Role models in tech Ada Lovelace

    In honor of Ada Lovelace Day on October 8th, we are excited to feature a collaborative article, "The Importance of Female Role Models in Tech." This piece highlights the critical role that female role models play in inspiring and guiding the next generation of women in technology. We'll explore how the visibility and achievements of women in tech contribute to a more inclusive and diverse industry. For this discussion, we are joined by two accomplished leaders: Alka Malik, VP of Engineering at Akamai Technologies, and Svitlana Shyn, Lead Product Business Analyst at Lucanet. Through their insights, we aim to celebrate the impact of female role models and offer valuable advice for women aspiring to lead in tech.

    Key Traits of Women Leaders

    What qualities make a female role model in tech particularly effective or influential, and can you give examples of these qualities in action?

    A female role model in tech is incredibly effective when she embodies resilience, knowledge, empathy, and a commitment to advocating for others. Resilience is important because the tech industry can be challenging, especially for women. Knowledge and expertise build credibility, while empathy allows them to support and uplift others. Advocacy is crucial for bringing attention to diversity and inclusion.  I have also observed through my career that the most important ingredients for success are a passion for learning from all around me and leading through empathy. After all, true leadership comes from listening, being authentic to your true self, and lifting up others around you.

    I started my career in banking as an Economist of Corporate Products, but I wanted more ownership and growth. This led me to train in ERP software at one of Ukraine's largest implementation centers and become an implementation consultant marking my entry into Tech in 2010. I advanced to Senior Business Analyst leading the BA department in product development gathering and analyzing requirements, bridging the gap between stakeholders and the development teams, and developing solutions for major manufacturers.
    In 2022, I relocated to Germany and joined Lucanet as a Lead Product Business Analyst leading a talented team of now seven Business Analysts within the product division. At Lucanet, exceeding standards is key to driving success and innovation. I chose tech because I love tackling challenges and pushing boundaries. This ever-evolving field offers endless opportunities for growth and learning, and that’s exactly what I’ve found here. The challenges I encounter are not merely obstacles but opportunities to expand my skill set and deepen my understanding across various domains. Each project presents a new puzzle to solve, and each challenge is a chance to grow.

    Impact of Female Mentors

    Can you discuss the impact that female role models have had on your career in tech, and how they have inspired you?

    The impact of female role models on my career in tech has been significant. Their success in traditionally male-dominated fields has inspired me and shown me what is possible. Personally, seeing women take the lead in engineering / technical roles within my organization has boosted my confidence that I too can achieve higher leadership positions. Their combination of technical expertise and a unique approach to solving problems enriches team dynamics. Moreover, it is women in leadership positions overall that has inspired me and encouraged me to be bolder. While my mom was a stay-at-home mom, she truly embraced the ability to be bold as she single-handedly managed a household of 4 kids, in a new country, where English was her second language as my father traveled a lot. She also guided us to be the best self we can be, to take on what was challenging with pride and a can-do attitude, and to be kind. This is in my DNA today and is what makes me effective both in my workplace and personally.

    To me, a female role model is someone who lives with purpose and passion. She understands why she's striving for success and is fully committed to her mission. She never settles into a comfort zone but continually challenges herself to grow by taking healthy risks. At the same time, she remains empathetic and kind, balancing ambition with compassion. This unique blend of determination and kindness makes her an inspiring figure to look up to. This is the kind of role model I aspire to be: someone who encourages others to push their boundaries, grow continuously, and always stay true to themselves.

    Supporting Female Leaders in Tech

    How does your organization support the development and visibility of female role models within the tech industry?

    At Akamai, we actively foster the development and visibility of female role models within the tech industry through several impactful initiatives. We offer mentorship programs, diversity and inclusion workshops, and networking opportunities specifically tailored to empower women in tech. We have several Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), Security Women’s Network, and Executive Women’s Network, each providing platforms for sharing insights, experiences, and best practices. These groups promote transparency, cultivate strong professional relationships, and encourage personal growth.
    Akamai’s commitment to future generations is also evident through the Akamai Foundation, which invests millions globally to promote STEM education, especially in mathematics for K-12 students. This initiative nurtures the next wave of technology innovators, ensuring that diversity in tech continues to grow.
    Moreover, we highlight the achievements of women leaders across various platforms, such as LinkedIn blogs, to celebrate their contributions and inspire others. As a people-first organization, Akamai’s unwavering support for leaders like me makes a genuine difference. Their dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not just a checkbox—it's a reflection of what matters.

