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Fostering Growth in Leadership Teams: 5 Essential Tips

Written by: Hana Ng

Welcome to this blog post about growing effective leadership teams. With over two decades of experience, and having rendered my services to more than 300 companies globally, I'm here to share some tips on how to amplify the performance of your leadership team.

Remember the proclamation by Tom Maxwell, "The single biggest way to influence an organization is to focus on leadership development"? There is infinite potential in an organization that invests in its workforce, guides them to become leaders, and consistently cultivates their growth. Here are my top 5 ways to do just that:

The Inspiring Story of Sir Ernest Shackleton

Before we delve into the tips, it’s crucial to highlight a story that for me epitomizes true leadership – that of Sir Ernest Shackleton, a renowned British explorer. Shackleton set out in 1914 to become the first to transverse Antarctica. However, his ship 'Endurance' was trapped and eventually crushed by ice before they even reached their goal. Despite battling some of the harshest conditions on Earth in their escape, Shackleton brought everyone back alive, making him a paragon of exceptional leadership.

The 5 Tips to Grow a Leadership Team

1. Become the “We” Teams

The effectiveness of a leadership team stems from their ability to transcend individualistic agendas and work towards collective success. After all, it's the sustained synergy, teamwork, and collaboration that set a "good" leadership team apart from a truly "exceptional" one. Like Shackleton's team, prioritize unity over competing interests.

2. Prioritize People

Support and value every team member, regardless of their role. Shackleton personified this by ensuring the crew was supplied before the officers - everyone shared supplies equally. When you prioritize the well-being of your team, you not only instill a sense of camaraderie but also fortify their spirits against adversities.

3. Incorporate Leadership Development

Never forget that effective leadership means continuous learning and development. Incorporating this as an integral part of the organizational objectives not only ensures that your team is equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge, but it also enhances their career growth within the organization.

4. Align on Visions, Missions, and Goals

It's about collective success rather than isolated growth. Clearly identify your vision, mission, and goals, and ensure everyone on the team understands them. Be like Shackleton who, despite constant weather alterations, kept his team aligned on their primary mission - to bring everyone safely home.

5. Co-create, Inspect and Adapt

A successful leadership team collaboratively works towards common goals and continuously inspects and adapts its strategies and processes for collective responsibility. As Howard Schultz, one of the instrumental leaders at Starbucks, once said, "When we are surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.

These are my top 5 tips for nurturing growth in leadership teams. I hope you find them helpful and incorporate them into your professional journey to boost your organization's growth and success.

Video Transcription

Alright. It's Tom. So let's start it. Welcome to the session about the grow of dolly to see themes. And, my name is Hana Ng, I'm founder grow feature leader.Executive and team coach in the last 20 years has helped teams and leadership to develop their leadership team and team to become high performance teams. So with 10 to years experience, we're working with more than 300 companies. I'm here today to say with you a few tips on how to do that. So as Tom Maxwell once said, the single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on literacy development. There's almost no limit to the potential of an organization that we could good people, rise them up as a leader and continue to develop So from my experience, I had withdraw a few important note how to develop the leadership team and grow leadership teams. And today, I'm going to start with you 5 tips. And before that, I I do it.

I would like to say with you and inspiring stories that inspire me about true leadership. And that is the story of sec shecateant, the renowned architect exploring. 1940. Secutin set out to be the first to cross Antarctica. His leadership has in Split by the principal that we held here today. And in that terms, around World War 1. He stated on the newspaper, the following. Men wanted for hazardous release, small wages, medical, long man, a complete darkness, constant danger, safely turned doubtful, honor and recognizance in case of success. Those are the words that stated on newspaper for the recruitment of secondhand theme. In nineteen fourteen. This turned out to be an understatement. He said, oh, both the seat with his team on the expedition to be the first to cross Antarctica.

It could be his 3rd and last explorations of the Antarctic during the age of undertake explore races around the time of World War 1. Jersey struck early on when the expediency of the endurance were crisp between reefed at ice flow and sank in the way to see before ever reaching undertaker. They could become the start of 3 years saga. Whereby only true that determinations and willpower will be able to overcome some of the harshest and deadliest conditions on Earth. Just for you to know, around that time in analytics is -20 degree. Second was that might post forward into the unknown in order to return his man to safety. This became his new nuisance. For nearly 3 years, he and his team let his men overcome many extreme houses, hazardous murders, motor niches, and starvation with us a few of the shadons.

The 1st several months was spent walking the light boat and supply across a lab in a bag of ice to get the open sea. This proof exceeding difficult. In one example, In 3 days, they will had managed only 2 mice in what is now considered when the greatest nautical achievement in history. Section 105 is men cram into 25, 20 through the live boat, and set sail on the 830 Miles journeys. From Elephant Iceland to south shore's Iceland for Wailing Station where they could arrange rescue. To do this, the county buys part from 2 of their 3 live boats in order to reinforce the orders. It took them 13 days at sea. They faced hurricane force wind, sixty foot rogue wave, And hourly's treated cup sign due to size constantly freezing on their ringing. They navigate with nothing more than a compass.

