what are the criterias, whether those are good or not. I don't know.

But if those are the things people are using, follow those to some sense, but that won't impact my view of how doing things correctly. Right. So there, there's the separation between what I think is right? But uh what other people think is right? Like the coding skill, if you need to find a job, you need to do the lead coding, I don't buy in that at all. That's why I switched to science role. Um But if that is the thing, then that's the reality, but we don't beat up, don't beat ourselves up, we just get prepared and knowing that might not be the right evaluation, but I can accept it. Um Yeah, but I don't give up what I believe in that is more stressful. Um challenging I think is always good challenges. I'm looking for challenges at this moment. I'm creating challenges for myself. The challenge that's very critical because if you, if you got challenged, that is too challenging. I mean, uh it, it won't be that good to you to uh from long term perspective, it might add value, but it's hard to say whether those suffering is good or not. It depends on whether you could overcome that kind of situation.

But I uh I believe you will be able to assess, can give example of the goal versus the desire uh assess is like, oh yeah, there's a huge distinction between how I am feeling right now versus how I should be feeling, how I am thinking versus how I should be thinking, how I am acting versus how I should act.

So I always, I was doing thinking feeling and think how, what is the right way to do that and what is the gap there and why there is the gap? Because sometimes it's because of the insecure feeling I'm having. There are reasons to try to understand why you are behaving in a way. You don't expect yourself to be behaving and to that gap cause we always wanted to insist on doing that's as simple as that, do the right thing, but it is difficult to do the right thing. Um But it's very powerful that um yeah, I guess nowadays the world is filled with all kinds of um desires if we don't clearly know what we will be consistently in that insecure state and not healthy at all. So, yeah, I'm not a big fan of meditation. I don't know how to do medi meditation. I think those philosophies do help me a lot uh reflecting and been a whole person. All right. Thanks for your questions. Uh We are right on time and uh please uh if you'd like to connect, you can always have a chat, chat, um, if you like.