    In our challenging and fast-paced environment, supporting one another is more important than ever. By fostering a culture of mutual support and encouragement, I aim to inspire my team, and especially younger women to believe in their potential and pursue their ambitions with confidence. At Lucanet, we can navigate challenges and achieve great progress. We are a team of industry game-changers empowering finance teams around the world to lead
    with ease. Our culture of kindness and integrity encourages our people to bring their whole selves to work. We want their ideas, their innovations, their enthusiasm. We’ll support and encourage their desire for a better career while we work together to create better software solutions and grow a better company. Lucanet is more than a place to work. We are a champion for continuous improvement that pushes boundaries, impacts industries, and grows careers.

    When I transitioned from banking to the tech industry, I was lucky to be mentored by Ganna, a Senior Business Analyst. Ganna was incredibly supportive and understanding. Early on, I struggled with imposter syndrome and felt overwhelmed by project complexities. After a tough customer meeting, Ganna noticed my discomfort. She reassured me by sharing her own early career challenges and offered practical tips: break tasks into steps, prepare thoroughly, and always ask questions. Years later, even in a leadership role, I still found myself thinking back to the lessons I learned from Ganna.

    Advice for Aspiring Women Leaders

    What advice would you give to women in tech who aspire to become role models for others in the industry?

    First, embrace continuous learning and never doubt your (technical) abilities. Find mentors who support your growth and stay connected with other women in the industry for support and guidance. It's also essential to be visible – find opportunities to speak at conferences, contribute to projects, and share your expertise. You are also visible because you are different! When not many women go into the tech field, see that as an opportunity and not as a setback. Embrace being the only woman in the room. Finally, advocate for other women, as elevating others is a sign of effective leadership and its just the right thing to do!
    “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” - Serena Williams

    Becoming a role model for me means always striving to lead by example, showing my dedication to our company goals and values of we challenge, we build, we value through my own motivations. I want to show my team that while none of us are perfect, striving for improvement and embracing challenges will lead us to success. This mindset is essential for both personal and professional growth.

    Inspiring Role Models Inside & Out

    Who are your role models in and outside of the tech industry, and why?

    There are many role models that I look up to. Inside the tech industry, I’ve been fortunate to have quite a few, especially within Akamai itself. I’ve had the privilege of being inspired by remarkable leaders in the tech industry—both men and women—who have made lasting contributions to innovation and inclusivity. These leaders, regardless of gender, share a common passion for making a meaningful difference, and they’ve shown me that success in tech is not just about individual achievements but also about empowering others to thrive.

    Outside of the tech industry, my sister, Mamta Rodrigues, is a role model who continues to inspire me. As a leader in the payments and fintech industry and recognized as a top woman leader I am constantly empowered by her abundant energy, strategic thinking, and unwavering positivity. Mamta’s mindset—that anything is possible if you truly put your mind to it—drives me to believe in myself and tackle challenges head-on.
    One of the things I’m most proud of is seeing the percentage of women in my engineering organization double since I joined Akamai. This growth reflects the broader effort to create an environment where diversity thrives – not just in terms of gender, but also in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It’s a testament to how these role models, both in and out of tech, are helping to create an environment where more women and underrepresented groups feel empowered to lead. 
    “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

    Female role models are essential for creating a more inclusive and diverse industry – not only in Tech. I believe when women see others like them in leadership roles, it breaks down stereotypes and empowers them to envision similar success for themselves. It encourages a workplace where diverse perspectives are valued, driving innovation and creativity. We need more female leaders to help build a tech industry where everyone feels enabled to thrive, regardless of gender. This approach doesn't just benefit individual careers, but it also strengthens the entire industry, making it more dynamic and resilient.

    While I don't have a specific idol, there is a female role model who inspires me. At Lucanet, our VP of Customer Success, stands out as a true leader. She's deeply passionate about her mission to serve our customers in the best way possible and maintains a sharp focus on critical priorities - all while balancing intelligence with empathy. As a woman in a leadership role, her authentic leadership style not only motivates her team but also sets a high standard of excellence and dedication for everyone around her. 

    In conclusion, the insights shared by Alka Malik and Svitlana Shyn emphasize the profound impact that female role models can have on shaping careers, driving diversity, and fostering an inclusive tech industry. Their experiences highlight that effective role models embody resilience, empathy, and a passion for learning, while also encouraging others to challenge boundaries and pursue growth. By celebrating the achievements of women in technology, we not only inspire the next generation of leaders but also create a more dynamic, equitable environment for all.

    If you're inspired by the cultures at Akamai and Lucanet, we invite you to explore these amazing companies and their commitment to empowering women in tech. To further support diversity and inclusion, consider partnering with us at WomenTech Network.