Which reading was often impossible due to the storm clouds. And, again, all odds they succeed. May 8th, 1916. They finally reached south of Iceland. However, due to Treba weather, they were forced to land assault on the side of Iceland opposite the waiting station. They let them know choice, but to attend the 30 mile journeys by food up and over islands mountains interiors, equipped with fifty foot row and which screw pulls up to the boat. They make perilous strike in 36 hour. And despite several modern attempts, no group has been able to achieve the same role. Fire away or make one with their motor. Together, they preserve His men follow second to the hopeless situations and ultimate will rescue without single fatalities. So what makes second and leadership team truly exceptional? It was a unwavering commitment to one another. They're wrestling in the face of political cities, and they let rental net prosotropic silence.

They didn't even both manage the in spy, the manpower, and the lead by example. Leadership theme were mainly individuals, poses with pauses and opportunities. They are architegup couches, influencer behavior, and greater results. As we end up on the surely, to accelerate the leadership team grow. Less with head with the calmness wisdom that leader create couches. Cultures, thrice, behavior, and behavior, produce results. So in term of second stories, when does it become instant on I, second and rarely screw with work that echo with helps, optimism is through motor courage. And his management team remains steadfast in the coming into one another and they say, Missus. So if you want the organization to work as team, that lead us this theme need to become the eye themes.

What else set a good management theme from truly accepting a 1? It's ability to transcend individuals' angles and agenda to become the eye teams. A cohesive unit that operate with, say, purpose and collective seasons. If we run organization to function as well or in machines, our management team, executive team, and leadership teams, embodies the principle teamwork, coloration, and synergy. So slide second and his management team. And my second tip is priority people. In the fridge's dark net of isolations, secondhand prioritize the well-being of his team of ops. He ensured that every member feel value is supported. Regardless of the role, when supply and moral wanted, circuitant leaf spirit of leading in propane concert instilling a sin of commandeering that fortifies a spirit, again, the painting code.

All members were treated equally, and it took politically care with any one struggle to scope. When winter clothing were distributed, Sexton ends with the crew was supplied before the offices. Everyone says supplies. Sailors took scientific measurement and scientists would start cleaning duties with the crew and resecting himself. And when thing and when things came, he choose the life of his group above one else. And when he came home, his wife asked him, why leaving the pause when he was so glow? He said, I thought he prefer a life, a leaf donkey than a dead lion's. MIT number 3, is to make learning and leadership development part of the roles.

1 of the twelve that a lot of leadership team, executive team, or management team for in, which is forget that they also need to learn. And forget that leadership developments is one of the very important part of their task in order for the organization to grow within the leadership team and within the organizations. So as said, for priority people, as well as the peep people within the literacy team and within the organizations, you must play with it that grow the development and the well-being above all else. By making learning and leaders of development, integral part of our goals, We are not only embedding's future of our team, but also ensure that they are equipped with the skill and knowledge necessary to excel in 0. Insecting stories, remember that for them, his leadership team and him making sure that they exercise every day, even in the call. And so to maintain morals, They play soccer, participate in indoor games, and active dinners sleeping quarters in the home, which they locally call the rich.

Used to stage parties, game, and some unusual competitions. Because Secretary knew that the group biggest jailons would ask facing co or hunger, but sustain the spirit and creating stabilities. That is why he assigned duty to everyone and require all group members to exercise every day each night after dinner. 2nd good meet with the crew to give them the latest update. And for this, I invite you to try and experiment. Look at the goal and object that antagonization. What can you do to make learning and leadership development part of the theme and organization goals? My tip number 4, making sure that the lady tips leadership team are aligned on vision missions, and goals, and data behind that. It's not just about individual grow. It's about the collective success. You must align our leadership in vision, mission, and goal, force the understanding of where we are going and how we get there together.

One second, as billions turn into the crisis. He and his minister indemnify their new mission clearly. Bring all his man home safety and communicated clearly with them about what daily routines and tasks needed to follow to achieve that goal. Why that mission could never push? He remained flexible and improvising about how he and his team work to attain the targets. As everything from the weather and more shifted from day to day, second sense someone was skeptic with his plan, he would invite them to stay with him on his own time to address the concern. So learning from Secathon and his management team, we see that the story is a statement to power up effectively to see the important, the strong theme couches and transformative impact of the live visions and goals. My tip number 5 to you. Which is call create inspect and adapts. It's a legacy theme collecting work and process.

1 of the difficulty that leadership team, executive team, or management team face was to find out what is the collective work and collective process. And so often, they focus on any of your needs and individual KPI and forget that together, they're collectively responsible. So the question that I would like you to think about is what is it that require the leadership team to come together, intervene, apparently, and for which you are collectively responsible. And, Lars, I would like to say we did the quote from Howard shows. One of the leader that helped, Starbucks to become the Starbucks today. He said, when is so routed by people who say a personate commitment, a rather common purpose, anything, is possible. So that might 5 tips for you today, and I hope that you can use it indo.