Jennifer Cox is a Security Engineering Manager at Tenable, a global leader in Vulnerability Management. She is also an award-winning advocate for Women in IT and Head of Communications for Cyber Women Ireland.
Jennifer is a focused, driven, self-motivated individual with a commitment to achievement and overcoming challenging issues. She strives for the highest quality of service and personal approach.
Especially for the WomenTech Network, Jennifer agreed to give an interview, share her story and experience.
Watch Jennifer's talk "We're not worthy"....Eh! Yes, we are", and other inspiring sessions on our website.
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⚡️ Save the date: Women in Tech Global Conference 2023 will take place on May 9-12!
Tell us about your experience as a Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 speaker.
Being a speaker at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 was a real honor. An event that brings together so many women and supporters of women in tech is a huge achievement and Anna Radulovski is quite the inspiration. Being a part of that was a real pleasure for me. I’ve had lots of opportunities in the last few years to get involved in more initiatives supporting diversity and women in tech and as a result of these, I’ve learned a lot of tricks and tools for supporting and empowering women in tech. Helping women to learn skills around advocating for themselves, increasing their sense of self-worth, and identifying what it is they uniquely bring to their role has been a rewarding experience and at the Women, in Tech Global Conference I had the opportunity to take these tools and share them with a bigger audience.
What is your favorite thing about working in tech?
My favorite thing about working in tech is that it changes. There are so many career choices where it’s just a shinier version of the same day every day but working in tech is never that. I have the opportunity to learn new things all the time and meet new people. I’m always learning and growing and I don’t think that learning and doing better is something that should ever stop. Since I’ve gone into leadership I’ve simply taken it up a level. Now I’m not just learning about new tech but learning how to best support people in my team with their goals and achievements. This will never get old.
What advice (and tips) would you give to women who want to start a tech career?
For those starting a tech career I would say, don’t hesitate. Jump. There is a tendency among some to wait until everything is perfect or aligned correctly before making a change or a move. In tech, perfect alignment is not a thing. Lean into the change and go for it.
The most important thing anyone in tech can learn is that the position you choose today is not a life sentence. You don’t have to do it forever. If you become a developer and you decide after five months or five years it’s not for you, you can change. You can do anything you want in any area you want. Any great company will support you in your journey. What a wonderful industry to be in.
Who would you recommend to join the WomenTech Network?
I would recommend to anyone in tech, taking a break, returning, considering a career in it, or even loosely aligned to tech, to join the WomenTech Network. There is education, mentoring, speaking opportunities, networking, conferences, career advice, advocacy, and even more. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose.
To recognise the achievements of our community and beyond we are hosting the annual Women in Tech Global Awards 2022. Nominate yourself or someone else: